#8. Busting health and fitness myths

There's a lot of good ones in there that we know people. Sort of ask struggle with yeah. I get very confused when we say that's not real. Yeah, you get some blank stares, which is always fun, but we'll try and go into as much detail as possible. But if you're one of these people and you believe one of these myths and put it in the comments below, say, oh, she, I thought that was a thing I've been doing for years, and if you feel like we've missed any or didn't do a good enough job explaining some of them, again, hit us up and we'll go into more detail on other shows. First up. I'm gonna go first cool. This is probably my favourite and funny enough like the guy like big bulky guys in the gym are worse for this is so funny. Like will sit there doing bench press and bicep curls for days to grow our upper body but then they do sit-ups, thinking that they're going to shrink their waist. So doing sit-ups to shrink your waist every muscle is the same. It doesn't matter where it is on your body. They all grow with the proper stimulus. You can't work some in different ways and shrink them. So yeah, it's funny when you see people doing sit-ups and sit-ups for days trying to shrink their way soon. It's probably just getting bigger and bigger because they're working out so much and you could sort of have the argument of just trying to do more exercises to increase your calorie deficiency or whatever it is the deficit. That's where I was going for. Sit-ups probably aren't great for that. They're not that big of a movement, they don't work that many muscles, so again, that's not a good argument for it. But basically, you cannot shrink any part of your body by working it. That makes the opposite. Yeah, so if you're doing sit-ups, try sync to shrink your midsection, stopwatch what's going into your mouth more than the sit-ups you're doing. Cool, that was my first one you're you're you go OK, my first one is Super Foods so I feel like. I don't know. They are still a pretty common thing people think foods are summer super and some are less superior I guess. Uhm, I can understand why. Like a lot of foods like blueberries, for example, are well known for having antioxidants, I guess, which is where the whole superfood thing started because antioxidants are. Good for your cells and originally I'm pretty sure they believe that blueberries could like fight cure cancer because of the antioxidants and cancers in yourselves and all that jazz. So that's where that came from. But, if you're having just one or two fruits because you think they're super, then you're doing yourself a disservice. 'cause say blueberries, for example, predominantly have like potassium. Vitamin C and K in them I believe, so you're only getting those three vitamins and minerals, whereas if you're eating a range of fruits colours, then you're getting vitamins and minerals of all sorts. And obviously, your body is going to like that a lot more. So like I always say, eat the rainbow. Blueberries aren't better than say, like a banana. Yeah, and in marketing terms, there's a lot of studies done out there that show that brands that have superfood in their on their package somewhere sell better than foods that don't. Yeah, and it is mostly just a marketing ploy to get you to spend money on that product rather than the other one. That's not a superfood. And if you're buying a product that has superfood written on it. Then fruit in it probably isn't even really worth it, like you're better off just going and buying a pint of blueberries. Yeah, yeah. Pretty much just marketing Super Foods are not real. A second one, my second one I guess. So I thought this one went away and no one said it anymore. But then a couple of months ago somebody said it and I thought they were joking. But then though it turns out that was serious so. Uplifting weights when you're younger in your early teens stumps your growth. I got told this by the trainer when I started going to the gym and I think there's a lot 14 or 15 and she made me stop lifting weights on certain days because she thought I was doing too much and it would stunt my growth. Really, yeah I believe that 'cause she was older and she had more experience in that sort of stuff. But there is 00 evidence show that any type of weight training, any type of exercise will stump your growth. Yeah, I don't know where that comes from or why, but apparently it's still around and people still believe it so. Exercising does not stop your growth. Is it simple? Is that a great example, our number one supporter, Allah yeah, she's been weightlifting since she was like a young teen? Yeah, and I feel like she's average height. Average size like can lift better than the whole gym. Yep, and it's just yeah which I started when I was that young and lifting heavy weights all that time. So and she's not short by any means like just the yeah, I don't know where yeah? I don't know where that comes from, but it's still around and it is 100% myth and there's no truth to it. Interesting. Cool up the next one that I had was sweet potatoes are superior to white potatoes. I don't know why I feel like sweet potatoes were in a huge like they were a big fad for a while when I was a kid. We didn't eat that many sweet potatoes. It was always white potatoes and then all of a sudden. The world was like only eating sweet potatoes. Yeah, like, don't get me wrong, they both have their benefits. They both have differences. Vitamins and minerals. Same as when you're eating fruit like you shouldn't just eat the one thing continuously.

Yeah, but calorie-wise a white potato has fewer calories, like about 10 calories less per 100 grams than a sweet potato does. So for weight loss purposes, a white potato would be more your friend than a sweet potato. But for vitamin-mineral health purposes, it doesn't matter. Even both, I think it's just one is orange and one is white and orange looks better. Dumb. Nice alright. My next one. No pain, no gain. I think Phil where we hear someone said this the other day to us, did they? I think so. It's very common and everybody is like you. You gotta go that pain cave to get results and just break yourself every single session. And it's probably the complete reverse and this is just me talking ****. There is a lot of studies done on this where if you're doing the right amount and generally it's not to the breaking point, it's well below. That you'd get better results. So obviously there are points where and times when you want to go to that pain cave just for a bit of fun, but it's fun. You don't get gangs there, so. No pain, no gain. It's more like moderate pain, lots of gains, just like I feel like in my brain. I'm thinking once you get pain, it's like a broken point so you have to fix the broken point and then start to progress. So it's like a lot more work for your body than if you just go halfway. So yeah, a complete myth. Don't believe it's what you just need to move and have a bit of fun every single day. Yeah, a bit of resistance training and you'll get some results. You do not have to have lots of pain. Cool, I'm going to shut up about that one you go. Uhm? The last one, this is my last. Everything looked free as a bit unprepared, but that's OK if a fruit has too much sugar. You shouldn't eat fruit because it's sugary. Sugary sugar is carbs. Carbs make you fat. That is a lie. All of that. That whole sentence doesn't believe any of it. I believed

it for a little while. Thank you. Would you stop eating fruit? Fruit is like. The lowest. Cal has the lowest calorie density out of all the food, so I don't like it so hard to overeat fruit. Can you imagine sitting down and being able to eat like a whole pint of strawberries and then half a watermelon like you wouldn't be able to? It's so much food, so yes, the fruit has sugar in it. It's not bad sugar. Your body has. Our bodies have been using it, digesting it for. Ever 'cause it comes from Mother Nature? You know, so it's natural. It won't make you fat if it does, something's wrong.

Yeah, and if you're cutting out for it, then you're missing so many vitamins and minerals, again with vitamins and minerals, because that I feel like fruit has a lot more colours to offer than. Vegetables or vegetables. Do you have a lot of calls? But most people eat all fruits. Not everyone eats all vegetables. Does that make sense? So if you're not eating fruit, then you're missing a whole part whole area where you could be getting vitamins and minerals a whole way to be cutting overeating because you're feeling your belly with fruit and fibre, which is a good thing rather than junk. Does that make sense? Yeah, a lot of people will explore new vegetables before they explore new fruits. Yeah, and you should be doing both. Also, that I feel like preparation is key like eating dry fruit is a lot different to eating fresh fruit and does have a lot more sugar in it and the same with the potatoes. Like if you're eating bought store-bought. Sweet potato chips and avoiding white potatoes like there's no point like preparation does make a lot of difference too. How well your body uses the food and what you get out of it I guess yeah, yeah, and you could almost call that a form of being processed as well. The Sweet potato fries. Yeah, Yep, just found a little story when I was a kid. My nan used to cut strawberries up, put them in a bowl and cover them in white sugar, put them in the fridge for like half an hour and then we would eat them. And that's the only way I used to eat stories when I was a kid because I didn't like them. Otherwise, they were two like sour, so should cover them in sugar. And it was like. Addictive, almost like to a kid. It's like cocaine. Have loved to have seen that the Hawaiian then crash, yeah. Uhm? So. I guess you could chime in on my last couple more sweat equals more fat loss or weight loss. Yeah, yeah, sweat has absolutely nothing to do with calorie output or input or anything.

Some people sweat more than others and that is it. You can like no pain, no gain thing, but you can push yourself to the point where you're sweating a lot. And yes, you will lose weight because you're losing water out of your body. But you also have to replace that water. Yeah, and if you don't, you die.

Now obviously different people say all boxers lose a lot of water weight. We're not talking to the boxes, we're talking to the general public. And if you're a top-level athlete listening to this podcast, thank you, but probably not for you for the general population. Sweat has nothing to do with anything fat burn anything like that. I sweat a lot. But it doesn't mean I'm shredded all the time. So yeah, anything else add on that one. No, I don't think so. Or you like this one. I worked out so I can eat whatever I want. So, people, we hear this a lot as well. People come to a hard session at the gym and then go well sweetie, I can go out for dinner and eat whatever I want me. So I see it, I'm really both in both areas. I guess like I feel I don't even get when I have clients counting calories. I don't even get them to enter there. Workout into you. Now my fitness pal. You can enter the calories you're eating and the supposed calories you've burned. If a watch picks them up, I don't even. Yeah, get people to do that. And it's pointless trying to track any of that because I read something the other day. So the whoops, we where they're about. I think 45%. Accurate with accuracy, accuracy with tracking how many calories you're output in a session where Garmin's Apple watches all the others are about 12% wow. So if you're using an Apple Watch or Garmin or anything like that, track how many calories you burn in a workout and then you're like sweet or burn 500 calories. Now I can go eat 500 calories. There's probably a big difference in where you're actually at, so even that you can't. You can't do that and it works. Yeah, yeah. So yeah, just because you had a hard workout doesn't mean you can go out and have burgers and chips and drinks and that sort of stuff. You can't work out, work a bad diet, no food. You cannot kill an. These two sorts go hand in hand with each other. Then I've got one more. That's probably the most popular at the moment, but does lifting weights make you bulky or if I lift weights I'm going to get bulky? No, not at all, and this mainly comes from women and for women it is even harder to put on muscle than men so hard. I wish I was bulky like **** so you only bulk up when you're in a surplus of calories. And if you're under that and you can lift as many ways as you want and you're not going to bulk up, you'll get toned or lean I guess, but not like I feel like people have. A lot of the people that follow us have like professional cross-fitters in mind when they're like, I don't want to look like that like that's too much muscle, but you know how hard it is to look like that and how hard it is to sustain that and their full-time job, you need to be working at 8 hours a day. You have a personal chef. All your supplements in line sleep. Massage everyday recovery. No stress, so again, if you're that top-level up listening to this and you're like ******** you can.

I know there are some people out there that can look at a set of weights and put on muscle, but they make up about 1% of the population, and if you're that person shut up, it's not bad. So weights do not make you bulky, it again what you eat. So so a lot of these come down to change in your perception. Exercise and food. It's Food First and then exercises. Yeah and then the same thing. Does protein powder bulk you up? A lot of people, especially when I was growing up. But protein powders have changed a lot. In my early or later teens and that sort of stuff, people wouldn't take protein powder because they think they're just going to bulk up and it's like taking steroids. It is not. Protein, again, the protein itself isn't going to make you bulk up. It is going to help if you're in a surplus of calories, but. It's necessary, yes, but the only thing that Sir plus you will put on muscle. Yeah. Makes sense yeah cool the last one and I put this in there because I feel like the again same thing. I thought this went away and then half the gym marks. Yeah, half the gym I had a few people reach out online as well about this and I'm just like wow like people still believe it. And it is completely not true to a certain point, which I'll get into a second. But does creatine make you put on weight or make you hold fluids? I'm just going to say no because the percentage is so low that happening of that happening. So like a couple of per cent. So if you start taking creatine, it will make you hold onto water, but it is in the cells of the muscle itself so that if anything it's going to give you. Better looking muscles rather than flabby looking body and 'cause everybody freaks out and goes. Oh **** I'm gonna put on water weight and I'm going to look all flabby it's the complete opposite but again it is that low in percentages I think it is a myth. Get top-level athletes that one point 1% of people in the population. You guys still thank you for listening, but shut up. That mod affects them, but for the rest of the 99.9% of the population, it is a myth. The percentage of that low is not worth worrying about, and then the benefits of creatine outweigh any water retention anyway, especially if you don't eat meat. You should be having to create in your. Uhm diet each day anyway. Or however often you should be taking it.




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#7. Answering your questions, from milk options to sex.