6 Fitness Tips for Busy People

In today's fast-paced world, it can be challenging to find time for exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle. With work, family, and other commitments, it can be tough to prioritize our physical health. However, taking care of ourselves should be a top priority, and we should all strive to make it a regular part of our daily routine.

Fortunately, even if you have a busy schedule, there are plenty of ways to stay active and fit. In this article, we'll share with you some fitness tips for busy people that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine. These tips will help you stay healthy, energized, and motivated, without compromising your work or personal life.

Whether you're a busy professional, a student, a parent, or anyone with a hectic schedule, these fitness tips will work for you. So, grab your water bottle, put on your workout clothes, and let's get started on our fitness journey!

  1. Plan your workouts ahead of time

As a busy person, it can be so easy (sometimes too easy) to make excuses for skipping your workout. However, having a plan in place can make it easier to stay on track and make exercise a regular part of your routine. Here are some tips on how to plan your workouts ahead of time:

  • Choose a specific time: Decide on a time that works best for you to exercise, whether it's before work, during lunch, or after work. Choose a time that is realistic and fits with your schedule.

  • Schedule your workouts: Once you have chosen a time, schedule your workouts in your calendar or planner. Treat them like any other appointment, and don't let anything else get in the way!

  • Mix up your routine: To avoid boredom and keep things interesting, mix up your workouts. Try different types of exercise, such as running, yoga, strength training, or dance classes.

  • Have a backup plan: Life can be unpredictable, so have a backup plan in case something comes up that interferes with your scheduled workout. Have a backup workout or a plan to reschedule your workout for another day.

Here's a real-world example of how to plan your workouts ahead of time:

Let's say you're a busy professional with a full-time job and a family to take care of. You decide that the best time for you to exercise is before work, at 6:00 am. You schedule your workouts in your calendar for the next week, including Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. On Monday, you plan to go for a 30-minute run outside. On Wednesday, you plan to do a 20-minute yoga session at home, and on Friday, you plan to attend a 45-minute strength training class at your local gym.

However, on Wednesday morning, your daughter wakes up with a fever, and you need to stay home to take care of her. Since you had a backup plan in place, you decide to reschedule your yoga session for Thursday instead. This way, you still get your workout in, but it doesn't interfere with your other responsibilities.

By planning your workouts ahead of time, you can easily fit exercise into your busy schedule, stay on track with your fitness goals, and lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

2. Make use of your lunch break

When you have a busy work schedule, it can be tough to find time for exercise during the day. However, your lunch break can be an excellent opportunity to fit in a quick workout. Here are some tips on how to make use of your lunch break:

  • Pack your workout clothes: To make it easier to exercise during your lunch break, pack your workout clothes and shoes with you to work. This way, you don't have to worry about going back home or carrying extra bags.

  • Find a nearby gym: If you have a gym near your workplace, sign up for a membership or pay for a day pass. This will allow you to work out during your lunch break and shower before returning to work.

  • Take a walk or run: If you don't have access to a gym, go for a walk or run outside. This is a great way to get some fresh air, clear your mind, and stay active.

  • Do some yoga or stretching: If you prefer a more relaxing workout, do some yoga or stretching exercises during your lunch break. This can help reduce stress and improve flexibility.

Here's a real-world example of how to make use of your lunch break:

Let's say you're a busy executive with a high-pressure job. You work long hours and don't have much free time during the day. However, you want to stay active and fit, so you decide to make use of your lunch break to exercise.

You pack your workout clothes and shoes with you to work and sign up for a gym membership at a nearby fitness centre. During your lunch break, you head to the gym and do a 30-minute weightlifting session. You then shower and change before returning to work.

On days when you don't feel like going to the gym, you take a walk around the block or do some yoga stretches in a quiet corner of your office. This helps you stay active and energized throughout the day, despite your busy work schedule.

3. Wake up early

It sounds gross I know… But it’s not as bad as you imagine! Waking up early is a great way to fit in a workout and start your day off on the right foot. Here are some tips on how to wake up early and make the most of your morning workout:

  • Set a consistent wake-up time: Try to wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This will help regulate your body clock and make it easier to wake up early.

  • Go to bed early: To wake up early, you need to make sure you're getting enough sleep. Try to go to bed at a reasonable time to ensure you're well-rested and ready to tackle your morning workout.

  • Start with a small goal: If you're not used to waking up early, start with a small goal. For example, try waking up 10 minutes earlier each day until you reach your desired wake-up time.

  • Do something you enjoy: To make waking up early more enjoyable, do something you love. Whether it's yoga, running or lifting weights, find a workout that excites you and motivates you to get out of bed.

Here's a real-world example of how to wake up early:

Let's say you're a busy mum who works a full-time job and has two kids to take care of. You find it challenging to fit in a workout during the day, so you decide to wake up early and exercise before the rest of the family is up.

You start by setting your alarm for 6 am every day, even on weekends. You gradually start going to bed earlier to make sure you're getting enough sleep. You start with a 10-minute yoga routine and gradually increase the duration of your workout as you get used to waking up early.

After a few weeks of waking up early, you start to notice a difference in your energy levels and mood. You feel more productive during the day and more motivated to stay active.

4. Use your commute time

Your daily commute to work or school can be an excellent opportunity to fit in some physical activity. Here are some tips on how to use your commute time to stay active:

  • Walk or bike to work: If your workplace or school is within walking or biking distance, consider leaving your car at home and using your own two feet to get there. This will not only help you stay active but also save you money on transportation costs.

  • Use public transportation: If walking or biking is not an option, consider using public transportation instead of driving. This will give you the opportunity to get off one or two stops earlier and walk some of the way to work or uni.

  • Incorporate movement into your commute: Even if you have to drive, you can still incorporate some movement into your commute. For example, you can park your car a few blocks away from your workplace or school and walk the rest of the way.

Here's a real-world example of how to use your commute time:

Let's say you live in a busy city and commute to work every day. You find it challenging to fit in a workout during the day, so you decide to use your commute time to stay active.

You start by walking to work instead of driving or taking the tram. You take a scenic route that takes you through a park, which allows you to enjoy some fresh air and get some exercise at the same time.

On days when you can't walk, you take the tram but you make sure you take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevator to incorporate more movement into your day.

After a few weeks of using your commute time to stay active, you start to feel more energized and less stressed. You also notice that you're saving money on transportation costs and getting more physical activity into your day.

5. Find a workout buddy

Having a workout buddy can make all the difference when it comes to staying motivated and committed to your fitness goals. Here are some tips on how to find a workout buddy and make the most out of your workouts together:

  • Ask a friend or family member: The first step in finding a workout buddy is to ask someone you know and trust. This can be a friend, family member, or coworker who also has an interest in fitness.

  • Plan your workouts together: Once you've found a workout buddy, plan your workouts together. This can be as simple as scheduling a time and place to meet or creating a detailed workout plan that you can follow together.

  • Keep each other accountable: One of the benefits of having a workout buddy is that you can keep each other accountable. You can check in with each other regularly and provide motivation and support when needed.

  • Make it fun: Working out with a friend or family member can also make your workouts more fun and enjoyable. You can try new workouts or activities together and challenge each other to push harder.

Here's a real-world example of finding a workout buddy:

Let's say you're a busy university student who wants to get more physical activity into your day, but you find it challenging to stay motivated. You decide to ask a friend who shares your interest in fitness to be your workout buddy.

Together, you plan your workouts for the week and meet up at the gym or a nearby park to exercise. You take turns choosing the workout and encouraging each other to push harder.

During the workouts, you chat and catch up on each other's lives, making the time pass quickly. You also challenge each other to try new exercises and activities, which keeps things interesting and fun.

After a few weeks of working out together, you start to notice a difference in your energy levels and overall mood. You also feel more motivated and committed to your fitness goals, thanks to the support and accountability of your workout buddy.

6. Take advantage of technology

Taking advantage of technology is a great way to stay on top of your fitness goals, especially for busy people. With the numerous fitness apps and online resources available, it's easy to find something that fits your needs and lifestyle.

One way to use technology is to track your workouts. Many fitness apps can track your progress, provide workout routines, and even set reminders to help you stay on schedule. You can also find apps that focus on specific types of workouts, such as running or weightlifting, to help you achieve your fitness goals. Check out our online coaching options here.

Another way to use technology is to find new workout routines. You can use online resources such as YouTube or fitness blogs to find new workout routines to try. These resources often provide step-by-step instructions and even video demonstrations, making it easy to follow along. Check out our YouTube channel for exercise demonstrations here.

Finally, technology can also provide personalized nutrition advice. There are many apps and websites available that can help you track your food intake, provide meal plans, and even suggest healthy recipes. This can help you make better food choices and stay on track with your fitness goals. Check out our meal guide and recipes here.


Staying fit and healthy can be a challenge, especially for those who have busy schedules. However, with a little creativity and determination, it is possible to achieve your fitness goals without compromising your other responsibilities. Staying fit and healthy doesn't have to be a daunting task, even if you have a busy schedule. By incorporating these fitness tips for busy people into your daily routine, you can achieve your fitness goals and improve your overall health and well-being. Remember, it's all about making small, consistent changes that will lead to long-term success!


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