Information-Action Gap

How wide is my Information-Action Gap?

The time lag between receiving information and acting on that information is what I call the Information-Action Gap.

  • If it's wide, there's a long delay between information and action.

  • If it's thin, there's a short delay between information and action.

An observation about the highest-performing people I've been around:

They have a razor-thin Information-Action Gap.

They gather information and advice like the rest of us, but unlike most, they also act on it almost immediately.

Note that action can come in various forms:

  • Process and reject new information or advice as unuseful.

  • Follow up on new information to dig deeper.

  • Teach new insight to someone to cement learnings.

  • Incorporate new information into existing routines and process.

The key is that new information does not lie fallow—uncultivated, unused, unproductive—for very long.

Here's a helpful framing:

If information isn't nurtured with action, it loses its power.

Nurture all new information and your progress will accelerate.


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