5 Reasons You Aren’t Seeing Results.

Are you just about ready to give up on your health and fitness?

Are you tired of putting in the work but feeling like you're not getting your desired results?

Although everyone is different, we certainly notice patterns that may be preventing you from achieving your goals.

Let’s break down the top 5 reasons you’re not seeing the results you desire – as well as share our own advice. 

1. You’re not taking time to set goals

Goal setting is extremely important for success – so take time to set your expectations and goals right from the start. After all, if you don’t have a goal in mind, how do you truly know what you’re working towards or how to go about measuring your success?

By setting specific, attainable goals, you are much more likely to be satisfied with your results. Setting goals you know you can achieve is also a great way to build confidence in yourself and help you keep the momentum going. 

I mean, who doesn’t love achieving goals!? 

2. You have unrealistic expectations

Regarding goal setting, if certain lifestyle changes are completely new to you, it’s best to start with smaller short-term goals and align them with the bigger picture further down the road. If your goals and expectations are too ambitious for the effort you are ready to put in; you will likely experience disappointment and quit. 

In other words, don’t promise yourself something you know you can’t conceivably achieve over the next few weeks.

Instead of setting your goal as “lose 10kg,” set your goal as “lose 2kg.” Then when you achieve that goal (and you will!), it will help you keep your eye on the prize rather than trying to stay focused on a goal that could take you months to achieve!

3. You’re not giving it time

It would be amazing if we could transform our physiques instantly – or within a couple of weeks just by adhering to nutrition and training protocols. However, this is not a realistic expectation!

So, if you have been hitting the gym 6 days a week and focusing on your nutrition only to see minimal changes in the mirror – please know this is completely normal! Visible progress takes time, and the time frame varies from person to person.

To avoid disappointment, keep at it and focus on other positive changes such as increased energy levels, elevated mood or better sleep patterns. For more ways to track your progress, visit this blog. 

Keep in mind how long you have been in the shape you are currently in, and consider how large that timeframe is compared to how much time you are giving yourself now to see visible change. 

4. You’re committing to unsustainable strategies

When you’re just starting out and motivation is through the roof, it’s easy for you to over-commit. Whether that is attempting to do 20,000 steps daily when normally averaging 3,000 or otherwise drastically changing your lifestyle. However, before trying to incorporate a new strategy, ask yourself – can you truly see yourself doing this for the rest of your life?

At In-situ, we believe in sustainable approaches that can transform your lifestyle long-term. We truly want you to embrace health and fitness, not just do a Challenge and revert right back to old habits!

Your health journey should help you thrive and enhance other areas of your life, not consume all your mental and physical energy. Do YOUR best – that’s all that matters!


Consistency is the MOST important element of any fitness journey, and to truly succeed; you must embrace the long-term nature of your lifestyle changes. A “quick fix” mentality can be extremely disheartening and easily throw you off track. Therefore it’s extremely important to learn to love the process and appreciate every step of the way.

One bad meal won't ruin your progress, just like one good meal won't change your appearance. It's all about taking small, positive actions every day. 

We truly hope that if you’re someone who’s been feeling stuck lately, this blog helped you find the answers and identify areas for improvement. We live, and we learn – don’t be afraid to embrace your mistakes and grow from them!

If you are really struggling with motivation, read this blog covering the 3 ways I stay motivated.


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