#23. The Friday Wrap-up, 26th Nov

In the Friday wrap-up we cover hot topics, useful information, teachable moments and article that will help you on your health and fitness journey. 

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Mack; Well, I'll go first because I feel like I've got a lot to say. Before. Firstly, the most interesting thing I think that I've encountered so far this week is the whoop band, which US Jack and I and all of our clients where has brought out a new feature that gives you suggestions on how much sleep you need and how much you should strain slightly based off your menstrual cycle, which is so cool because I feel like there is definitely no. Specific market for. I guess exercise end women's training. You know, like it's there's not much research there at all, and they're investing a lot of money into paying for more research to be done around performance and the mental cycle. Yeah, nice, yeah, it's pretty cool. Uhm, yeah, and that shouldn't be rated that. Sort of thing. What you just said there like. We've always talked about how whoop is, you know that's why we gift our clients of work because it is so useful. You are for your health and fitness.

Yeah, not just exercise, but like every single aspect of your life, it's going to cover eventually. For a guy PT training women. It is very awkward sometimes talking about their menstrual cycle, yeah, and it's sometimes a hard topic to talk about. People feel a bit weird about it. That is so important in your training. You can't. For women, you can't just go 100% all month round. No, not at all like it's it. You're causing yourself so much damage. Yeah, and like I've said this before, whoop is taking. You know it works. Almost taking the PT or the coach out of the equation. You can put a whoop on your wrist, follow what it says and you will be a healthier, fitter, stronger, better-looking person. Yeah, 100%. Yeah. If only you could tell me what to eat then it would be like the ultimate like we're done. We're out of a job. It's the ultimate coach it's almost. It's almost there again. Yeah, it's almost there. So still on the web train, I was reading a study that they published this morning about sleep and alcohol around the holidays and I thought it was super interesting because we've been talking about the holidays and Christmas a lot with our clients lately. After all, everyone is starting to do things. Yes, so essentially they analyzed 25,000 US Whoop members and they looked at their sleep time, wake time, duration of their sleep, the consistency of their sleep and the alcohol consumed.

So there's a decent amount of people. So the majority of the people that they analyzed drink on every single holiday, so that's like a public holiday like vacation, Christmas, holidays, Thanksgiving, anything like that. They drink on every single holiday except for New Year's Day. I thought that was funny because everyone is so hungover 'cause it's a public holiday. I forget New Year's days public holiday. But anyway, so the average increase of alcohol consumption was 46% **** right? There's only half? Yeah, that's not even the craziest part. So the holiday with the greatest behaviour change is New Year's Eve. I feel like the start of a new year, but when I was reading this, I was thinking who wants to wake up the first day of the year? Hungover. 43 per cent. Anyway, and then followed closely, followed by Thanksgiving and then Christmas so. Eve the bedtime variability on average, so across all these people average they go to bed an hour and a half later and wake up an hour and 18 minutes later and they consume 138% more alcohol than any other day.

138%, not one person that's across the board on average. That's how much more alcohol they consume. For New Year's or yeah, it's crazy, right? And then to like a regular just to compare it to a regular holiday. So like Monday public holiday. People generally sleep 16, go to bed 16 minutes later, wake up 25 later and drink 37% alcohol, so that's not as bad, but they just put it in perspective, like your average Monday holiday versus New Year's Christmas. Well, isn't it crazy? It's New Year. It's just like an excuse just to lose it lose everything.

Yeah, and I guess just why I'm telling you this, I suppose is because sleep is such a big role in your health and alcohol messes it up so bad. So there's research around daylight savings and like holidays, showing an increased risk in car crashes, workplace injuries, heart attacks and lower overall immunity. Yeah, because on holidays you drink, you're sleeping all different times like. And daylight savings and holidays are the same. I didn't even think about it like that. Yeah, like I have heard a lot this year about how people are hating on daylight savings. But yeah, the early plus I guess is that we sleep more when we're on holiday. But you drink more sad. I mean, it's like you need more sleep to recover. Yeah, yeah? Well there's 138% it's crazy, right? Yeah, I suppose maybe you don't get drunk much and then. You just lose it all for New Year. Yeah, that makes sense I guess. Another interesting stat fact that I heard on a podcast today was.

That only 12% of Americans are considered metabolic metabolically healthy. Is that is that that's insane 12% of Americans. That's such a small amount. That's like I think it was like one in eight people are considered. Yeah, well, that works both ways for so. I'm assuming it means. So if you're metabolically healthy, you've got your eating at maintenance and being healthy at maintenance. That's what they're saying is most people are either undereating yet to the point where it's unhealthy or overeating to the point where it's unhealthy 100% only what eight per cent? 12% of the population are eating the right amount. Yeah, well, it's down there by your mind. Yeah, sometimes I'm like, oh, maybe there are not enough people to coach out there, but there is never. It's going to get worse I feel. So just metabolic health. I guess if you don't know is measured by the level of your blood sugar triglycerides. Cholesterol, blood pressure, and waist circumference. So all of those together determine your metabolic health. Yep, and only of people are in the healthy range, well, and that's America's Got a huge population. Yeah, so I'd say Australia is probably of their popular Australian population is only probably of America's population. So imagine what houses? Yeah, even less. Yeah, that's crazy. Even the doctor that I was whose podcast I was listening to was saying that she was.

Traditional doctor fixes problems once they arose, and the host was like a why did you change to the line of work you do now? Which is help people understand how to be. Metabolically healthy and entries like because I just like woke up one day and I was like. I'm just waiting for these people to get sick. Yeah, and then I'm fixing them like what am I doing and when I could be preventing it? Yeah, like it's crazy. It's good. There are a lot more doctors out there now realizing there's more money and there's more purpose in prevention rather than reaction. Yeah, so preventing people from getting sick instead of sitting in their chair waiting from walking their office. Yeah, she said she had a patient and. Uhm? Their quarters are old. She went to the doctor and it came back that her cortisol was rising, but it wasn't at a dangerous level yet and the doctor said there's nothing we should do about it yet because it's not dangerous enough to treat. Yeah, like what she can't ever pill yet that's crazy yeah. And but that sort of brings it like I think in the next years there's going to be massive differences in our in humans because you've just given us an example of whoop doing a study. 25,000 yeah? And to do that previously you would. There wouldn't be a study that you could do that with like they wouldn't even have to like when you sign up for the web. You agree to them using your data so they don't even have to ask for permission. They've just got it. Yeah, and they can use all this started to any sort of topic like that. Yeah, and people for one study is huge. Yeah, I'm so excited to see what else they do. Yeah, yeah. So whilst we're on the metabolic. Health I want to sort of talk about Red S Oh yeah, so I had a study come up the other day. Relatively new one as well and it is taken into consideration.

Sports performance for women athletes. Over the last eight years or so, and it was, I think it just says roughly people were studied. Yeah, I think that's women. Yeah yeah. And it went into the effects of overtraining, undereating basically and how badly that affects your body short term and long term. Yeah, yeah. So yeah, it was done on athletes training more than 30 hours a week, but you could also say that for the normal population that effects aren't going to be as bad, but still, minimal effects are going to change your life dramatically. Yeah, for sure, and we've said this one before. Like if you're aging more than everybody else each year, over 40 years you've added faster. Yeah, which is scary as and you can't take that back and this study just showed that how bad it was when you overtrained and under eating for long periods, yeah. You need to do that to lose weight and that sort of stuff, but maintaining that and doing that for long periods and again when the menstrual cycle comes into it and all that sort of stuff pushing through all that sort of stuff. You've got the list of what it gives you there. I just want to say before I do that, I just wanted like read, write why it's important. Obviously to have a coach as I feel like. People just cut their calories and start exercising more by themselves and short term you might not notice anything but long term it can have worse effects than you not. Losing the weight in the first place? Yeah, that's what sort of what I want to say with that post I put up in our group in a group chat. As your calories come down, your intensity and volume need to come down as well.

So what a lot of people get wrong, they'll cut their calories and go and do higher intensity interval training. Yeah, and bad for you. Bad so you're just separating the health benefits even more and more and more yeah, so the symptoms for you guys to consider. It's very bad for increased injury risk, so if you're hurting yourself in the gym, most likely more decrease training response so you're not seeing results from those. But yeah, all that sort of stuff, Uhm, impaired judgment, decreased coordination, decreased concentration, irritability, depression, decreased glycogen stores, decreased muscle strength, decreased endurance performance. If you have a look over that list, the majority of them are your brain function. Yeah, so basically, if you're doing this for a long period, you're just deteriorating your brain and at some point, it's going to deteriorate that much. You can't fix it, and you're not going to notice it until you hit that later. Ages, yeah, and the damage is done. You can't fix it. So you've mentioned I feel is better than any treatment. Yeah, and sometimes and that's like Mac said having a coach is good for this because sometimes these symptoms are very hard to notice in yourself. Yeah, you might not. You might just get an eagle here and then you're like yeah whatever and then your coordination goes off a little bit or you're just not thinking right and it's slowly and gradually, but you might not notice, but other people around you notice. Yeah, and if you've got a coach working with you, then they're probably going to notice a bit more than the third party. Almost someone. Doesn't know you exclusively at home and stuff like that, yeah, so yeah, I just wanted to bring that one up as well. Yeah, cool. Cool anything else. That's all I got today. Yeah, I think I had one other analogy. We usually open with an analogy, because stupid so excited we're going to finish with an analogy. So the other week I sort of spoke about investing and health.

How investing in money and finances is very similar to working out and working on your health and that sort of stuff. And I had a conversation with a friend the other day about cryptocurrency investing in crypto and he said the only way now to make money in crypto is if you have a lot of money. When you invest a big amount of money into it and I feel like that is the mentality of people trying to cut the calories super hard and do high and so you can only get the results if you bet big. Yep and put all the effort into it. But now and the investment side like now, it's even easier to start investing and I strongly recommend everybody sort of does a little bit and start getting into it no matter who you are, how old you are. You can start investing with And everybody is sceptical. Why would I just invest It's not much. I'm not going to get much return off it, but if you invest and make $1, you've made a 100% return. Yeah, so then, if the next week you invest at $2.00 and get $2 back, it's still not big money and you're not making big money. But if you're getting return week on week after a couple of years you've got 10s of thousands of dollars because of compounding interest. And obviously, you're not always going to get that high per cent return, but if you start with and start investing and get only get back everybody. Oh, that wasn't worth it. Yeah, because it's so minimal and it's the same with health and fitness like you go. Do it one workout. You're not going to see results. Yeah, Yeah, cent. You need to do six months of working out to see some sort of results and sort of when you get to the couple year point when you're working out. That's when you have serious results. You look good, you feel good, you move well, you're paying free, and that sort of stuff so. It's so hard to see results and stick with them 'cause they're so minimal in the start. Yeah, but after a couple of years, you start to see those results. Same if you start investing within a couple of years. Making tens of thousands of dollars have to be patient.

I feel like humans are no longer patient because of the Internet. Yeah, instant gratification is everywhere. Yep, cool, so we'll end it there. Yeah, awesome as always. If you've enjoyed this episode, make sure you stretch short it shares it on social media stories and tag the US and that'll do. Make sure you head over to our website. That's always going to say we've got a lot of good content coming out on our mailing list. If you're not on there. Well, obviously if you listen to these episodes, you care about your health and fitness, so you need to jump on our mailing list because we send out so much good content on there. Oh, I've got the whole month of December planned and it is packed full of good stuff. Yeah? So instead of just getting, you know, seeing a post here and there on social media about stuff that helps you, you get one email a week jam-packed full of stuff, resources. All this sort of stuff to help you on your health and fitness journey. And it's all free. It's on the mailing list and you to get it. From there you download something for free as well, so freebies everywhere. So if you head to our website, www.insitucollective.com slash free and download one of our free resources. You'll end up on the mailing list anyway. Or just Scroll down to the bottom page, enter details and you are on the list. And you won't regret it. A lot of good content in there looks good as well.


#24. How to live a long, happy and healthy life, with Chantal Pierce


#22. Over OR Under Rated?