How I Stay Motivated (3 ways)

One of the most common questions I get asked is, 'how do you stay motivated?' 

Most of us feel really motivated when we start something new (a new program, a new diet), but inevitably, we reach a point where we're just not that into it anymore. 

We might even end up thinking there is something wrong with us or wonder how other people are motivated all the time. 

The truth is, there is nothing wrong with you! Accomplishing big goals has very little to do with being motivated all of the time. Let's face it, motivation is unreliable, it is always going to waiver, just like any other emotion (happiness, sadness, etc). So if we can't rely on motivation, how can we stay on track?

Here are my tips!

1. Have a deep reason and a strong why. 

Your "why" is your answer. It is what will keep you going through the tough days.

I often suggest clients use "The 5 Whys" technique to help them uncover their deepest reason behind starting this journey. It's easy, when you want to accomplish something, ask why. "Why do I want to accomplish this?"

Then, whatever answer you come up with, ask why again. and so on, five times. Be really honest, your final answer might surprise you. 

2. You don't need motivation. You need systems. 

Systems help us prioritise what to do and when to do it. They also remove a lot of effort and willpower we think are required to get things done.

Next week we have a podcast coming out about the importance of routines, where we dive into how we set up systems/routines for success.  

3. Don't let feelings drive your behaviour. 

Many of us have the sense that if we feel tired or sad or discouraged, we should do tired, sad and discouraged things. And of course, it's important to honour and express your feelings because it's a release and helps others understand what we're going through.

But when it comes to sticking with a nutrition plan, letting feelings drive our decisions can get us in trouble.

Here is what I recommend instead: notice and accept your feelings in the same way that you can notice a cloud passing by overhead.

Our moment-to-moment feelings don’t have to determine who we are or what we choose to do. Simply knowing this can make it easier to carry on when we don’t feel like it.

Bonus: Have a growth mindset and see life as a series of skills you can learn

Rather than beating yourself up about the fact that you haven’t yet reached your goals, try adding on the word “yet” to your sentences.

For example:
“I haven’t reached my weight goal yet.”
“I haven’t run a marathon yet.”
“I haven’t gotten that promotion yet.”

Adding the word “yet” to these sentences gives them a sense of resilience. Where you are in life right now doesn’t dictate where you’ll be in 3 months, 6 months, or a year.

Resilient people don’t just “try harder” or “have more willpower”. Resilient people see any process as a skill that can be developed.

You may have also heard of a “Growth vs. Fixed mindset”.

People who have a growth mindset believe their talents can be developed through hard work. People with a fixed mindset believe their talents are innate gifts.

Research suggests that people with a growth mindset achieve more than those with a fixed mindset because they worry less about looking smart and put more energy into learning.

Here are some examples:

  • Fixed: “I suck at running.”

  • Growth: “Running has been really challenging for me.”

  • Fixed: “I’ll never be good at following my nutrition plan on the weekend.”

  • Growth: “In the past, when I’ve tried to stick to my nutrition plan on the weekend, I didn’t have much success.”

What do you think – can you spot any ‘fixed mindset’ examples in yourself? How could you reframe your language towards a growth mindset?

I hope these tips help and show you that you don’t need to feel constantly motivated to achieve your goals. All you need is a deep “why”, powerful systems, and resilience.

Having a source of accountability and a coach who cares about you helps, too! If you could use a bit of guidance and encouragement on your journey, check out our services. Our coaches will work alongside you to come up with a customized, personalized plan that you can stick to long-term.


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