#29 How Keep Fit & Healthy When Travelling.

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Welcome back, everybody, to another episode. Today we're talking about, or we're going to give you tips and strategies to stay healthy whilst you're travelling. I feel like you could use these at any time in your life, so make sure you stick around and listen to the whole lot because I'm sure everybody will get something out of this. Plus, there is a free download to go with this episode, so head over to our websites and set your collective.com free. You can find the stay healthy while travelling guides, and everything that we're talking about in this episode is there, plus two weeks worth of workouts. Yeah yeah. So exercise you can use while travelling at home at families place wherever you are and just Max nutrition tips and strategies to help you out so you can print it out and take it with you wherever you go. All right, so. Enough about that. Let's get straight into it. We will break this up into two sections—obviously, exercise and movement and nutrition. I'll go first. So the first, I've sort of broken mine up into two sections as well. The first one is for everybody, and then I will go over beginner, intermediate, and advanced for workouts for travelling. Yep, so the first one is again for everybody, and that's neat. So what does need stem for? Again non-exercise activity thermogenesis, and that is. Like the little things, you do throughout the day, rather than structured exercise, yeah. So a lot of people get caught up on how many calories their workout burnt and all that sort of stuff where if you're moving enough throughout the day again, it could just be like mowing the lawns going for a walk, pacing while you're on the phone? Yeah, that's good. You are just moving the House instead of just sitting on the couch or sitting at your desk and not moving at all. That will burn more calories than a workout. So it's more important to focus on that. First, then it is a workout when travelling or in general. Yeah yeah. So, even more, when you're travelling. Yeah, so this is very hard, especially if you're going to be an airport or aeroplane sitting in the car sitting in the car.

All that sort of stuff, so you need to sort of strategize your movements on these days because you haven't got as much time to move. So if you can in the morning, do as much movement as you can when you get to where you're going or back from where you've been. Again in the afternoons or evenings, move as much as you can. Go for a walk, do what you need to do. We've used a little strategy when we travel: doing pushups and squats before we eat. So not. So I can pay ten pushups and 20 squats every time before you eat, and it adds up over the day. So before you snacks before your lunch, all that sort of stuff doesn't take that long. Long. Minutes at the most and gives you many more movements during the day and the day. And it's just an easy way to get it in. But all those reps add up quite a lot over the day, yeah? Uhm, anything else to add tonight? I don't think so. I feel like any movement is better than no movement, to keep that in mind. Yep, yeah. So even when you're travelling in a car, stop every hour, two hours, put a timer on and just get out of the car for 20 minutes and walk around and don't sit down. Yeah, I feel like many people get out and then go and sit down and at the cafe or something. And it's almost like a relief. Just sit down even though you've been sitting down for the last two hours. Yeah, yeah. So yeah, movements are essential for everybody. Uhm? The next one would be. So again, let's go into beginner, so beginner workouts when you're on the road or working out when you're working out on the road. Or in holidays, yeah? Or it's your family. It would focus on full-body workouts at low intensity and the full range of motion.

Such as a full-body workout. You've got to take into consideration what's around you. If you got some dumbbells or just an odd object, you could use to shoulder press or do some pulling width bench to do some dips on all that sort of stuff. Yeah, so if you're looking for that sort of stuff, please head over to the website and download the guide because you'll find a few of these workouts in there, but just slowing it down—a full range of full-range movements. Is better than half reps and a full range is going to work on your mobility. It's going to move your joints from sitting down all day. Even yoga. Yeah, just going through a slow pace Joker, moving your joints and your body parts and all that sort of stuff. That would be what I'd get a beginner to focus on. Yep. And then intimate. It would be some picking it up a bit again, adding in some weights, doing whatever you can start incorporating every single muscle group again if you download the hard to describe a complete workout on the podcast. But if you head over and download the PDF, you'll see them all. Just make sure you hit every muscle and load it up a bit. This is the intermediate would be where you start bringing a bit of intensity into it as well. So even if you're doing like a minutes work and 30 seconds rest so a minute work, you can't go too intense because you burn out too quickly. And yeah, so you're just taking your time. If you're doing squats, you're just taking your time focusing on complete range movements, good quality form and just working for the whole minute, then have—30 seconds rest. Your heart rate shouldn't be up too much and then go into the next one again. Just incorporate what you've got around you, and then obviously, the advance would be high-intensity interval training. But again, I would strongly recommend not going there straight away if you haven't got control of your movements and you haven't got a full range in your joints and all that sort of stuff. I'd say stay away from hit training.

Good quality movements, good range and understanding of your body. Then head into the high-intensity interval training. So a good example I like to use for this is Tabata. So Tabata was originally used for a single workout, so for those that don't know, it is 20 seconds work and 10 seconds rest, and it is a translate grounds and four minutes work. Yeah, that's right, so 4 minutes work, and you think that's not too bad, but. It was originally used on athletes, and it was that intense that the athletes couldn't do anything afterwards because it was so intense. And your body is just ruined, so that's the sort of intensity you want to bring to whiny interval training. So again, it doesn't really matter what movements you're doing but focuses on full range at high intensity, so again, intensity is going to be different for everybody. Still, you don't have to deal with somebody. You can do 30 seconds work 30 seconds rest, but you need to be. At a high intensity for the full 30 seconds, OK. And 30 seconds is probably the Max you. Whatever you do for work, you need to double the rest. So if you do 30 seconds of work, you need to do a minute rest to recover enough so you can give it your role in the next 30 seconds exactly. And that's about it. Again, don't overcomplicate it too much. Again, focus on neatness, so move more during the day or whenever you're travelling and then have a bit more intent behind your workouts. When you can get a workout in because obviously, you haven't moved too much during the day, so you want that workout.

To be the most beneficial, yeah. I don't think I'm going to leave it there. Yeah, cool. Uhm, I guess one thing that we always forget about is people who are a part of a family and have kids, and I feel like a problem that many people have trying to exercise while their kids are around. So I would suggest making not making like asking them to join you because they like to copy you. You know they want to do what you're doing, and it'll help cause them to burn energy. So they're quieter in the car you can concentrate better while driving so don't forget. Yes, to ask everyone in your family to join in. Yeah, even if it's just a bit of fun and some, you know, body weights, flow movements, and it's just a bit of fun, you still move, and it doesn't have to be. You know, a very intentional workout. If everybody joins in having a bit of fun, everybody's moving. It puts everyone in a better mood as well. I think precisely, yeah, excellent. OK, so onto the nutrition side, the first probably most beneficial point that I've got is. To plan your stops and plan good holidays, I guess. So try like look ahead of time. You can use Google Maps for this, and just search like cafes or better fast food options like Oliver's is a good example in Australia that we always use when we travel and then knowing that Oliver's is 3 hours away then you can maybe pack some snacks if you know that you're going to get hungry within that three hours. And then you can also see a finish line, I guess. So while you're driving, it's been two hours, only one hour left and will get like some good food, and I feel like it makes it a bit easier to control how much you eat because you know that soon you're going to be able to have something good to eat, I suppose.

Another thing that I would say is don't wait until you're starving, so try to eat when you think you're a little bit hungry, because then you make better choices. You can think more clearly, and you're not just going to have whatever because you're starving to death. He would be able to see, choose something a little bit healthier, and think about what you can control. So obviously, you can hold the snacks that you pack. You can control where you're going to stop. You can control the food that you buy. If you're not starving to death, you can handle it.

I don't know what else like planning is all within your control, I guess. So before you leave for the trip, think about what is in your possession, what meals you can have control over, and start with that. Yeah, OK. The second tip is protein, so when you get your meal or snack or whatever, try and focus on protein as the most significant ingredient of any snack that you get. I guess it's going to keep you. Full for longer it's. I don't know, that's probably the main benefit of travelling. So I guess examples could be like it's tough to get good protein when you travel. Yeah, that's for sure. When I say protein, don't just get a pie because it's minting. Either you want to get protein first and then like. Salad and vegetables are probably your best bet while travelling, so examples would be like a chicken wrap, some meat sandwich. If you can get like a good burger, that's like a burger with the lot or something like that. UM, salads that come with a side of meat, boiled eggs, and many places have just boiled eggs now. Right, But if you can buy a salad somewhere and then a boiled egg.

Like worst-case scenario, something like a pie and a sausage roll, but then get yourself fruit or a salad or some veggie sticks. So it's not just saturated fats and stuff that you're having. Uhm? And then I guess they're all protein snacks out there. They are usually high in calories, and they're probably not as satisfying. But worst-case scenario, they're still better than a bag of lollies, yeah? So then the third one we've got is pack snacks, which I feel like everybody struggles with. No one wants to. I don't know. I don't know if people don't want to take snacks that they don't think about taking snacks. I always bring snacks pretty much everywhere we go, so. First off, get protein bars, preferably from the protein. The company that you buy your protein shakes from. That was a lot of protein. So you get like for good quality protein bars, so you know what all the ingredients are. You've had them before. You see if they fill you up or not. And then fruit. It's like literally a nature snack. It's just ready to go. You can pre-cut it if you want, so it's easier to eat while you're driving. Make muffins that have fruit in them. Or you can make protein muffins, veggie muffins, fruit, and veggie muffins. The options for muffins or endless mini quiches are good, and you can have them cold. So just like an egg, some protein in there like chicken or bacon and veggies. A protein shake, I feel, is very overlooked because you do drink a lot of water when you're driving just for the sake of drinking it. I find so having a protein shake will also help you feel fuller for longer and probably popcorn's the best like snakey thing I could think of that isn't too high in calories because. You don't want to take snacks that you can mindlessly eat that ******* behind calories because they don't fill you up. After all, you're not registering that you're eating them. And then you're going to eat far too much food than you need, considering you're probably not doing much movement or exercise. Which is my last point is that it's OK for you to miss a meal when you're travelling. I feel like the world, Jack, and I first started travelling. Jack would be like. I don't. I don't want lunch or breakfast and have like, what the heck we can't have lunch or breakfast because I'm just an eater. You know we like it. Uhm, but yeah, because you're not doing, you're probably not doing an hour-long of structured exercise, like usual. You probably aren't going to. I don't know. Walk the dog. You're not going to clean the house, not gonna run around after kids. You're just going to be sitting in the car or plane for most of the time, so. Likely if you're not doing as much movement, you will not be burning as much energy, so it's OK for you to miss a meal. That's like the world is not going to end. But in saying that, it also does depend on what your goals are like. If your goal is to lose weight, then that will be a more favourable option, whereas if your goal is to preserve and build muscle, then it's slightly less fortunate because you do need it. The calories for that, I guess, yeah. Yeah, I sort of feel like. On the days when you aren't moving as much? Yeah yeah, it's OK to be a little bit hungry. Yeah, and I feel like you. The more you are in tune with your body, and the more you're focusing on your health and fitness, you will start to feel less hungry naturally or naturally not want to eat as much on the days you aren't exercising. So cool to recap.

Plan your stops. Olivers is an excellent healthier restaurant to consider. Second, focus on protein first and then add vegetables, salads, and stuff. Third pack good quality snacks and forth. It's OK to miss a meal. Yeah, good if you feel like we've missed anything or there's something you do that we didn't mention, please hit us up, and we'll try and add it in next time this comes around or will post about it if we get a few. You are adding to this. And yeah, if you got something out of it. As always, please share it around. Fan, friends, and a family you know travelling past this episode onto them. Give him download the PDF.

And yeah, that's about it. Cool awesome. Thanks again for tuning in. I will be back on Friday for the wrap-up, so make sure you hit subscribe and follow wherever you're listening so you don't miss that episode. Uhm, and I will talk to you then yeah, have a good holiday, bye.


#30. The Friday Wrap-up, 17 Dec


#28 The Friday Wrap-up, 10th Dec