Episode 89. Why you need routines for success

The In-situ|Collective Podcast - Episode 89. Why you need routines for success

Whether you intend to or not you have routines spread all throughout your day.

When it comes to achieving your health and fitness goals (or any goal really), having supporting routines in place can really make or break your ability to succeed.

In this episode, we cover why routines are vital to success, physical health and mental healing and how you should go about creating routines that will support your goals.

Hi there 👋 If you're new to our video welcome! I'm Mack a Certified Nutrition Coach and Psychology student. The Viking next to me is Jack, an experienced Personal Trainer and ex-gym owner. Together we are the In-situ Collective.

We coach clients both in-person and online, helping them achieve their goals through education, accountability and personalized fitness programming.

If you like to nerd out about health and fitness as much as we do, you can subscribe for weekly videos.

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