In-situ Health and Fitness Team

Meet the Team

behind In-situ

While In-situ was founded in 2020, it truly started in 2018 when Mack and Jack first met.

Jack, owner of Primal Performance gym, and Mack, a passionate nutrition coach, were both passionate about educating and assisting people in improving their health through fitness and nutrition. They believed Mack would be a valuable asset to the Primal team as an in-house nutrition coach, so they decided to join forces.

Fast forward to the beginning of the pandemic when In-situ was founded. “We saw the demand for personalised home programs and virtual support that came with gym closures at the beginning of 2020 and decided to move online. This allowed us to continue helping some of our beloved friends from Primal while also expanding our reach.” - Jack.

Since switching to an online business, Mack and Jack's focus has shifted to helping other busy professionals incorporate health and fitness into their lives because now, more than ever, they know that “health is the basis for success in all areas of life.”

Jack Graham | Mack Rykers

Jack Graham

Personal Trainer

A functional movement specialist with over 14 years of experience. Jack is an expert in muscle building and guides clients to reach their goals through a detailed and attentive approach.

His passion is for helping clients become the best version of themselves. Fascinated by what the human body can do both physically and mentally, he has spent his life exploring the limits of his own body and understanding the meaning of fitness, health and wellness.

“I have a keen eye for detail and love helping clients improve in every aspect of their life.”

Why I Coach.

I have been working out since I was 15 years old and it has helped me achieve both physical and professional goals. I want to help others improve their health and fitness so they too can achieve more!

My Qualifications.

Certificates 3 and 4 in Personal Training 

CrossFit Certificat Level 1

My Specialties.

Muscle Building

Strength Training

Injury Prevention

Favourite Book.

The Worlds Fittest Book
- Ross Edgley

Favourite Exercise.

If I HAVE to choose one… Back Squats.

Favourite Food.

Medium rare steak with asparagus, mushrooms and broccoli!

Mack Rykers

Nutrition Coach

A fitness enthusiast, psychology student and most importantly, a passionate nutrition coach!

Mack creates personalised eating guidelines that fit seamlessly into a busy lifestyle. Her favourite secret to success is building healthy habits that result in incredible long-lasting results.

“Whether you are looking to change your body composition, create a new lifestyle or learn how to gain control of your habits, I’m sure that by working together, we can achieve anything!”

Why I Coach.

I know first-hand how much nutrition and lifestyle impact our mood, energy and overall experience of life. I want to help as many people as possible live long, happy and exciting lives.

My Specialties.

Sustainable Dieting

Habit Building

Mindset Change

My Qualifications.

PN Qualified Nutrition Coach

Bachelor of Psychology (in progress)

Favourite Book.

How to Win Friends and Influence People - Dale Carnegie

Favourite Exercise.

Unpopular opinion but, Bulgarian split squats!

Favourite Food.

Pizza! But it has to be a woodfire, minimal toppings, and traditional Italian style.

Online nutrition coaching and personal training

“I know what to do... but I have a hard time staying consistent.”

When life gets crazy and responsibilities at home and work pile on top of each other, it’s easy to let our health and fitness slip. The years go by and we don’t even realize how much our health has declined.

But for most of us, there comes a time when we realize things must change. A time when gaining control over our body takes on new urgency.

When it’s time to turn things around it can be difficult to know where to start. And staying motivated is hard — especially if you try to do it all on your own. That’s where we come in!

Online personal training

Let’s change the way you think about Personal Training.

A PT shouldn't be someone who only helps you through a workout once or twice a week. We believe a PT should help you through every aspect of your life to help you achieve your health and fitness goals.

Often, a PT session costs $60-90 per 1-hour. You only get your trainer for that hour, and it's only at a time that works for them. What happens if you have questions about workouts, injuries, movements, or nutrition outside of that hour session? Can you text your PT anytime with your health and fitness questions? Most likely not.

What if we told you that you could have access to a PT no matter where and when you workout?

What if you had access to your PT anytime to ask the question you need to be answered to help you achieve your goals? What if your PT worked with you daily to teach you habits and strategies to reach and keep your goals for the rest of your life?

Good sales pitch, right?

It might sound like a sales pitch, but this is exactly the kind of service you receive from us.

What Our Clients Have to Say