#31. The 2021 Wrap-up

Jacks favourites

#5. Episode 14 and episode 18, So again, focus on your health and results will follow.

#4. Episode 11 is building muscle for fat loss.

#3. Episode 7, Our Q&A about milk and sex.

#2. Episode 3, Five reasons you don't have any energy episode.

#1. Episode 10, the difference between fat loss and weight loss.

Macks favourites

#5. Episode 9 How to be more productive.

#4. Episode 14 focused on your health, and results will follow.

#3. Episode 7 answering questions from milk to sex, My second favourite.

#2. Episode 28 Friday wrap-up, 10th of December.

#1. Episode 26 how to stay fit and healthy over Christmas episode.

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Yes, welcome back, everybody. This episode is a little bit different. It is the last Tuesday episode of the year, so we're going to bring this back in the New Year, but don't stress, we still got the Friday wrap upcoming matches every week over the summer holidays, and we're going to wrap this year up with our favourite podcast from the In-situ|Collective podcast. Yes, our favourite episodes. What we talked about, what you'll learn from those podcasts. And yeah, just wrap those up. And we're also. We are going to go over our five guests. So yeah, that we had this YearYear. All excellent interviews. So if you missed any of the earlier ones, you want to go back and make sure you listen to those. Yeah, so make sure you listen to this whole episode so you can learn about our favourite episodes and what you'll learn about in them. And if you haven't already, make sure you hit subscribe. Follow wherever you're listening. Help us grow this podcast. It is increasing week by week, which is fantastic. So thank you, everybody, for listening. And sharing it around it's been good. So let's do it. Let's get into it.

Alright, so we're not including the guest episodes in this. I figured we could just go through our guest guests anyway, from the first one we had on to the last one. Just review. Yeah, just because I didn't want to play favourites on any of the guests. Wanna hurt feelings? But they're all excellent. I enjoy doing the guest episodes. If anybody out there is listening and wants to come on the podcast more than happy to get you on, we want to do a little more of next YearYear. Having a few more guests on the episode, so you don't have to listen to our voice carry on all the time, breaks it up a little bit, yeah, so yeah, if you're interested, hit us up on the socials. You'll find me at Jack_institute body and Mac. In situ nice. Or you can head over to our website and hit the contact us bit end will contact you back. Alright, so our very first guest, Alex Magical Alexandria, correct? Yeah, over zoom too. Yeah, so that's going back. That was the first guest we had on, so that was good. So Alex does. It's been a while. Alex helps people out relate with relationship coaching. That's right. Yes, it was all about relationships, not just relationships like your partner, more so relationships with yourself. Is somebody that struggles to have a bit of self-love or self-belief? It's an excellent episode to go back to and listen to Alex's story and how she got to where she was and why she does that and that business. So it's a good episode showing a bit of self-love there that was. I didn't write the episode numbers down. Damn it. But you found it. It's up there. If you hit the link below, you will find the website link and all our episodes. So next was Jess. Just to be, yeah, that was a good one. That was our first international guest from Berlin. She was also over zoomed shout out to our German listeners. Yeah, we have a few new things suggested, so thank you very much, Jess. That was a good episode. Yeah, Jess just talked about her journey through finding fitness again. I guess during COVID, which I feel like every one of us, especially if you listen to this podcast, would have probably gone through. Yeah, so, and it sort of comes up. I bring up one of my podcasts in my top five, but she just. She started it to be healthy, but then she began to get other body results and feel better and do it like and then she just took running into the next level. Jess did a half marathon, and then I believe she's looking for another full marathon and just well, I see she's in Melbourne now and looking to do some bright trail run I saw on Instagram today. Jess started getting into fitness, and it's just a good story for everybody to have a listen to.

Episode #12 Ella, our BFF from the gym.

Yes, Ella is what she just turned. 18, and she's an Olympic weightlifter, working her way up. I guess, to go to the Olympics. That's our end goal, but just talking about lifting weights when you're young. I think that was the most exciting part for me. Yeah, and just how she sort of steps on stage and deals with stress being 16 and life stresses and all that sort of stuff anyway, yeah and then and then going to compete and weightlifting. Suppose you haven't seen it before Olympic lifting. It's just you on the stage. There's no one else. Yeah, all the eyes are on you, so it's not like a team sport where you can maybe hide a little bit. It is just her, so she talks about that. She's done one comp since that episode, and she won, and she won. Yeah, she was smashing it still cool. That's number 13. She was right after Jess.

Then it was just James and me for that one. So I just started chatting with James one day, and he just had some excellent stories, and I'm like, hold on a second. You need to come on the podcast and talk about this. And then he started talking about all this stuff. But then you just dropped things like, Oh yeah, I did a marathon through a desert for seven days.

Well, hold on a second. Let's talk about that—just crazy stuff. And yeah, just the things he's done. We didn't even really get to dive that deep into it. We had to record it twice because of the first recording in our little studio here. It hasn't got any insulation. It started raining, so the audio got stuffed by the rain, so we had to re-record it even more profound. So you've got two times. Yeah, I felt like I was in the other room while you were recording so I could hear the conversation, and both times stories were slightly different. So I feel like you could like not as in the story changed as in he told you completely other things that he's done like he just forgot about half the stuff that he's done in his life, and I'm just like. This is so entertaining. Yeah, I was just listening. Yes, swimming the English Channel talks about, you know, training and all that sort of stuff and the lessons learned from doing big marathons big long. He swims all that sort of stuff, so it is a great listen. That's not episode #20 and our most recent one. #24 is Chantelle Pierce. Yes, that was also a great good episode.

I enjoyed that again, just listening to her story from basically where she grew up to where she is now and what she's doing. Great story. She's a yoga instructor here in Milton. Yeah, great little studio. I quite enjoy her classes, and yeah, it's fantastic to hear. What she went through, what she learned from yoga, how it helped her life, and how she now uses it to help others. Yeah, I liked the app. I guess the whole back story of yoga and what it takes to become an instructor. What it used to take, I think to become an instructor. And it's more than just stretching, which I feel is essential to get out there. Because I genuinely love yoga, and it is so much more than stretching. Yeah, we do talk about that a bit. How? Everybody just thinks I'm not flexible, so I can't, do you know? Yeah yeah, but it has nothing to do with that thing. You should see Jack, and he still gets through a session. Yeah, my body doesn't bend inside.

Alright, so there are guest episodes. What numbers were they again OK, so we've got Chantelle is number talking about yoga? Then we have James Walker #20, and that is anything as possible which is a pretty accurate title. And then we had Ella with Olympic weightlifting at Jess to be with Marathon running at and Alex on self-love.

So do you want to start at like five and work our way down to our favourite? I guess that's the best way to do it. Yeah, I wasn't prepared for that, but I can make it up as we go. Well, why you're thinking about it? I'll go first. So my five, I'm going to. I've got two episodes for my 5th. What well then that means you have six? Well, no, because it's very similar. So Episode 14 and episode 18. So Episode 14 is focused on your health, and results follow. And I've got that one too. Yeah, that's alright.

We can have the same ones. So I just feel that is just like. Such a strong message, and when people understand that and just start focusing on their whole health well-being. They get results no matter what because you're doing the things your body needs and naturally wants to move well. Feel good, have the right amount of muscle, low body fat, so you just have results. So focus on your health, go back and listen to episode 14 for that one and 18. How to get back into fitness? After a break, I'll feel like #18 is a perfect one for everybody to listen to. Could. Yeah, sort of stuff. So how do you get back into fitness? It was just an excellent episode.

We give many good tips and tricks and some habits to start doing to get back into health and wealth. So I feel like getting all the information we do in 18 is perfect for your health. And if you focus on those, you get results. So that's what happened there hand in hand. Yeah, alright, what do you got for number 5, OK? Well, I'm going to go with you. How to be more productive? So I think we did. This was one of the last episodes we did where we were filming us speaking. Yeah, so it was like for YouTube, and I hate that. I hate being filmed when I'm talking. I much prefer just talking to Jack right now, but I just felt like that was a good podcast because I had started studying, and I had been trialling a lot of things to be more productive, and I just felt like there was so much value. In that episode, and starting a new year, many people like to start trying different ways to do things, and that's an excellent place to find ways to start being more productive, and it's pretty popular on our YouTube channel. Is it? Yeah, so if you haven't already, make sure you head over to our YouTube channel and hit subscribe because many good things are coming next YearYear on that Channel or in the next few weeks.

#4. Episode 11 was how to build muscle for fat loss. Yeah, Oh yeah, building and building a healthy amount of muscle for fat loss. Yeah, and I feel like this is such a good message that I want people to go back and listen to that because, again, building muscle isn't necessarily getting big and bulky. It's just having a good quality amount of muscle on your body, and it just helps your body function properly and helps your joints move properly. You're going to have lower body fat. You're going to have lower visceral fats, so you're just going to be healthier. So if you want to sort of look a little bit. Better and feel a little bit better. Go back and listen to that episode. Yeah cool. What number was it? #1111 cool. OK, my #4 is answering your questions from milk to sex. It's a good one, like it genuinely had good content, and that's #7, so we just covered it in just one week. We just got questions from Instagram Question Box on both of our profiles and answered our top three questions or something like that. And one of the questions was the best milk to have, and I feel like it's a very controversial topic, and I love it. I am researching any. I guess controversial any fads? I like analysing trends, so like. Super Foods and myths and stuff like that. So I enjoyed exploring that and talking about it. What milk is the best? And I'm not going to tell you because you're going to have to listen to the episode to find out which is the best for the environment and the best for your body. So yeah, answering your questions from milk to sex.

#3 episode 7 again, milk and sex. Everything in between. Go back and have a listen to it. It is probably one of our most popular episodes because it's got the word sex in the title. I bet, yeah. So if you want to figure out why we're talking about sex, you're going to have to go back and listen to that episode. I'm alright, so that's what that was my #3. So you're #3. Oh, that was only my number 20.

#4. There are so many numbers going around. Yeah, OK, I've got it now. OK, my number three focused on your health, and results will follow #14. Jack is already told I liked that one for a slightly different reason to you, I guess. I don't know. I suppose it applies to men, but being a woman, I feel like you can get very caught up in how your body looks and exercise for your looks. And I go. I still go through this like it's almost like a cycle, you know, like a moon cycle I go through like exercising to get my body to look a certain way and then that's when I'm the most unhappy with my body because I'm not getting what I want. After all, it's unrealistic.

In contrast, when I just, I guess, eat healthy food and exercise to be active and healthy and because I enjoy exercising, I find I'm so much more happy and confident with my body had per cent. Yeah, that's a good point, and I'll sort of go through that over the last few months, like coming out of lockdown. You want to try and work out and look as good as you can. That's the worst goal to have. You can't. You don't get anywhere. Plus, as soon as I forgot about that, I just went in and did my workouts and focused on the activities and movement doing them correctly. I got much better results. Yeah, I started looking better than I ever have, absolutely, and I also feel this stress of worrying about how you look. All the time hinders the results you're going to get. Yeah, anyway, yeah, you're not thinking about your mind-body connection during the workout. You're not getting the proper stimulus.

Episode 3, so we're going back a little bit. Oh wow, wow, reasons why you don't have any energy. Oh yeah, we don't do any. We've changed a lot, haven't we? Yeah, so a good episode, and it just it's one of those episodes where you can listen to it, and it's five tips. You don't have any energy, but just one of them, and you change one of them, which could significantly impact your health and wellness. And your energy. Yeah, generally, when you have low energy, you're lacking some health Wellness area. Whether it's exercise, food, anything like that. Sleep, we talk about rest a lot. So yeah, so that was just. I feel like that's a good one for people to return, and I feel like doing all those five overrules all the other episodes I've just talked about. Oh, really, well, like. The good ones to focus on for your health and wellness, and if you focus on those five, you're going to get great results. Yep, in life, health, wellness, fitness. You are paying for free. All that stuff, yeah. What's your number to my number? I chose a Friday wrap up. I honestly love doing Friday wrap UPS because it's tough for me not to tell Jack the cool stuff that I find within uni, I guess. And things like that.

So then, by Friday, I can finally be telling whatever it is that I found. But a more recent Friday wrap up the 10th of December, we talked about some scary statistics on obesity and overweight people and your environment. It can affect your appetite and all that kind of stuff. I really enjoyed that episode, and I enjoyed learning about that topic at UNI. So you have to listen to it to find out what it's all about. Nice, what episode number was at #28. That was a good episode. Yeah, I feel like all the Friday wrap-ups are good, right?

We just sort of jump all over the place with them. Yeah, but they're worth listening to at the minute. They're underrated next YearYear. They're going to be. I'm going just to put in plaster them everywhere, yeah? Sorry, I'm number one favourite and number one episode. My favourite episode and I choose this one because of the message. I feel like a lot of people get discouraged. I was working out and focusing on their health and light source stuff because they focus on the wrong goals, yeah. So the episode was episode 10—the difference between fat loss and weight loss. Oh yeah, that was good.

If you don't know the difference between fat loss and weight loss, you're going to be doing all this work. All this effort into workouts. Nutrition eating the right foods, prep annoying foods. And you're not going to get the results you want because you don't understand what each one is, and they are two very different directions. You need to go in. Yeah, and generally, people are going in the wrong direction. And get the incorrect results. And get the opposite to what they're trying to get. So once you understand that life is a lot better, yeah, and you're a lot happier because you know what it takes to get those results, whether it's fat loss or weight loss, you are just more comfortable because you're moving in the right direction and you're getting the goals the results you want. So I can't stress that enough. And that is why it is my top favourite episode. We've done this YearYear. The difference between fat loss and weight loss. It is something I try and educate everybody and all the time in the gym. Although most of the time, they don't want to hear it. But I do try and educate everybody on that, and I feel like once you understand it, yeah, life is a lot better. Yeah, for sure, alright, what's your number one? I feel like I'm not as enthusiastic about my number one. It's got to be your number one.

It's like picking a favourite child you know still. OK, well, mine is how to stay—getting healthy over Christmas. I just liked that episode because it's not relevant for only Christmas and relevant for the whole YearYear. We did it straight after recording another episode, so I feel like we were a good vibe. We also had a lot of.

Different things to go with it, like I did an email with it and printed it out. We did a podcast, so there was like a lot that went into that episode to help you guys not fall off the wagon as such over Christmas and I love Christmas, so I just everything about it is excellent, and I feel like it's just relevant to not just Christmas time. I feel like it is a good episode because, as you said, it's not just Christmas. After all, you'll get busy. Life gets in the way sometimes. In your health and Wellness sort of gets put on the back burner, and you're like, Oh well, it's done now. Yeah, I've fallen off the wagon and can't get back on there so. It's just a good episode just to listen to get a few tricks, and tips and they're like the tips and tricks that we give are super simple. You don't have to put too much effort into it once you start doing that, and they become a habit quickly, and you've got them forever. Yep, I love patterns excellent. Yeah, so just for those with their pens and paper. I'll go over my top five again.

Jacks favourites

#5. Episode 14 and episode 18, So again, focus on your health and results will follow.

#4. Episode 11 is building muscle for fat loss.

#3. Episode 7, Our Q&A about milk and sex.

#2. Episode 3, Five reasons you don't have any energy episode.

#1. Episode 10, the difference between fat loss and weight loss.

Macks favourites

#5. Episode 9 How to be more productive.

#4. Episode 14 focused on your health, and results will follow.

#3. Episode 7 answering questions from milk to sex, My second favourite.

#2. Episode 28 Friday wrap-up, 10th of December.

#1. Episode 26 how to stay fit and healthy over Christmas episode.


#32. The Friday Wrap-up 24th Dec


#30. The Friday Wrap-up, 17 Dec