8 Hacks to Transform Your Diet

I’ve seen too many people putting so much pressure on themselves to have the ‘perfect’ diet. 

But let’s be honest, the perfect diet just doesn’t exist. Sure, you can have a really healthy diet full of fantastic nourishing foods (for your body and soul), but that doesn’t make it perfect.

I’ve collected my top 8 hacks to improve your nutrition today. These are simple, realistic ways to optimise your nutrition starting now and into the future. None of that shortcut, quick fix, perfection nonsense. 

  1. Add in an extra serving of veggies to your main meals

    Vegetables are a great way to get in your micronutrients and fibre. Next time you make a meal, ask yourself where you can add in an extra serving of vegetables. Adding an extra serving of vegetables at each meal could be an extra 15 servings a week! 

    Not sure what a serve of veggies looks like? Here are some examples:
    - Half a cup of frozen mixed vegetables
    - Half a head of broccoli
    - Half a medium potato
    - 1 cup of spinach

  2. Aim for five colours in each meal

    Having a range of different colours within your meal ensures that you’re getting a range of different antioxidants, phytochemicals, and other functional compounds that assist in optimising health. When you are trying to fill your plate with so many colours, it also leaves less room for processed or nutrient-poor foods. So, next time you’re cooking, count the colours and aim for five! AKA, eat the rainbow!

  3. Try a different plant each week.

    We know that eating a diverse range of plant foods can optimise our gut health and improve overall health and well-being. Each plant offers us a different combination of vitamins and minerals, so making an effort to try something new is a great way to ensure you are getting all the micronutrients you need. Each week, make it a challenge to try a different vegetable, fruit, nut, seed, or wholegrain. 

  4. Chew your food

    We are a very busy and distracted society. Eating has become, for some, a time-consuming and unenjoyable chore because of the fact we literally just don’t have time. Mindful eating allows you to reconnect with the sensation of hunger and fullness, ultimately increasing meal satisfaction, improving digestion, and aiding in weight management. Sit down, avoid as much distraction as possible, and chew between mouthfuls. You might be surprised at all the flavours and textures you have missed!

  5. Eat a source of protein at breakfast.

    As well as being an essential macronutrient for so many functions within the body, protein is also the most satiating macronutrient (meaning that it fills us up the most compared to fats and carbs). Including protein at breakfast can balance our energy throughout the day and prevent that mid-morning energy crash.
    Some ideas include: 
    - Salmon and asparagus omelette
    - Bacon and mushroom scrambled
    - Baked egg pots
    - Poached eggs on toast with avocado
    - Protein pancakes or protein smoothie

    Download our High Protein Recipe e-book for more ideas.

  6. Get more sleep!

    Are you surprised by this one? 

    Poor sleep will almost certainly lead to poor eating behaviours. Studies are beginning to show that the amount and quality of sleep you get over your lifetime can directly impact weight gain, your ability to lose weight, chances of heart disease, diabetes, early mortality and cognitive decline. There is also a strong link between insufficient sleep and overconsumption of calorie-dense foods and highly refined snacks, increased hunger, food cravings, and larger portion sizes. 

  7. Have a plan (but don’t be too strict)

    Having an idea of what you want to cook and eat each week is a fantastic way to ensure you’re getting all your nutrients in each day, as well as saving you some big dollars and a whole heap of stress! Spend some time on your day off to plan your meals/snacks for the week, write it down and head to the supermarket. Future you will thank you for it! 
    Download our simple meal planner to get started.

  8. Don’t overcomplicate it.

    Healthy eating doesn’t have to be complicated! Stick to meals you like, focus on having a source of protein, fats, and carbs in each meal, and explore different cooking methods or recipes when possible. You don’t need to recreate the wheel.

    Don’t forget to enjoy your favourite foods too! Healthy eating isn’t just what you put in your mouth. It’s also how you think about food and your food choices. Have that chocolate. It’s good for you.


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