#22. Over OR Under Rated?

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Kettlebells! We had 27 people vote for underrated and 12 people vote for overrated. So a lot of people think they're underrated, which I would agree with. That's good. Yeah, I agree with that too. Kettlebells are quite good. A good piece of machinery, machinery, equipment, equipment to have in the gym, home, gym. You can get a lot done for, yeah. Yeah, it's very good for stimulating different muscles in different ways, and that sort of stuff. Yeah, definitely. I feel like. I'm not a fan of them, but that's because, UM. In the past, especially in lockdown, Jack is the ringleader for our exercise because he's the PT and we did a lot of kettlebell flows, which is like. Different exercises lead into different exercises where you don't put the kettlebell down and they are so hard like they get your heart rate up, they fatigue your muscles. If you have a heavy enough kettlebell, yeah, and it's just like one piece of equipment. Yeah, you can get a good pump on and get your heart rate up at the same time. Yeah yeah, that goes right into our next cardio workouts, so it was very close. So 21 people voted for underrated and 20 people voted for overrated. So pretty much. 5050 wow Uhm. Yeah. They're very necessary cardio. Yeah, yeah. I feel like it's very overrated though, yeah? Like yeah, there's like a line. I feel like there's a line of how good. Cardio is for you, but I feel like a lot of people, especially on social media. Advertise it well over that line. Yeah, like say that it's way better. And it gets you way more results than it does because it makes sense. Yeah, what's weight loss or fat loss? Yeah, equals cardio sweat equals all that sort of stuff, and it can't be further from the truth. And like I get a lot of ads for apps and programs and all that sort of stuff on my social media like from these guys and they're they got huge muscles and there's no way they've done cardio to get that. Yeah,

they probably just done one cardio session for that. Video for the ad of the app and that's it. Seems worth he. He advertises his centre app and there's no way he's done the workouts and the bodyweight workouts on his app to get those muscles. The body he's got. So yeah, very overrated. But students say yes, still necessary. She's still should be doing blue light blockers. 5050, 2020, so 20 people voted for yes and 20 people voted for no.

I feel like they're very underrated. Their 100% agree. A very useful thing. Yeah, I feel like the people that voted overrated probably either haven't used them or if they haven't got the results because. I didn't spend enough time wearing him. Yep, and letting the body get used to the new sleep patterns or something like that. Yeah, for sure or they didn't have proper blue light blockers. Yeah, I feel like as they're getting more popular. There's a lot of fake yeah ones out there. They're almost trendy. Yeah, in some areas like to have clear blue light blockers, you know, yeah, so there are some out there that are clinically proven to blue lights and you need to get those, yeah? Uhm, so underrated. Yeah, underrated. What do we get next? Organic foods. We had 23 underrated and eight. For overrated. So oh really yeah. Yeah, I definitely would have thought it would have gone the other way, but I guess there's a difference between organic food in a package that says organic and organic vegetables. Yeah, I feel like this is the same thing with cardio workouts being advertised. It's just that. Like over advertising? Yep, that people think it's overrated. Yeah, where? There's nothing better than, you know. Get growing your veggies out the back being fully organic. That's the best version. You could have a vegetable, yeah, but I'd almost say they're overrated as well. Just because of how heavily they marketed. Yeah, 100% and it's hard to tell. Like because it's a vegetable and there's no like where it was produced. The actual ingredients and stuff in it, like there, is in packaged food. It's hard to tell if it is just a label half the time or it's OK. So the laws on it are quite relaxed on what you can say is organic. Well, for what I would think you could say or what's organic, so yeah. Overrated? The next one is foam rolling. We had to vote for underrated. Oh really, and 19 votes for overrated. Oh so very close. I'd say very. I'd say overrated, yeah, same.

I feel like it's people go to for recovery, yeah, but. I feel like it's more of a mental thing than anything like mentally, you feel like you've done something to help your body recover, so that's why you might feel a little bit better. Yeah, but physically does it do much. I think people will fit. It might make you feel better, yeah, but that's probably a mental thing. Yeah, yeah, I think people rely on it too much for their recovery. Yeah, they might feel beaten up, or you know, type muscle or they got an eagle or something so they would just foam roll before a workout and go. Yeah, I'm sweet. Yeah, when you're not sweet and bigger issues are going on so I'm going to say overrated, yeah? Kiwis. Yes, I love a Kiwi, so we had for underrated and 15 for overrated. What who the heck things are

Are kiwis overrated?

They're very underrated. This one is coming up, but if there is any type of superfood out there, I would say Kiwi would almost take it. Yeah, I can say I can agree with that. I can't think of any other. Off the top of my head, yeah, just a lot of good vitamins and minerals in there. They are delicious, yeah, and it's there's also so many different types of Kiwis you can get. Yeah, somebody asked me this showdown. I don't know where if it comes up in my inbox or at the gym. But Oh yeah, one of our clients asked. Uhm? About should they eat one type or various types, always various types. Yeah, that was what I thought as well always. You're going to get different vitamins and minerals from different species. So yeah, have as many different ones as you can. Home workouts we had 30 underrated and 14 for overrated so very underrated. Do you think they're underrated? The populations that people vote, yeah, people who voted think they're very underrated. And I'd agree, yeah, I'd say underrated. They're just a good way if you need to get some more movement in during a day. We spoke about this last night on our group training call for our clients. Movement is just what you should be doing to live a healthy life. Doesn't matter what workout it is, you just need to be moving. Doesn't matter bad intensity or whites or anything like that. Just move. Yeah, and I think one bad thing about it. The whole home workout thing is that it's called a home workout, so people think for them to do a home workout. They have to get hot and sweaty and do star jumps and burpees. Do you know when it just should be home movement? I know that sounds corny, but you can just sit there for five minutes and practise your squat. Yeah, spend 5 minutes trying to get a better squad and that it can be a workout. Yep, and it's movement. So yeah, underrated. Uhm, the next one was Super Foods.

Yeah, we had for underrated. And 18 for overrated people. Most people think they're underrated, yeah? If you read the post, I put it up the next day. They are very overrated, yeah? Uhm, yeah, there's not. I don't think there's such thing as a superfood know and like we just said you shouldn't have variety like you shouldn't be having one food because it's classified as a superfood and thinking it's going to give you everything you need. You've got to have all of the foods because they all offer you different things. Yeah, and that's just like. Yeah, I think Keyways are probably the best out there but don't just eat Kiwis. Yeah, for your fruit. Yeah, have different types of fruits, yeah? Superfood is just a marketing thing, yeah, and it was invented to be a marketing thing and it still is used as a marketing thing. There's no such thing as a superfood. Uhm, and then we've got the rest of the list. Or is once you guys put in the question box for us to sort of go over and the first one was this person. Sort of said influences and certain body types are very overrated. So these influences are saying, you know, pretty much what we're saying is, do our workouts and you get this type of body. And she's saying that's very overrated, yeah, and you know, trying to. Stereotype a certain way that women should look. Yeah, yeah. 100% is very overrated and pretty much what we went into. It is a big problem and unfortunately cardio workouts and skinny girls. And sweaty good looking girls sell lots of. Programs, improvements, and that's all it is. It's just marketing. Again, people are just using their bodies and.

Sweat as marketing, yeah, so I'd say it's very overrated and I guess when you see those sorts of things before you think. How if I get their product, I'm going to look like them? Think why are they selling this product like they just? They just want to get paid, you know yeah anyone else and this isn't just women. This is guys as well. Yeah, I cannot stress over ruffle. There's a lot of guys out there I stopped following a lot of people on social media because I look at their bodies and go. Why can't I have that? Yeah, and I could have that. Maybe I don't have their body type, but I'm also not going to put that many steroids into my body as well. And if you only want to eat chicken, broccoli and veg. And rice for three meals a day? Yeah, like it's so unsustainable and like we spoke about on many other podcasts. They're not healthy, no? And then not probably not gonna live a long healthy life. No, so overrated. Overrated enough about that one. Yeah, next one all day, next one it would have had to come up in hours or somebody putting in there. But sleep. Yeah, very underrated. Very. I can't stress that enough if you want to improve anything, whether it's fat loss, weight loss, muscle gain, mood hunger. Everything energy, life, sleep in previously so very underrated powerlifting. Power so that would be bench deadlift and squat, yeah. Uhm? I again I sort of say that's. Just. Appropriately. Right, it's nasty. I reckon in my social media feed it's overrated. OK, just because I feel like. Maybe because I follow so many other women on social media and. They do like bodies. I feel like bodybuilding is very common at the minute, maybe because it's for aesthetic purposes, so people aren't even looking to compete. Do bench squat and deadlifts Yep.

Is it overrated? Odd sites are very underrated. 'cause if you focus on those yeah, and when I say focus, I don't mean that's all your workouts consist of. If you focus on trying to improve your deadlift, the bench press ends back to score. Yeah, you're going to feel good. You're going to move where we're going to be pain-free. You're going to have a body that looks better because it's going to be muscular in the right ways. Yeah, like not. I'm not talking huge like a strongman or anything, but you're going to have a good proportion of. You know muscle throughout your body. And. You know, doing all the accessories to build those up as well benefit that. Yeah true, so I'd say it's very actually very underrated, yeah? Uhm and they like the original. Like when weightlifting said they liked the original 3. Maybe we should look into that? Yeah, not really. They sort of. I guess the original one wasn't just an overhead press. Oh really, yeah, so back in the circus days when strong men, yeah, so they would just get the old barbell or just the dumbbell and pressed overhead. Yeah, and when no one else could lift it off the ground type thing? Yeah, so it was just a thing too. Prove how strong you were to get the weight over your head and do an overhead press. Interesting, yeah, yeah. Sweet potatoes, overrated? Oh OK, what were you going to say? Underrated because like I thought, they classify people, classify them as a superfood. True, yeah, and they're not a superfood. They have more calories. I feel like they have more calories in white potato. Yeah, and I feel like people are like they're the Holy Grail. They're going to help me lose weight if I eat sweet potatoes. You're wrong, yeah yeah, yeah, OK, I'll say that overrated. There's nothing wrong with white potatoes, no. Soy milk is so overrated, overrated it's gross. It's processed. It takes a lot of landmasses to produce a lot of water to produce. At Raxaul Environment, it's gross that I say that already. Yeah, I feel like a lot of people turn a soy milk kiss because of.

Ethical reasons and I think they're making a better choice, but if you dive a little bit deeper into the research and what it takes to produce soy milk, you'll realize that it's probably not the best option, even compared to cow milk it. Uses so much more landmass in water to produce, than having dairy cows does and if you go over I think it was maybe last five to seven years. A lot more land has been cleared to plant soy, beans, beans. Then farming, yeah, right? So we did. We did a Q&A podcast and we went over that. A lot of kinds of milk you went into a lot of kinds of milk.

Thrusters! What do you think I'm going to say that over I'd say underrated like used in the right if you don't know what a thruster is, just hidden in Google or YouTube and you'll find it. But it's a squat and press combined into one. Yeah, you can use kettlebells, dumbbells, barbells. Body wife, I guess you could do. So underrated I guess because it is legs and arms and the core hole is so much cooler. Yeah so if you do it right, it's very underrated. Yeah, if you're doing it wrong and the wrong intensities, it's very overrated. Uh, we'll go for one more and that is keto. Me overrated. I feel like any diet-specific diet is overrated. Yeah, I agree. Yeah, I thought you were going to say on the radio. Now it has its place, but as you said, I don't think. You can just go will ketos are best and keep those are an only thing and. I feel like anything that you have to cut out too many foods. Is very overrated, because unsustainable, and we're human and it's not what we do. Uhm, so done overrated? Alright, there it is unrated, overrated if you disagree with any of those or you have your own opinion. Again, hit us up on socials, take a screenshot and put a little comment on your screenshots on your stories and tag us both so we can see it and get your opinion. This was a lot of fun, so we'll do this one again sometime soon, so keep make sure you follow us on social media so when we ask all the underrated overrated, you can have your say. Find me @Jack_insitubody and I am @Mac_insitu so hit us up there. Make sure you hit follow, subscribe both on socials and the podcasts. Help us grow this podcast and reach more people and I think that'll do. Make sure you tune in for the Friday wrap up sees all then bye.


#23. The Friday Wrap-up, 26th Nov


#21. The Friday Wrap-up, 19th Nov