6 Healthy Habits You Already Have.

Use the “secret weapons” you already possess to get in better shape.

What if I told you you already had all of the healthy habits and skills you need to get in the best shape of your life?

One of the most damaging myths in the fitness industry is this:

Getting in shape requires a huge lifestyle change.

Every day, we hear stories like these:

  • The celebrity who lost 20kg… “simply” by giving up gluten, going vegetarian, and working with a personal trainer seven days a week…

  • The 180kg contestant who was “boot-camped” into shape on reality TV.

  • The blogger who discovered ultimate health and wellness by “only”  swearing off sugar, giving up wine, becoming a yogi, doing regular water fasts and maintaining a constant Instagram halo of serenity.

🙄 🙄 🙄

Who wants to change everything about their lives?

Who wants to be told that everything they love and hold dear is wrong, poison, toxic… and should be replaced by sheer hard work?

No sane human being on planet earth that’s for sure.

And so, surrounded by all these examples, most of us quietly give up on health and fitness, before we even start.

I think that’s a shame.

Because the truth is, you don’t have to do any of that stuff to get into great shape.

Changing your body and improving your health is as simple as:

  • making small (but strategic) healthy choices, and

  • doing them consistently.

Here’s the really great part:

You’re probably already making some of these healthy choices — or at least have the building blocks to start making them.

You already have your health and fitness secret weapons.

You just don’t know it yet.

Your “secret weapons.”

They’re small but crucial practices that seem totally ordinary and mundane — but when focused on, and done consistently, they lead to dramatic results.

Many of my most successful clients shared the same secret weapons, including the ability to:

  • Cook (even a little)

  • Walk

  • Exercise without realizing it

  • Accept help

  • Organize and plan

  • Build a team

And once we started harnessing the power of these secret weapons, their progress really took off.

So, in this article, you’ll learn:

  • The six most common secret weapons from our most successful clients.

  • What those skills look like, in “easy” and “advanced” form.

  • How you can take advantage of those skills.

Maybe you share these same secret weapons. If so, you can start tapping into their power.

And if you don’t, not to worry — consider this inspiration to find your own. You might be closer than you think!

Secret Weapon #1: You can probably cook
(even if you think you can’t).

Easy version

Even those who say they “can’t cook” have some basics in their arsenal.

If you can chop veggies and wash lettuce, you know how to make a salad.

If you can fry an egg, bake a chicken breast, or heat up a can of beans, you know how to prepare some protein.

Perhaps you can make yourself a killer bowl of porridge or a delicious smoothie in the morning.

Maybe you’re a master microwaver. Or a slow-cooker superstar.

Sure, there’s room for advancement. But if you know how to do any of this stuff, you can cook. And that’s a great starting point.

Advanced version

Where some people only see a bunch of random ingredients — chicken, capsicums, onions, maybe a carrot or two — you see a meal taking shape. Your brain starts to fill in the pieces.

You think: “I could make chilli. Or tacos. Or soup.”

Plus, you’ve probably got some techniques up your sleeve: Maybe you know how to chop an onion like a pro, or you’ve perfected a roast chicken, or you bake the best cookies.

Maybe you’re not cooking the healthiest stuff… yet. But that’s OK.

As you learn about nutrition, you’ll learn how to level up even further and make your meals extra healthy.

How to use it

And don’t forget: Cooking takes practice. Experiment, have fun, and don’t worry if you mess up a few meals along the way.

Secret Weapon #2: You can walk.

Easy version

Maybe you don’t think you have time to “exercise.”

But you’re already walking, even if it’s just a little bit throughout the day:

  • You walk through your house.

  • You walk to lunch.

  • You park your car at the grocery store and walk to the front door. And then you walk through the aisles, pushing a cart or carrying a small basket. (Which is pretty much resistance training when you think about it. After all, a basket is just a dumbbell that holds your food.)

All exercise is simply movement. And one form of movement is walking.

Therefore: walking = exercise.

Advanced version

You own this superpower if you love to walk and know how to give it that extra “edge”.

For example:

  • Bend your knees a little more while you’re walking, and suddenly you’re lunging.

  • Lift your arms over your head and you’ve got a nice stretch. Speed up a bit and let your arms swing naturally.

  • Pick up the pace. Maybe find a hill. Or take the stairs.

  • Maybe even strap on some weights or a weighted backpack for a little extra challenge.

Walking for the win!

How to use it

Find small ways to walk more throughout the day.

Depending on your preferences you can go solo, take the dog, make it a family activity, or join a walking group.

Some of our clients’ favourite ways to walk include:

  • taking phone calls while walking around the neighbourhood,

  • walking to eat lunch in a different part of town,

  • going for a morning or evening walk with their partner, and

  • taking the dog for a walk.

Secret Weapon #3: You’re already exercising without realizing it.

Easy version

Lots of people think “working out” means going into a gym and lifting weights. Sure, it can be. But it doesn’t have to be.

If you take part in an activity or hobby that gets you out and gets you moving, you have a big advantage already.

For example:

  • running around and playing with your kids at the local playground

  • playing a game of footy, soccer, or basketball with your friends

  • gardening or taking a stroll around the neighbourhood

  • taking a dance or Zumba class (or just dancing to your favourite songs by yourself at home with the music cranked up!)

If you’ve ever done something fun and caught yourself sweating or breathing hard at the same time, guess what: You’ve exercised.

(And hey, if you haven’t moved your body for a long time, think back to an activity you used to like. What did you love to do as a child? Or what did you wish you could try back then? How might it feel to try out one of those activities now?)

Advanced version

Sure, maybe you hate the gym. Maybe you think you never work out.

And yet you’ve got a sport or physical activity you love.

It might be yoga, hiking, cycling, skiing, swimming, skateboarding, or just about any other activity that involves movement.

The point isn’t to get fit — though you might be hoping for some health benefits. You do it cause it’s fun. And maybe because you’ve got some friends who enjoy it with you.

This is actually exercise of the best sort: the kind you love to do.

How to use it

Think about what kind of movement you already enjoy.

If it’s been a while since you’ve last done it, make the commitment to do it at least once this week. Schedule it in your calendar so you look forward to it.

Already enjoying your activity consistently? Try adding one more day to your weekly schedule.

It may not seem like much, but increasing your activity just a little will help you reach your goals faster.

Secret Weapon #4: You’re willing to accept help.

Easy version

You’ve learned that It’s hard to accomplish big things by yourself.

And while that might make you feel kinda disappointed, it’s actually pretty awesome.

Because most of us start out thinking we can do everything by ourselves and the truth is… we can’t.

So if you’re at the stage where you know you need other people, you’re already well on your way.

Advanced version

You’re committed to change, and you are actively seeking support from people who know what they’re doing.

That support can take many forms:

  • Maybe it’s asking friends or co-workers what they did to get in better shape.

  • Maybe it’s arranging to meet a friend at the gym or supermarket.

  • Maybe it’s hiring a coach, trainer, nutritionist or a program like ours to guide you through the process and keep you accountable.

Whatever it may be, reaching out and accepting help is a great start.

How to use it

If you’re truly open to receiving help from an expert, take the leap and ask for it.

(Tip: if you could use some help with your nutrition or training and would like to have a coach keep you accountable, check out the Personal Coaching plans we have to offer.)

Secret Weapon #5: You’re an organized planner and list-maker.

Easy version

You use a calendar or a diary. You schedule your kids’ appointments and your business meetings, and you keep them (at least most of the time).

You have some kind of reminder system for yourself to get things done, whether it’s post-it notes or alarms on your phone.

Heck, even if you’re using an alarm clock to get out of bed in the morning you’re already following a schedule.

You might not be a master planner yet, but you’ve already got the foundation.

Advanced version

You’ve got your calendar all filled out, colour-coded, and reminder-ready. Excel is your happy place.

You’ve never forgotten an appointment. In fact, you’re probably always a few minutes early.

Chaos? Bring it on, baby. Organization is your middle name.

These skills mean making time for health and fitness will be relatively easy for you. Now all you need is the right information and a clear plan of attack.

How to use it

Pull up a calendar and look at your schedule. Do you currently have anything involving your health and fitness scheduled?

Carve out time for 1-2 things you want to start doing.

For example,

  • Insert a “cook healthy dinner on Sunday night” calendar entry.

  • Schedule an appointment to “meet Jordan at the gym on Thursday morning”.

  • Or set a daily reminder that pings you at the same time every morning and reminds you to “do 10 body-weight squats and 5 push-ups.”

Secret Weapon #6: You have a strong team.

Easy version

It might be just one person. A friend or family member who gets you. Or your dog, who absolutely insists you take him for a walk in the morning. Or your kid who is always up for a game of “see who can run the fastest”.

This is the beginning of a support system: a team of people who will help you along your fitness journey.

And you might not even know it yet, but the support of this one person may be the biggest secret weapon you have.

Advanced version

Your support team is a few different people, who each bring something different to the table.

Your spouse and kids already know about your fitness goals, and they’re on board to help.

Plus, you’ve got a few friends who enjoy the same sports or hobbies as you. Or maybe a sibling or co-worker who’s game for a little healthy competition.

Bonus: if you’re a part of In-situ coaching, you’ve not only got a coach but you’re also tapped into a virtual community of people going through the exact same thing as you.

Together, these people form your team. They’re cheering you on, inspiring you, teaching you, and helping you edge forward, bit by bit.

That is some really powerful stuff.

How to use it

Identify the people in your local support network and thank them. Do something nice for them. Talk with them and see how you can help them accomplish a big goal.

The best support systems are mutual.

If you can find a way to actively help the people you care about, they’re more likely to help you when you really need it.

What to do next

1. Start to shift your mindset from all-or-nothing to small successes.

Contrary to the fitness industry mythology, health and fitness isn’t built from an overnight lifestyle overhaul.

It’s built by doing small, simple practices… consistently.

This is good news for all of us. The more we start adapting to this mindset, the more progress we’ll make.

Recognize that you’re probably further ahead than you think.

Start to look for your own secret weapons: the small, healthy practices that may seem totally ordinary and mundane, but when focused on and done consistently, can lead to dramatic results.

2. Review the above list of secret weapons.

Review the above list of secret weapons and consider which you may already have.

Hint: Don’t forget to review the “easy version” of each — you might have some of these strengths in the making, even if you don’t know it yet!

If you don’t have these secret weapons yet, consider how might you get just a little bit closer to making them part of your life.

Are there some small things you could do to start building these skills?

3. Take stock of your own secret weapons.

Think about what other secret weapons you might have.

What small things are you already doing?

And what skills or talents do you have that might be helpful?

How might these be helpful to you in your fitness journey?

4. Identify some ways that you can start taking advantage of your secret weapons.

How could you start using these secret weapons to your advantage?

For example, could you…

  • Cook up an extra side dish of veggies at dinner tonight? Or try out a new healthy recipe?

  • Park further from the office to give yourself an extra 5-minute walk?

  • Squeeze in one more fun physical activity you enjoy?

  • Ask for advice from a trusted friend or family member who has health habits you admire?

  • Schedule a workout or do some meal planning?

  • Meet up with a member of your support system?

You don’t have to do all these things at once.

Just look for something small. Something simple you can do today, that builds on what you already have.

The best place to start is where you already are.

Want help becoming the healthiest, fittest, strongest version of you?

Most people know that regular movement, eating well, sleep, and stress management are important for looking and feeling better. Yet they need help applying that knowledge in the context of their busy, sometimes stressful lives. That’s where we come in! Enquire about In-situ Coaching for free today.


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