#2. 5 Tips for healthy fat-loss

Today we got some rocks, big rocks, small rocks. More big rocks are things that you should be focusing on, and the smaller rocks are ones that people tend to focus on but don't have that much result for focusing on. Does that make sense? Yeah, yeah, a little bit. So we're going to get into that in a second. As always, if you get something out of that of this episode, please give us thumbs up, give us a comment. Let us know what you think. Focus on social so you get more of this. Sweet as contents. And if you want to continue the conversation with one of us about your fitness journey in more detail, head over to our website where you can have a free consultation and we will dive into your fitness journey and what rocks you should be focusing on. OK, so these rocks are all about your health and fat loss so. Big Topic, we tried to nail it down. Five will get into those right now, but yet only five to focus on. Let's get into it. We gotta start with cool. So the first big rock of the biggest rock. I suppose you would say is vegetables. I feel like people often forget about vegetables. You should try and have them at all three meals, not just dinner. When I was a kid I know it was just like dinner is the only time you eat vegetables focusing on them. Like primarily helps you be full for longer. You can get lots of micronutrients from them which is essential for having a healthy functioning body. Also fill up your plate so you have less crap I suppose so it's easier in the sense of fat loss to lose weight because you're eating more filling foods, better quality foods. More of a variety.

Yes, so in a lot of things, a lot of people I see make this mistake as well coming. Sort of from a bodybuilder's point of view, to lose fat they will just eat broccoli, broccoli, broccoli, rice and chicken, and that's pretty much it.

And I would benefit a lot more from their training. Building the muscle loosen or fat by having those micronutrients in your body, because it's what your body needs to build muscle and burn fat. So don't cut him out to think that you're going to get better results. Yeah, variety is key. Eat the rainbow, I suppose.

#2 is lean protein, lean protein because obviously, it has less fat on it, so your body isn't going to store it. If you eat too much fat. It's better used by the body so. Your body uses it more efficiently to build muscle. I guess to put it that way. Usually, it's better quality. It's not processed like salami or. Bacon or sausages. So usually looking at like a suppose you can get lean mince steak chick in meat like that. It also fills you up for longer. Yeah, definitely end if I don't see the first thing I've seen with people just eating rice and chicken, it's if when they start training they don't eat any protein at all. Your body needs that protein to build muscle and the more muscle you got, the more that your body is going to use for energy to use up to fuel those muscles. So you need to build muscles and to do that you need protein. And again same thing. Variety is key there so don't just have your protein shake and go sweet on sorted for the day. Get it from as many different sources as you possibly can, just a little side note, we were eating just plant-based protein for a little while there. For lots of reasons, and we've just recently changed back to eating meat. Not that we weren't any meat at all, it's just we cut it down a lot and we're getting it from a local farmer. So it's like really good quality meat and. The recovery that we see in our group and our, I suppose effort. We have to put in the gym has gone up so much since having like a good amount of protein at every meal. So just something to think about and my body composition got a lot better since we added in meat. Yeah rather than all the extra fibre of lentils and stuff. I look a lot leaner when on. Have a lot more protein in my diet rather than obviously veggies. You got a lot more carbs, which isn't bad. Still need those. Let's meet in understanding portions so. I guess you can relate this to the chicken, broccoli and rice thing as well, where it's sort of. Just protein and carbs or carbs understanding portions makes a big difference. Like if we aren't having enough protein. Obviously, we're not seeing as many results if we don't have enough carbs. Obviously, we don't have as much energy for the workout for the rest of the day. It's a lot harder to refuel if you aren't eating enough carbs and protein like you can feel very depleted from your workouts. Too much fat is really easy to overconsume as well. If you don't know what foods are made of fat, which is when you can start to store fat. That's a big one we see on Instagram all the time. Yeah, people going on their fat loss journeys. But then they eat all these metal posting all these meals and they just high fat. Met their healthy meals and I say healthy in quotation mark but they are high in fat so it's sort of pointless eating so much fat when your goal is fat loss. So you understand that is quite important.

To number 4 is resistance and aerobic training, not one or the other. I feel I feel like this is your department. I think I say this every time it comes up. You need to build muscle and that doesn't mean getting big and bulky. It just means having a good foundation of strength. OK, it does lots of things but prevents injury. All that sort of stuff, but from a fat loss POV. Like I said if you have more muscle. Your body is going to generally use fat to feel that muscle after the workout. Aerobic training. Who we could dive in a lot there, but I'll try and keep it simple. It's just your body after a certain point, so if we're going for 30 minutes. Everybody is a bit different in his department, so after a certain point, your body is going to go from using carbohydrates as a fuel to fat as a fuel. OK, if your workouts are long enough, your body isn't going to tap into those fat stores, so there's a lot of different variations of that, and that's why we say. Get a coach. Talk to one of us about that. Part and for you 'cause everybody is different in that department and everybody is going to sort of reacting differently to different types of training. But resistant training, end aerobic training together in a good combination for you is probably the best way to burn fat. Just to clarify, for listeners, resistance training is weight training. White training any Arabic training is like he lung capacity yeah yeah good point yeah. So resistance is resistance so adding resistance whether it's doing a bodyweight pushup, you're pushing your weight off the ground for adding dumbbells or barbells. That is resistance on your muscles. And yet anaerobic is how much your lungs are burning. Cuts again, I'll just clarify there burning the **** outta your lungs doesn't equal fat loss. It's the opposite. Getting up to about 70% of your capacity and staying there for a little bit longer is going to be better than at 100%. Capacity will go into in the second part. The second and last Big Rock. This is probably a very big rock for us. I think we are the sleep King and queen, so sleep obviously if you aren't sleeping enough or having good quality sleep then your body can't recover from your workouts. It likely won't be using your nutrients from your food very efficiently and everything just goes out the window. Really everything if you're not sleeping properly you would not recover properly. He not. Your body is not functioning, and for those guys out there. And women, so a good night's sleep is really good to boost your testosterone and estrogen. So again, that is essential for your body to use fat for fuel and work out probably properly. And if you're not well-rested, you can't do that. So you are sort of working out for nothing. Yeah, wait, if you don't get a good night's sleep, you're wasting all of your time and energy. Yeah, essentially in the gym. And goodbye to fast track your results. Yeah, we do have a YouTube episode on sleep for anyone on the podcast that wants to learn more about how to get better sleep will leave it there. We could go on. So the smaller rocks, not tiny but small earth. The first one I've got is the meal. It says meat, but mealtime. So I guess in relation to. When you

have breakfast, a lot of people trying to lose fat and weight think that pushing breakfast back further is going to help them lose weight. Not eating after training for a long time, I feel like people also do that when they're trying to lose fat and it's the wrong way to go about it. Yeah, definitely it sort of goes back to those bigger rocks. Focus on what matters 1st and then like not that meal timing doesn't matter. Different circumstances. If you're an athlete, maybe more so yeah. But athletes don't have to burn fat as much, so just the general public everybody out there probably listening to this. Your workout is one hour of the day. Focus on the other Get that down packed. Get that sorted and then focus on that one hour. When it comes to food. Use your if you couldn't get those 23 hours sorted, you're going to have much better results than trying to focus on that one hour. Yeah, just eat when you're hungry. Essentially, listen to your body and again, if you're not sure what we're talking about there, that's where you need to get help to understand that for you. Number two for the small rocks is supplementing, so I guess we can go back to the protein part and say to get enough protein from natural sources so meat, legumes, Greek yogurt and all that kind of jazz before you get a supplement. And don't use a supplement for all of yours. Protein or whatever you're supplementing intake like it's a supplement should supplement. A healthy balanced diet. Yeah, so about that. I think I say that every time we talk about protein, I've done a whole episode on protein focus on the Whole Foods 1st and the protein that way and then supplement your diet. I don't know how many people sign up. Start their journey in the sweet.

I got my workout plan now. What supplements are not needed?

You don't need supplements. OK, save your money. Spend it on better food and a better program. You'll get better results that way rather than supplements. Definitely important, but not to start with smaller rocks.

#3 specific macronutrient split, so this probably doesn't relate to everyone. If you're not counting your macros. If you are tracking your portion sizes though. I guess it could matter, so don't you don't really have to focus on like I'm going to eat fat, 55% protein and water. I can't math whatever is left in carbs. Just eat a good amount of everything, like balance. That's why we. Some of our clients count calories if they have more extreme goals, I suppose, but most just learn good portions for their body like they just learn how to eat a balanced meal every meal, and that makes enough difference. For their fat loss or overall health, yeah, your macros don't matter too much. If you can sort of still eat chocolate and cookies and all that sort of ****. Focus on eating better food and. Waiting at bad habits before you focus on macros and that sort of stuff. So what we're going for?

#4 The level of your workout intensity, and if that's a good way to word it, but a lot of people like if I didn't. Do the highest hardest intensity and not drip sweat too. I can't breathe in my chest. Doesn't hurt that I didn't work out hard enough, which is not the case. You can just. You can elaborate, so you'll tell me sweat doesn't equal fat loss. No sweat is not your fat coming out of your body. Yes, so 100%. It's again with that. This is again very individual, but. The intensity, the higher intensity, the more your body is going to use carbohydrates as fuel. The lower intensity, the more your body is going to use fat as fuel, and that's very general odds. But again, we were making this as general as possible so you can get something out of it. So don't go into the gym doing a super high-intensity workout five days a week thinking you're gonna be burning fat, you're probably going to lose weight, but not fat, so your body composition probably isn't going to look as good in the end. Adding some, not saying don't do it. It's still rock and you should still have that rock. Just a small one. It's just a small one, but you should have some resistance training in there as well to supplement and the stronger your muscles are, the better you can do that high-intensity workout anyway. So yeah, without getting injured especially but. Again. Generally, work within 50 to 70% of your work capacity, and there are all different calculations for that, and you'll burn fat better than. Going over that and maximum Sofia. OK, the last one. It's a bit of a joke, but having cool activewear you don't have to have Lululemon to start going to the gym. You can just wear Kmart or cotton or whatever. It doesn't. Your activewear isn't going to affect your performance or your results, just go to the gym in whatever you have. I've still got shorts that are about. Four years old. This I'm still surprised actually still hold together. Some of those squats. And I think that guys with everything. I guess you could put that into. You know, don't let little things. Stop you.

But did want to put one more in there and it sort of could come under that but don't start something and then see something else. And I need that they don't need to do that. So a lot of people do that with their diet and their programming. So programming was I'll start. Programs were all sweet then I'll see somebody smashing up battle ropes and they're super ripped and I haven't got better rates in mind. It's battle ropes. And the reason why I'm not getting results and it's like, well just chill. You don't need battle ropes to get results consistent program yes again, battle ropes. We had some good work yet, but they're not. They're not essential for your fat loss or health goals. Just because you see somebody doing on Instagram. And I might be wearing some sort of gymshark shorts and sponsored. So say summary real quick big rocks, five of them number one vegetables #2 lean protein #3 understanding your portions, #4 resistance and aerobic training, #5 sleep and the smaller rocks still focus on them, but focus on them less. Or once you've got the big rocks completely under control. Meal timing supplements. A specific macronutrient split level of intensity for your workout and having cool activewear. Small rocks and then summarize all that. If you're still like what the hell momentum be doing, that's where you head over to our websites, filling the info and have a free consultation with one of us and we can help you on your way and sort out your rocks. Yeah, but for real, if you want to continue the conversation, head over to our websites and we'll chat more about you and your journey. As always, if you got something out of this gives a thumbs up. Gives comment, gives a review if you have a topic that you wanted to talk about or a question hit us up on the socials




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#1. How to exercise without injures, with Matt the physio.