#21. The Friday Wrap-up, 19th Nov

Check out the last episode #20. Anything Is Possible, with James Walker

What is up? Everybody? Welcome back to the Friday wrap up. My name is Jack Graham and I'm at crackers and in this episode, we wrap the week up with fun facts, interesting moments, teachable moments, and some questions, yeah?

Cool, so you had a good analogy the other day about health and fitness. Oh, it was more about changing your perspective on time, so I feel like one thing that. All of our clients have struggled with is finding more time or making more time too. I guess they fit in the new habits and behaviours that they're trying to create to be healthier humans. So the analogy that I used was to think about anything that you're learning. So say, for example, you're learning to meal prep. Maybe that's a good example. In the beginning, it takes up so much time and you think, oh, I don't have any time for this. So the example I used was. We all know that riding a bike is much faster than walking, like without a doubt, right? Unless you suck at it, but in the beginning, when you're learning to ride a bike, it takes you so long in practice, like practising to learn how to balance how to pedal and keep straight at the same time, like it takes a while. But then once you've got it, you've got it, and then you can ride everywhere and you save more time in the long run. Being able to write everywhere rather than walking everywhere. So I guess. About health and fitness, say learning how to meal prep and plan will take you a lot of time at the start because you have no idea, like the ingredients, how long it's going to take you, like, what foods you are good at cooking, how to store them. But if you spend a bit of time learning it, then it will become second nature, like riding a bike, and in the long run, it just saves you heaps of time daily. And gives you more time. So I'd sort of look at that as you spend time building skills and not a lot of people don't realize that health and fitness well being is a skill, so taking the time to learn how to count calories and why. Breathing techniques, exercising or every day. All that sort of stuff. They're all skills that you build up. Yeah, and once you build that skill, like riding a bike, you can pretty much like everybody learns how to ride a bike when their kids, but now you can just jump on a bike and ride. Depending on how long it's been, he's going to be good. You are at it, but you could still ride a bike, and that's like the same as health fitness. You put time and effort into learning everything that's involved.

If your body well being or that sort of stuff. If you stop doing it for whatever reason for a couple of years, it's easy. Just jump straight back on and become healthy and move better and be pain-free and all that sort of stuff. Yeah, 100%. I feel like people forget to look at the bigger picture so they look at it like today and tomorrow and they're like I don't have any time today and tomorrow and they don't think about it. Sacrificing time now to create time for your future self I guess, yeah, this sort of reminds me of a conversation I had with a.

Somebody during the week that was looking at signing up and now sort of so they've gained about 20 kilos and they just want to do a three-month program to lose 20 kilos and then that's it. But then it's like yeah you could lose 20 kilos in three months. It would be very hard to do and very unhealthy. But then afterwards if soon as you stop you're going to put it all back on because you've got all these habits that you do to put on the weight. Yeah, and you just fall right back into them, yeah? So it's going to be these up and down cycles. Yeah, you can spend 3 months losing weight, but then you haven't changed any habits. You haven't learned anything, so as soon as you stop your slowly going to put that 20 kilos back on. Yeah, because you haven't learned the habits and everything you need to live a healthier life and keep that weight off. Yeah, for sure I did a post sometime during this week. Similar to that, I guess I often get asked if I just sell meal plans all the time. And if someone is looking to sign up one of the first questions I ask is do I get a meal plan. And no, we don't do meal plans like that. Because I think the post that I posted was something along the lines of like a meal plan will help you lose the weight and then regain the weight because once you stop following the meal plan, you haven't learned the value of any food you haven't learned how to be flexible when you have like.

Events and parties and work lunches you haven't learned to be resilient. If you have a bad day and you eat **** food and how do you come back from that? If you have a meal plan like you just go back into eating your 1200 calories or whatever. Yeah, so I just feel like meal plans. If you are thinking of. Doing it, there are much far better options that will allow you to learn so you don't have to follow a diet. Count your calories or a meal plan for the rest of your life. Yeah, and one of their clients has learned that this week I reckon. She has her boys changing, but the scales aren't. Yeah, so she's getting smaller, but the scales are staying the same. Yeah, and that's why we say scales are useless because they don't give you any. Have a big meal and a huge glass of water and you weigh in extra 2 kilos. Yeah, so it's sort of pointless weighing yourself and that's why measurements and all that sort of stuff a little bit better or engaging how healthy your being. And all that sort of stuff. Yeah, definitely.

On that topic, yeah, I forget where I was going off that. Yeah, I can. I can link to that so on that topic of weight and size and stuff. I don't think we've had the opportunity to weigh ourselves for probably between 6 to 12 months. Yeah, definitely. And the last time I weighed myself I think I was around 6365 and then at the gym, the other day old pair of set pair has a pair and an old set of scales appeared and I was like I'm gonna wear myself for the first time in forever. And I weigh, I've put on an extra 5 to 7 kilos, right? But I'm way smaller wasteful in every aspect, and I think that why? No, I don't think that. That is because we've been weight training a lot more. So like my muscle density has gone up, I'm stronger I guess, but yeah, that just goes to show that scales are. Useless and muscle weighs more than fat. Yeah, exactly. And having a good amount of muscle is very good for you, and initially, I'll admit I was like, Oh my goodness, I'm 70 kilos. What the heck? I've put on five kilos and I was like. But I look way better. Yeah like that's I feel like it's a thing to just immediately panic because. Society is so like. Heavy is bad, essentially. Yeah, when it's it's not any, and that's why scales are useless. Yeah, I think I put on two kilos do this at it, yeah? It's pretty good though, considering you haven't counted your calories in a year, say, and our training has been pretty erratic since moving. 'cause like we went through a phase of doing Pilates and dumbbells for ages, 'cause you're in lockdown for like a month, not locked out isolation and then yeah, lockdowns. CrossFit bodybuilding is back into lockdown yeah. Yeah cool Uhm.

I guess we'll move on to questions then. Yep, so the first other question that you had was how to eat healthily? What foods to buy. On a budget, healthy foods around budget were that the question? Yeah, this person was just saying that they haven't got a lot of money. So what's the best bang for buck food that they can buy for health and Wellness? Yeah, good question. Feel like a lot of people would initially think I gotta start buying like Super Foods and powders and stuff like that. Yeah, but just like literally fruits and vegetables, would I feel like the first thing I would do the opposite. What I'd go? I would. Tell the person to focus on good quality meat. Yeah, so the better quality, the best quality they can afford. Yeah for meat, but you can then focus on fruit and veg. After that. I feel like they're packaged in. Like you're not going to buy, spend your budget on meat and then have no fruit and veg to go with it. You know what I mean and you can have fruit and veg for like three meals, but. Yeah, having a mate. I feel like yeah I don't know well both of them. Yeah, I can't have one without the other like you can't just we don't recommend carnivore and we don't recommend vegan. No no definitely not. And that's not me. Saying focus on me isn't to say just eat meat but. Say you had bucks to spend on food. I would almost say spend 50 of that on meat and the other 50 on vegetables. Yeah, but $50 of meat is going to last you not very long. But again, good quality. Yeah, you could go out and buy two States and they weren't 50 bucks. Yeah, or you could buy a little bit less quality and get a little bit more. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Like, focus on what how the best quality you can afford. So 50 bucks of getting a couple of pieces of different meats.

Yeah, that includes fish as well. Yeah, and then the rest is for adventure. 'cause 50 bucks worth of fruit and veg. You're gonna get a shitload. Yeah but again, better quality meat is going to sort of. A bit better for you, yeah? Is what I was getting at thank you? OK, yeah sure. Again, another question. Uhm? We didn't get asked this question this week, but I just wanted to talk about it because I feel like we didn't talk about it in a podcast, but it was on my stories. I did do a post about it and it did go out in an email and I feel like just talking about it on the podcast. Well, it's a different audience altogether, and it's nice, I guess to hear us talk about it. Maybe if you guys like listening to us talk, you do. If you are enjoying this episode, make sure you head over to the website and jump on the mailing lists and you'll get an email. Once a week with all these sorts of fun facts in it as well. Like honestly, the emails are better than all of the emails I get in my inbox. That's good. That's how good they are. Get some free get the knowledge you get. All sorts of stuff, story, good stories in there OK.

So training advice, you 3 tips training tips you wish you had five years ago. So what? We just what were you doing five years ago? Little recap. I would have been in the first or second year of owning a gym. Training laws I would have been doing way too much. I know I was doing way too much so a combination of CrossFit, HIIT bodyweight, HIIT? Uhm and White locker combo. Bodyweight and weight training. Uhm, I was doing a bit of cardio session as well. So too much way too much, way too much. So what do you wish you knew then? Three things you wish you knew, then that you. You know intent instead of intensity, so focusing on a good quality movement and performing that movement in the best possible way is 10 times better than doing it. 10 times as fast as you can without any. Intent. So a good quality back squats down up, making sure every single muscle is activating while she doing that. Doing it once. One perfect Rep is going to get you muscle growth, it's going to burn more calories. It's going to hurt, but in the end, burn fatter and it's going to give you better results rather than doing 10 ****** ones as fast as you can. Yeah, not using all your muscles, so I wish I knew that because I ended up with. Patella tendon oktember. That's the one time in insight Tendinopathy, tendinopathy in both knees just because of that. 'cause I also have a training and your knees are just copying the whole lot. Yeah, especially when you got bad form and justice intensity in jumping and all that sort of ****. Uhm? What do you say? say? tips right? Come on, that's not the storytime. Uhm? What else did I say?

Feeling more body right would be another one. Oh yeah, I think he said that nutrition. Yeah, I feel like. Always just like, eat as much as I can and get as many calories in, where again eating better calories was better than just getting as many as our kids. Yeah again that helps with, you know, eating better calories is better for joint health and overall health and life sort of stuff. And dumb. Just I guess breathing would have been Oh yeah, a good one. Oh no, that's going to come up in a second. But we've had two good podcasts guests come in and very different lives. But both are very happy content, you know, smashing life, doing everything they wanted and the one thing they have in common is breathing. That's true. Yeah, they both focus on it. Yeah? So I am started focusing on breathing a bit more and I wish I had done it back then. When like, let's just clarify. When Jack says breathing. He breathes. But like breathing with intent I guess. And counting your breaths and stopping to breathe. Take time to focus on your breath, yeah. Cool, yeah, maybe five years ago I think I was working full time in a surf shop. I'm pretty sure I wasn't exercising. I think I am OK. I had like a Kayla Itsines PDF that you download from our website and it's just like so no set hit bodyweight workouts and I would do them in the backyard at my mom's house. Uhm?

Yeah, that was pretty much the extent of my binge drinking binge eating. A very unhealthy relationship with food, so the training tips things that I just wish that I knew back then was, I guess, first and foremost the importance of exercise. I feel like going through all of this schooling and no one emphasized the importance of actually exercising. They like made you do PE or whatever at school which most kids. Just it was just a time to stuff around, right? But no one ever emphasized it. For like bone health, heart health, mental health. You know, like the importance of having muscle. No one ever spoke about that, so I wish that I knew that earlier so that I could have started training earlier. The second thing I wish that I knew was probably that. I like you shouldn't strive, or you can't strive to have a body like somebody else is. I feel like I was striving to have that influence its own body when that's not my body type. I think last week I said that your body is as individual as your personality. Yeah, you know, and I feel like I should have just been exercising too. Be stronger rather than look like somebody else, and the third thing is yet the same. I guess nutrition makes all of the difference. 'cause I started focusing on nutrition before even incorporating any structured exercise and just focusing on my nutrition changed my body composition heaps before I even joined the gym. Yeah, so yeah, yes. Yep. That's all I got. Cool, so I will finish off with the guest podcasts that we've done. If you haven't listened to it, James's episode is already out so you can go back and listen to that that was released this Tuesday and then we got another one coming up in two Tuesdays time as well. So if this is your first time listening, make sure we hit subscribe or follow so you don't miss those episodes.

We've got some good ones coming up for you into the Christmas period, yeah? So yeah, don't miss any and make sure you head over to our website even pick up something for free. So insitucollective.com is free. And download something free and you end up on the mailing list and then you get free stuff every week. Lots of free stuff, so there's no reason why you shouldn't do it. And as always, share this episode, screenshot it, put it on your Instagram stories, tag both Mac and me at Jack Institute body at Mack_Institute. I changed it to match Twitter. Yeah, if you're on Twitter, do it on Twitter. We're still learning, please. I can't. How do you even find someone to tell me how to use Twitter if you're on Twitter and you're listening to this, please add us. Starting to quite enjoy it on Twitter. Yeah, I found a lot of good advice I guess. Yeah, cool all right. That'll do awesome. Have a good weekend everybody and we'll see you on Tuesday. Yeah, awesome by adios.




#22. Over OR Under Rated?


#20. Anything Is Possible, with James Walker