#7. Answering your questions, from milk options to sex.

We're going to be answering your questions. I had a lot of fun doing this last time, so pretty excited to get into these. Got a lot of good questions there, but as always before we get into it, if you get something out of this episode, I want you to share it with a friend. Share on your socials tags us. Just help us reach a few more people and keep this podcast or video thing on YouTube going. Uhm, and if you're looking to sort of start your health and fitness journey, and you're not sure where to start, head over to our website's link will be here somewhere. And you can enter your details and chat with one of us in person so we can help you on your fitness journey. Point in the right direction. And that is it for that cool so. Questions. Q&A Here we go question number one, which is a good one. OK, so this one comes from Buddha. The question is, what if any experience have you had with different kinds of milk? Example cow, go arm and oat macadamia? What are the nutritional benefits of each? And most importantly, what? Aside from dairy goes best with coffee? It's a really good question, so I guess to start with, what experiences we've had. I can't have dairy. Just it gives me all kinds of health problems like rashes and bloating and IBS kind of symptoms. So I cut out dairy probably three years ago. Now we have it. If we do like special occasions and I have it and just suffer the consequences, you know, but. Yeah, so I can have dairy but I only have it for special occasions as well, just because it should be only a special occasion food. Yeah, I've never had a goat. Have you ever had goat milk? I think I have somewhere along the line, but not enough to remember what it tastes like. Like it would be like, probably creamiest, I guess. Now there is something different between obvious goat and. Cow milk in the protein makeup. So some people are more tolerable of goat milk, yeah, but again, haven't got enough to know. What it's like yeah, yeah cool, I'm just going to touch pretty quickly on nutritional benefits of kinds of milk because they're so, so, so many kinds of milk, especially plant-based milk. And obviously, it can be super hard to know which one to drink, so we'll start with oat milk I guess. 'cause that's the one we use. Most of us don't have milk in our coffee. We have black coffee, but we do use milk in things like sometimes we have hot chocolate or in our oats. The reason we chose oat milk was that it has the least amount of calories per cup. So when I was counting my macros and stuff, it just had the least effect I guess. Ongoing over my calorie intake, it also is the most sustainable plant-based milk. So it takes up the least amount of land space. Compared to how much it offers, I guess, and it doesn't. Oats don't need much water, whereas cows have cows. Uhm, they use a lot of our resources. So yeah, oat kinds of milk are our top choice, Yep. Uhm? The benefit I guess of cows milk would be the calcium, but also you can get calcium from like most vegetables. Goat milk next would be the next one for calcium because it does have has half the amount of calcium in cows milk, but it's still pretty high compared to any other plant-based milk and then soy, which I would say is probably the most popular plant-based milk. Do you think it's not very sustainable? It does take a lot of energy resources water to produce soy milk. I hate the taste of it and from a barista express standpoint, it is the worst milk to make a coffee with. It just splits, it's just. It's gross.

Shouldn't be milk. It shouldn't be milk. But I guess if you are worried about calcium. Uhm, that would be your best plant-based one for that. But just eat more broccoli. He's got more Kelsey and then sorry workers anyway he's gonna say if you're looking for more calcium and going to a liquid-like that, you're doing something wrong.

Almond milk is pretty popular. I know. In coffee, it doesn't taste bad. It does have a very nutty taste. Also a similar process to soy. In the way that it's not very sustainable, it takes a lot of lands to grow and produce. The number of almonds that it takes to supply us with our milk. A lot of water goes into keeping the almond plant alive and then to produce another milk is, yeah, a lot of water, so almond I believe is after cows. The least sustainable choice. Uh, what else? Macadamia? I don't know much about it. I haven't had it before. It's pretty similar. Profile to oat milk so. I'm tipping net to be the next in macadamia, the next Fed if you go to any other farms up in sort of northern NSW. Everybody is pulling out their plants and planting macadamia trees really, so you watch another year or two. Macadamia will be the thing, so you'll be out in macadamia. We in. Another one is plant-based only I nearly forgot about this. To add to the list with coconut milk which we used to have religiously because it's probably the closest to cows milk in texture. Creaminess wise from plant-based milk, but it is higher in fat which also makes it higher in calories. So I guess you just have to weigh out what your goals are like. If you don't mind. And you prefer to just have a creamy coffee over. Counting macros, I guess. Think I can't make pretty good it's. It is, I guess, medium on the sustainability thing because it comes only from tropical areas, so it's harder to get, and apparently, a lot of deforestation is going on because our demand for coconut milk is getting higher, yeah? Yes, cool. There was a lot, wasn't it? So back to the question. So that was I guess, the comparison. Now to having coffee.

So I don't think you should have anything in your coffee. I think you should just be having a black eye.

I don't think you should be having anything in your coffee. Coffee, by itself, is quite an enjoyable thing, and if you're having that much coffee that it's not enjoyable and you need to add milk into it, you're doing it wrong. I feel like it should be something that you enjoy doing, enjoy drinking, and if you do that and you have good quality coffee, then you don't need to add anything to it. Yeah, I would say yeah I agree, but some people just don't like black coffee I guess. So if you do just generally prefer it with milk I guess. From a barista standpoint, I would choose either oat milk or coconut milk because it doesn't split and sustainability standpoint oat milk. Yeah, cool. Cool, so I think that's all items. The question that we got. Probably spend another 20 minutes talking about that. I've been talking about it for so long. Yeah, cool next question. The next question was what's the best exercise to do to recover from hamstring injuries? This is for you. It is and I did ask for more info, but Liu did not give me more info on that injury so I'm just going to give give you a broad overview on how to. Recover from injuries. So without knowing how. Severe, it wasn't that sort of stuff. You can do all the best exercises to recover in the world, but unless you are sleeping properly, properly hydrated, and eating good food that doesn't aggravate your injury, yes, food can aggravate your injury unless you're doing those three things. The best exercises in the world aren't going to recover it if they can, but it's going to take a lot longer so. Do those three. If you're doing those three properly, then go to this. You want to try and gently lengthen and strengthen.

Again, I don't know whereabouts or how or what, but generally when it comes to an injury, some things aggravated so gently lengthen and that could be passive stretching, active stretching, massage, rolling, anything like that. And then once you've got more range of motion, so let's say hamstrings. And you can't touch your toes like you've bent over and tried to touch your toes. You've done all these things and now you can touch your toes. Now you've got to build strength in that new range that you've got. Otherwise, you're just going to still open yourself up to injury, so. Accessory exercises and all that sort of stuff to build up that can look like if I know that the person that leads that asks this question is doing a lot of running. So doing some barbell back squats or front squats deadlifts. All different variations of those are good for running as well. A lot of runs don't want to lift weights because they think it's going to hinder it, but it will actually help your legs get stronger, so stronger and prevent injury so you can keep running so. I'll leave it there confident, yeah, I did forget one point. Just on the milk cleanser. OK, I just have so many notes. Was. To be careful of like obviously, if you're swapping from cows milk to plant-based milk, there's a lot of additives in plant-based milk to try and get it to taste. Feel like cows milk. So I guess just read the ingredients before you make your choice because. Whatever is added to it is going to make a huge difference in how you enjoy it and how your body deals with it. Yeah, OK, the next question we've got was where? Do you get the natural light alarm Mack talks about? Then the alarm clock yeah. So we have an alarm clock that gradually in case you didn't know it becomes lighter as it gets closer to going off. So say you've got it set for 6:00 AM. I think about 5:30 it'll start to get light and then it will gradually be bright enough to light the room by the before your alarm goes off. So it's like you're being woken up by the sun. Yes, simulates a sunrise. Yeah, and if you don't wake up from that sunrise then an alarm goes off, but it's just a better way to wake up rather than just. From a noise just government from sleep to awake. It's just a much better way to wake up. Now, where did we get it from? I think you got it to praise God for Jacks birthday like three years ago, three. I think there's more like. Not very good. Three years ago here last Jesus, I got it. I'm pretty sure it's a Phillips. The brand is Phillips. I just got online somewhere. Just Google it. Google Phillips Light alarm clock. And like so many will come up. Yeah yeah, shop around and get the cheapest one. She's an alarm clock. Make sure you get one with red light. So yeah, the time is displayed in red light so it doesn't keep you awake at night.

The next question is why do you recommend limiting protein shakes as a source or extra source of protein intake? Good question. You go first. So basically protein is heavily processed. I guess we don't advocate processed stuff in general proteins, probably our biggest exception because. Meat is somewhat hard to get good quality mate, and it's expensive and. It's just yeah, protein is a hard one, but it's just, I guess, convenient. Tastes good, it's almost like a treat for us. I guess having protein powder.

Yeah, yeah, so we don't always have protein powder. I think we went for about a month or two without even having a protein shake there. 'cause we ran out and just didn't order any. Often like to do that just to see if there's any change. And honestly, I don't think there's that much of a change. We just have protein shakes just to top up. You shouldn't be relying on protein shakes for your protein intake. Although most protein companies say they got a broad spread spectrum of amino acids in their protein, generally your body won't absorb half of them, so you're not getting much protein from it. So yeah, basically what I'm trying to say there is. A protein says it has 30 grams of protein in it because it is so heavily processed, your body can't process most of it, so you probably only get 15 to 20 grams of protein instead of the 30 that's advertised so. You want to get your protein from as many different sources and not just one. So yeah, we just don't recommend protein shakes as your first port of sort of getting protein. Food and then supplement with protein.

Next, this is an unusual question, but a good question. Talk about healthy sex drive as one of the signs of the signal. Sorry for your good health. What does a healthy sex driver look like? miller Do another test. I guess we should do sort of guys and girls. Yeah, it's not much. Point me talking about girl sex truck 'cause I don't know what it's like. So for guys and this sort of comes down to. Your home and should be in balance, and when your hormones are imbalanced, you're going to feel a lot better. You're going to have for guys, you're going to have more mass, so we're going to have less body fat. All that sort of stuff. But what that should look like, Simply put in the morning when you wake up, you should be happy, hungry and *****. Simple as that. If you wake up every morning, you groggy, you struggle to get out of bed. You're not happy, you're not hungry. Then your hormones are out of balance and you need to do something to regulate that a lot better. But for a guy, yeah you should be ***** in the mornings. I don't think it matters what age you're at. Obviously. As you get older, that sort of deteriorates a little bit, but shouldn't deteriorate that much. Not as much as what it's sort of, sort of. Talked about, yeah, yeah. Common doesn't mean normal. Yes, I think that's sort of a good point there. Yeah, yeah, what else? A good sex drive. Yeah, that's I'm just going to leave it there. There's a lot of stuff I can go into, but again, I don't want to sit here and talk for 40 minutes about that. If that is a topic that you want to talk about, but probably better off a one on one thing. And yeah, hit us up on our website and we can talk to you about that. Yeah in person. Cool from a female perspective. I guess what it looks like.

It's really hard. Everyone was so different. I guess you should want to initiate sex as well as if your partner initiates it. You should want to partake in it, not you shouldn't be denying your partner all of the time. That would be an unhealthy sex drive, but also I guess it takes women a little bit longer to have the desire to want to have sex. They can't just be like I'm *****. Let's have sex. Do you know what I mean?

Yes, so if you feel like you don't have. If you're questioning this, I guess you probably don't have a healthy sex drive. If you're wondering what it is like. So that can be caused by again hormonal imbalances. Same as men having a healthy diet. So what you eat has a big impact on how you feel in your body, how your body looks, how so, obviously, how much. If you think you're desirable or not I guess, which plays a big part in wanting to have sex in your environment. If your bedroom is messy or it stinks or it's dark or you haven't washed your sheets for ages or. I don't know you're in a toilet. No, it's like you know, make it the environment I feel like plays a big part for women more than men because you want it. You want the environment to impact. Well, it does impact how you feel. So having a good environment makes a big difference.

Being active, so being active there's a lot of talk at the minute about exercise. If you exercise. Often strength exercises in particular are read a paper about this the other day, and then you can have better, more orgasms as a woman. Yeah, so I guess there's a lot of things that play into it. Food, exercise, environment. Hormones. Yeah, so I guess the biggest one from a coaches POV from me doing this for quite a few years. The biggest one I see is overtraining. Undereating, yeah, if you're doing those, yes you get good body image results, but generally, your sex drive isn't there. Yeah yeah. And I'm talking like. So yeah. If again, probably look into those. If you are have got a low sex drive or you haven't got any at all. Looking to those two and then sort of start the journey from there. Also, two big ones we forgot were sleep and stress. Yeah, no one wants to have sex on their stress or when they're super-duper tired. So just like getting enough sleep, manage your stress. Yeah, like everything in life I guess. Yep. Cool and the other question from the same person was. Can you have a good immune system and poor sleep? I haven't had a cold and flu in over five years. But I rarely get more than 6 to 7 hours of sleep. I eat well and train in various things several times a week. Two PTS 4 to 8 kilometre run four aerial fitness classes teach an aerial fitness and Bungie. Four times a week and work two jobs. I've got no time to be sick. You have no time to be sick. That is so much stuff.

I guess. Yeah, so again the human body is quite amazing and it will adapt to anything you are doing to it and that can be it can adapt in a good way and a bad way so. As long as you're doing everything right to lock for recovery wise, eating enough, you know you just mentioned that you haven't got. 6 to 7 hours of sleep isn't too bad for that sort of, you know busy schedule as long as you're enough food, you know taken a bit of time for your brain to just switch off a little bit as well. Then I'd say you can keep that up. I don't think you would be able to keep it up for decades, but yeah, definitely there are busy people out there that achieve a lot and do a lot and don't get sick. So then again, we could probably go into a lot of things you can do to sort of prevent sickness, but. Uhm? If you're doing everything right, then you shouldn't be getting sick. Yeah, I think. You think it helps to be in tune with your body, which can be super duper hard when you are that busy. So you should be able to tell if you're signed to get run down as I get, I get a tingle on my lip when I'm about to get a cold sore, and I'm like, OK. I need to like just take it back a couple of notches so if you can find signs and signals then you can avoid getting sick easily. So just pay attention to your body. I guess that will help, and then it will prevent you from ever getting sick. I can't be last time I was sick and. It's a bit hard, but a lot of people don't sort of take note of when they do get sick and why. Yeah, I did mention sort of I had a few health complications quite a few years ago and it sort of made me just take a bit more attention to when I do get sick and why I get sick. I haven't so you can sort of eliminating the things that cause that.

And I haven't been sick for a few years now, so. Getting sniffle here and here and there, but that's about it. But again, it's different for everybody. He's gotta be in June for the body, yeah? Cool looking for every aspect of life. Yep. That's it, that's all the questions do you have any more? No no, that was it. Yeah, cool, cool, good session everybody. Thank you to everybody who submitted their questions. As always, if you feel like you got something out of this or you want us to dive into one of these topics a little bit deeper, we can do a whole subject or in one of those questions, or a whole episode on one of those questions. If you want us to talk for half an hour on milk, comment below. But yeah, hope you all enjoyed it. As always, give us a thumbs up, share it, comment all that sort of stuff helps us reach more people and change people's lives and that'll do. Will see you all in the next episode. Thanks for watching and listening




#8. Busting health and fitness myths


#6. Mack_s interview with Monica Yates on the Feminine as F#ck podcast.