#30. The Friday Wrap-up, 17 Dec

In this episode we answer these questions;

  • Tip for taking time off socials media.

  • What keeps you going when you're unmotivated.

  • Supplement recommendations when working out.

  • Accepting the weight loss process and not getting discouraged.

  • What is your morning routine, and what does it like?

  • My sister-in-law has gone vegan and lost weight. Would this help me lose weight too? 

  • How can I get better sleep? 

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What is up? Everybody? Welcome back to another episode. This is the Friday wrap up, and my name is Jack Graham iMac graphics and today is a little bit different. Usually, we go over various topics, teachable moments, things that made the week enjoyable, but today we've got some Q&A's. We thought it would be fun just to do a whole show on questions and answers.

As always, if you get something out of this, make sure you share it with somebody because it is an informational one. If you're listening along, take a screenshot and then share it on your stories on socials and tag us. @jack_insitubody


Always forget that one. And if you're looking for something free, and you want to continue your health and wellness or look for some recipes. Workout guides. All that sort of stuff.

Head over to www.in-stitucollective.com/free, and you can pick up some free guides there. Yeah, cool, awesome. So these aren't in any particular. Order or how fitness life habits all over the place? Yeah, we're going to jump all over the place. It should be a bit of fun. We had a lot of fun doing this last time, and if you feel like you got any questions, hit us up on those same socials, and we'll answer them on the following Q&A.

First one. OK, the first one is

"tip for taking time off socials media".

That's ironic because we're just telling you all to get on. Socials can't give you many tips because I've never done it before, and I feel like I have to take time off social media daily consciously.

Don't you think that way? Otherwise, I just mindlessly scroll. Yeah, you know what I mean? So the tip that I. Probably have to suggest is to turn off all your social media notifications, so I don't have a statement for anything. I try and have like times that I go on socials and check them. The second one I've got is to put your phone on. Do not disturb. That is by far my most used phone feature. I'll love it and then you only. Get notifications when you want them. I'm at three. Move your social apps to another page on your phone, so you aren't subconsciously and automatically opening them when you open your phone. When, as I did, it is no longer. I rearranged my home screen, and there were so many times that I unlocked my phone and immediately went to press the button where the screen where Instagram lived without even thinking about it. I like to open my phone to text someone, and I'm opening in serum, and then 10 minutes later, I'm like, what was I doing again? Yeah.

And the last one that I had was to do something fulfilling and fun to get you away from your phone. Like being outside sucked being on your phone outside because you can't see the screen correctly, so it's a good way too, yeah? Yeah, I agree with all those I haven't had. I have a turn the icons off, but I haven't had notifications for socials or. I think I've turned all my information off except for phone calls and messages. So much better, yeah, and then when Jack does have his own like vibrate, it's like makes my eyeball twitch almost because it's on like her turn it off. I hate it.

The next question that I've got is

"what keeps you going when you're unmotivated."

Good question. I just always look at the bigger picture. I know that I need to do certain things every day to be healthy, fit, and live a long, healthy life. And when I feel like doing nothing, I can be sitting on the couch. I remember why I'm doing it and where I want to be when I'm 85 old, and it just gets me off the couch and wants to do something. I never think about it like that. Yeah, I always. I'm like. I guess I know where I want to be at that age. Yeah, and I've got to do things now to do it. But get there, I guess. Well, I don't rely on being motivated because. If I did, he would barely exercise or be like a week of solid exercise and then none. I feel like we have pretty good habits, though, in a place like we know what time, when and where we're going to exercise, and we just stick to it rather than being like, oh, I feel like exercising now, and it's like the middle of the day, and I'm at work. Damn it. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, and like that's not just something we've done like we have spent a lot of time working on things to have habits where we. Regularly go to the gym. Eat enough, drink enough.

All that sort of stuff, so it's just about starting. We always say that we start with something small. Make sure it's a habit, even it's just drinking enough water each day. Yeah, and then move on to the next one. And if you do that over two or three years, you will find it by the end of the third year. You will be just working out and doing all the right things. No matter what you do. Yeah, you won't want to miss a workout, essentially because it makes you feel so much better.

"supplement recommendations when working out."

Supplements aren't essential, and they are supplements. I guess they should supplement a healthy diet and lifestyle, but we have a few suggestions because we use a few things, so we'll start with pre-workout. I think we use coffee, and we've talked about this many times before.

Life cycle mushroom adaptogens so quarter steps and lines. Man, yeah, of the best pre-workout once. Yeah so. Just so most pre-workouts, you get in a tub, and they smell like sugar and lots of stuff. The main ingredient in those is caffeine. Yeah, and that gives you the best results in the gym from that pre-workout is caffeine. All the other **** like beta alanine. Yeah, it makes your skin tingle and lots of stuff, but it doesn't give you. Any benefits mean the gym. I feel like it's just there to make you mentally think, oh ****, it's working, yeah?

But yeah, caffeine, and it's well researched like he's one of the biggest. Except for creating, which I think I will get into. But yeah, caffeine is well researched to give you. You know performance-enhancing stuff in the gym yet, so you might as well just cut out all the **** and just have a black coffee. And it's cheap except in the PM we don't have coffee, and they don't have coughing. PM Cool the next one. We've got his protein powder. Yep, I feel like that's pretty basic. I use ATP science or reliable Australian quality good quality collagen protein. So if you have a sensitive stomach or don't get around dairy much, that's probably the best one that isn't whey protein that we've found. Yep. And the last one is creating. Yeah, so creatine does help with your workouts, but it is so much more than that. It is the best. I guess you could replace every multivitamin tablet you are ever taking with creatine. It is natural. It's something that comes from meat and fish. Your body stores it, but it doesn't store much, so you are just basically topping up those stores, and it just gives you. A lot of benefits for what it is. Uhm, I don't know when this will be coming at this episode, but if you go to our website, I've written an article in the recent past on the benefits of creatine. If you want to check it out, worth checking out www.in-situcollective.com/blog

"Accepting the weight loss process and not getting discouraged."

We've done a whole episode on this—the difference between weight and fat loss. If you mix those two up, you're going to have a tough time staying motivated because you can lose weight but stay the same size. Yeah, and then you can see that as not getting results, or you can lose sort the opposite of what I just said. Yeah, so it works both ways, so weight is just such a lousy metric because you can shrink a lot. And look fantastic, but your weight can go up. Yeah, and a lot of people will get that confused. So fat loss and weight loss are two different things, and I'd just make sure you got the right thing. Most people want fat loss. You only should be making weight loss if you're competing for some reason and you need to be a certain weight. That's the only time I'd recommend somebody judges weight, but measure yourself or get some good quality DEXA scans. All that sort of stuff to measure your body fat. Help us all, that sort of thing just to make sure you're shrinking. Rather than losing weight, yeah, I guess I also have some non-aesthetic based goals that help, like, if you want to change your body composition, yeah, but we also did a recent podcast on. Being healthy and results will follow. Yep, so if your focus is getting more energy, sleeping more, and drinking more water, I feel like they're more accessible—almost easier things for you to see results from, so it's just more encouraging.

I guess it helps you stay on track. You focus on the things that matter health-wise, and you will get results anyway. And it's just a lot easier to focus on those things than stressing about your weight or size. And the last thing I just wanted to point out was. You for it will forever be a work in progress, like don't think that once I lose this much weight, or once I look at this site, you'll be done or happy because you can't lose the weight or size and then go back to your old habits. You have to be working on yourself forever, and your body changes over time. I don't know how many clients I've had said, or ten years ago I weighed this much, and I want to get back to them like that was ten years ago, yeah? You're a more prominent human being. Yeah, you're going to have to lose muscle bone organs. All that sort of stuff just to get back to that. And it's not worth it. I find that does discourage many people, too is Instagram, so maybe you just need to get off Instagram for a bit of while or unfollow the people that make you feel like crap. Yeah, and generally, the people posting it's so easy and look at my abs, and I'm ripped, and all that sort of stuff is enhanced. They're taking some sort of.

Testosterone some something too, and there are things out there that will burn fat and build muscle and make you look good. And all very unhealthy, yeah. And also, how do you know that? Well, you should know by now if you listen to our podcast that. Those people that are posting like the AB ripped six-pack photos. They're probably old photos they probably got. Yeah, probably like cut their water intake like cut their food intake and did a week of photo shooting and making videos and now that's all they use because it's tough to maintain unless you're an athlete that physique. Yeah, so yeah, social messes you up.

The next question;

"What is your morning routine, and what does it like?"

So we wake up between 5:30, probably because Rolo wants breakfast, and he comes and wakes up at that time.

We get up. What we do, we get up. Make it I put the dishes away first. Usually, I try to delay having my coffee immediately, drink some water, have coffee and journal, sometimes read. A pending on what day? Generally, we will go for a walk before recording a podcast because we typically record the podcast in the mornings. Yeah, yeah. And so just going for a walk before that. It just sort of helps us get our brain awake and working. I feel like when we walk, we talk about a lot of like you know how when you're in the shower or you just or you're walking or you're laying in bed and things good things come to your brain because you're not doing anything. So I feel it's perfect for doing first thing in the morning and getting the red light. In your eyeballs makes you more alert for the rest of the day, so then we come back usually and do a little bit of work. And then have breakfast around nine-ish, 8:30 to 9:30 somewhere in there. So it's pretty much a morning get up. Do some tidying up. Go for a walk. Have a coffee.

Do some work, have breakfast. Yep, just easing today. We don't just wake up from straight into work. Yeah, because it's very unproductive. Well, for us anyway.

"Milk recommendations that aren't cows milk."

We did a whole podcast on milk or not. Full well, it was a Q&A podcast, but I just overtook it with all the milk facts. Yep, so we'll just do a quick basic one oat milk all the way. If you don't want cows milk, we use oat milk because it's the most sustainable. It has carbs primarily.

It's suitable for energy. I guess it doesn't make you feel nauseous. Some little bit of protein in there, little tiny protein. It's a bit cheaper than some of the nut milk. Nut kinds of milk are very. They use a lot of water and land to get produced, and there's a lot of waste. Yeah, to get the. Against nut milk out of the nuts, there's a lot of stuff that has to go into it. Yeah, unless it's done very naturally and then they can be pretty pricey, and as you said, soy milk is a people's most common choice, but very bad for the environment. Yeah, I think one of the worst, maybe next to almond. Although you believe you are making a good choice and not drinking cow milk, it's probably sorry. The soy industry is almost probably worse than the dairy industry. Yeah, at this point and also, oat milk tastes good. Like it tastes. I reckon it's probably the closest to cows milk because it doesn't have a weird nutty flavour.

I like this next question.

"My sister-in-law has gone vegan and lost weight. Would this help me lose weight too?"

Being vegan. So I'll just go over my thoughts, sorry. First of all, being vegan specifically isn't going to help you lose weight. Your sister-in-law probably lost weight because she cut out all of the processed food that is not vegan that she is eating processed, like things like meats, dairies, deep-fried foods, all that kind of stuff. So just imagine being going from eating a regular diet. Like with all that junk in it, to pretty much just eating vegetables. Yeah, essentially, that's what she's done. You can always wait. You're going to lose that weight anyway.

We have tried this before, and I've put on weight. I was trying to be vegan, vegetarian, sorry oh, that's right yeah, yeah again, calorie deficit you're going to lose weight and body fat no matter what. I was trying to maintain, and I could not eat enough fruit and vegetables to support. And it made me huge. Yeah, it's tough unless you have like a strong. Like the reason behind doing it, I don't recommend it and don't get me wrong. Some people out there can do it and eat at maintenance. We want a vegan diet and look good and feel good and operate well, and that's awesome. If you're going to give it a go, give it ago, but just make sure you eat enough to fuel your body correctly and get enough protein.

How can I get better sleep?

Get a Whoop!

What do I start with? The most common thing that people do wrong is wrecked their sleep. Having their phone in bed, a TV in the bedroom, watching iPad laptop, it's exactly what I was going to say. Oh really, yeah, great. No devices, no TV, nothing. And if you think that I know I've got one friend, he says it helps him fall asleep. It does not, as you've just conditioned your brain to believe that you allow. It enables you to fall asleep watching TV. This is like I feel like it's a similar effect. Alcohol people drink alcohol, and they think they sleep well, but you don't get into that deep state when you. Pandering alcohol like, and you don't get into that deep state when you have noise and light going on around you. Yeah, it's just backing you up. Real bad, yeah? Yeah, I'd go into the second one as. Don't eat before bed. Try not to eat two to three hours before going to bed if you eat right before bed.

I've seen a study the other day or the other week about how it affects your sleep. Again, you might think you're sleeping sound, but it doesn't. Caffeine does not have caffeine after 12:11 AM. Furthermore, people reckon they can have a coffee and fall slate, straight sleep. And definitely, you can, but it affects your sleep patterns. You're sleeping, but you're not sleeping well, yeah. And also notes that coffee isn't the only thing with caffeine in it—also, black tea green tea. I feel like people think I'll have a tear. Relax me, but those two teams have caffeine in them—a lot of chocolate. Don't have sugar, and he likes stimulants. You can think of. We haven't mentioned blue blocks to get some blue blocks to come to wear them. Ideally, they will help you suck circadian rhythm once the sun goes down. Get into a good pattern. Yeah, Yep, definitely one of the easiest things you can do as well. Yeah, you don't have to necessarily change anything apart from putting some glasses on your face. The easy is probably the most accessible place to start.

Give yourself time to wind down. I feel it is important because we go from the gym to eating to bed the night before and my worst nights sleep. When you're super stimulated to like, I guess it links with turning off the screens. Uhm? I know TV is relaxing, but it's also so stimulating. I'd say get a whoop on your wrist. So yeah, you can't improve what you're not measuring, and you might think you're getting good sleep, but you don't know until you measure it and a whoop. I know a few people who have orderings, anything to measure it.

But, yeah, where user whoop, it's pretty good. I feel like it's, you know, it takes a while to get to know you, but once it does, yeah, it gives you an accurate sleep pattern analysis, so I guess you can say yeah, and it recommends how many hours you need. How many hours of sleep should we be getting to recover well and? And this is again, this usually comes up with this sort of stuff, but everybody is like you know, especially mothers or I can't get any more sleep. That's fine. Just improve the sleep you are getting. Yeah, I can't stress that enough, even if for some reason you're getting four hours broken up, and then you go back to sleep for another two hours or whatever, or it's three and three or whatever it is, make sure those three hours are the best quality sleep you can have. Do the things we said, no screens, blue light block, especially if you're getting. Up at night, yeah, don't switch on all the lights. Have some red lights around, so you don't have to flick on any lights. Yeah, where the blue light blockers no stimulants don't get on your phone when you wake up. That's the worst—all that sort of stuff. Just make sure you get the best quality sleep you can get with those hours. I think one last thing to mention for that is having a cool bedroom cool and dark bedroom because. There's nothing worse than waking up sweating. Your body needs to be excellent for getting into a good sleep state. Yeah, definitely. And many people will take a cold shower to then go to bed. But it's the opposite. So when you have a cold shower, your body has to warm itself up to bring your core temperature up. So you're better off having a hot shower. So your core temperature drops, and tries to cool your body down before you go to bed. Yeah, that makes sense. It's a bit opposite to what you think, but that's how it works. And yes, staying cool during the night. It is a dark place that is handy for sleep, but that's probably. Focus on that last. Do everything else we said first and then work on that.


#31. The 2021 Wrap-up


#29 How Keep Fit & Healthy When Travelling.