#3. 5 Reasons Why You Don't Have Energy

We're talking energy, this is something that everybody struggles with. So pretty excited to do it. We're going to give you 5 reasons why you don't have any energy and then give you 4 talks on those topics and how to improve them. Yeah so, but as always before we do, if you get something together, this gives a thumbs up. Make sure you follow along. Subscribe to all that sort of fun stuff and share with your friend that you think would struggle with energy as well and I'm sure they will get something out of it. And if you want to continue your health and fitness journey, head over to our website. There will be a link somewhere above this episode and you can download our Kickstarter God and kick start your fitness journey. And health journey. It's just been updated. Look sweet 80s awesome. So check that out. It is free. And enough about that number one first reason why you don't have any energy is. You don't eat enough food, so in terms of energy balance, I guess we'll start with obviously every day you expend energy at work. If you have a physical job in the gym walking, just like cleaning your house, everything you do essentially uses energy, so you have to replace that energy. And if you don't eat enough food, then you feel like you're lacking energy because your body's running on empty essentially. Yeah, so energy means calories. Yes, I suppose. In terms of calories so.

The best way probably to know if you are consuming enough energy would be to track your calories. The easiest way to do that is in my fitness pal. It's free for the standard level, which is all you need. You don't have to do it forever, just a little bit until you understand how many calories are in foods and what foods give you more energy. What foods, I guess a waste of energy. So like perfect example would be alcohol. Lots of energy, but you get no nutritional benefits from it at all. So it just feels. It's just empty calories. A lot of calories, but gives you nothing in return. Yeah, so if you. Yeah, I was just going to say a good option for everybody to just track your calories for a couple of days to see what you're putting into your body and if it's fueling your body enough. Cool alright, #2 you don't move your body which doesn't have to be specifically exercised. Don't have to exercise every day that's not your thing, you can just do the movement. I ask my story almost every day. Have you moved your body today just to encourage people to think about having gone for a walk? Have I cleaned the house? Have I? But no going to the gym done some star jumps. Push-ups were waiting for the microwave. You know, anything counts as moving your body, and if you don't move your body. Then you feel like a slug. Yeah, I think we've all been there before where we've had a rainy day or something like that and you just sat on the couch and watch Netflix all day and you feel worse. And on those days where you do move a little bit more than normal, you feel better. So we've all experienced that, so it doesn't have to be much. But moving your body, we are designed to move. And when you do, you feel better. Yep, #3. You aren't getting enough sleep or you aren't getting enough quality sleep, so we are huge on sleep. Black love at first priority. I would prefer to not have dinner and go to bed early because it just makes me feel so much better, but don't do that either anyway, so if you aren't getting enough sleep, obviously your body doesn't have time to rest and recover and digest. So it's very important. I think we talked about this in every single video we do about health and fitness. Sleep and I know all those people out there going to the South can't get much more sleep. It doesn't matter about how much but work on the quality of sleep as well. There's so much you can do to improve 2 hours of sleep and get the most out of those two hours and then rather than trying to get 8 hours and you just can't do it. So whatever sleep you get and improve on that and then improve on the duration of your sleep real quick will just do three tiny little tips to help the quality of your sleep get. Blue light blockers, like why don't you have them yet? I don't know where they like as soon as the sun goes down you should wear them. I don't like to wear them that early. Jack does, but they help you at the quality of your sleep so so so so so much. That's a whole another podcast though. Yeah, slash video. The second would be. I would say have some sort of routine leading up to sleep. A lot of people will just.

Do everything then sit on the couch and then flick off the TV and then go straight to bed and we are guilty of that sometimes. But the times when we actually have a routine, whether we stop reading for a bit just block out a bit of time for our brains just to sort of calm down and then go on to sleep. That is a massive improvement. Yeah for sure. And thirdly, probably don't have caffeine after one to the Max. Like you say it doesn't affect you, but it does. OK, this is like where it comes to the quality of your sleep. You may feel like you're asleep. A long amount of time, even if you have a coffee at three, doesn't mean you're having a good quality sleep. If you've had that coffee at three, if you are guilty of that, try not having a coffee past midnight. Annual notice difference in your sleep after about a week or two? I think that leads us to our 4th one. Yeah, which is coffee. So obviously coffee is used for energy, but having too much coffee or having coffee too early. Also has the opposite effect, so we were very guilty of getting up and having a coffee immediately. Now we're trying to push it off half an hour to an hour if we can because then you have more energy throughout the day. After all, it gives your body time to naturally raise your cortisol levels, so you are naturally stimulated rather than forcing your body to jump into being stimulated when you don't need to be yet. Essentially. And that's not just us talking about our experiences, there's a lot of studies out there now that show that if you. You know prolong your first coffee. It does help you wake up and have more energy during the day and you won't need a second or third or fourth. Yep, I just had down along with the coffee point was. Drinking enough water so I always say to hydrate before you caffeinate which is to get up have a glass of water. It's super easy. Not having enough water affects your recovery and your cognitive function and we just need water to drink it. Yep for sure #5. You don't get enough sunshine slash time outside.

Yeah, it's pretty simple. It's 'cause it's sort of the same energy systems if that's the right word, as caffeine, melatonin levels, and that sort of stuff. So some light does help that you should get at least. It depends on where you live as well, but 30 minutes to 60 minutes of sunlight exposure during the day, and I'm not talking about going out in the middle of the day and baking for an hour. You can go outside the peak sunlight but so morning and afternoon spender outside. Go for a walk. Whatever you need to do, just get outside and get a bit of sunlight on your skin. You don't have to go topless, you can just still have shirts. Most of the vitamin D. Is absorbed through the eyes, so don't wear sunglasses. Don't go outside and sit on your phone either. Yeah, let's go out and do something else. Mowing the lawns, going for a walk. Even reading a book outside but just don't wear sunnies, will help your body absorb the vitamin D, which helps your body. Sort of makes that mixture of chemicals so you can sleep later at night. Yes, and also. Oh, having gone outside in the sun on your lunch break is more beneficial than having a coffee at lunchtime because your body has a syconium rhythm. So it's like, oh, it's the middle of the day. I should be awake and alert, you know? So maybe swap your third coffee for sitting in the sun and eating your lunch. Cool, yeah that's all we got to give me a quick recap on those. OK so First off we had you don't eat enough food so discover your energy balance with my fitness pal. All the Kickstarter guides are available for free.

You don't move your body enough, so start going for a walk at lunch. You aren't getting enough sleep or enough quality sleep. Get some blue light blockers. For you have caffeine too early in the morning, so try to put it off for at least 30 minutes and five. You don't get enough sunshine, so get outside the US so there are five tips for you to get more energy. If you feel like we've missed something or you want us to elaborate on one of those, please let us know in the comments and we can do a whole episode. Like we said on each one of those, so let us know what you want us to dive into. An will do that, and again, if you got something out of this, please share with your friend that you feel like would have. Energy issues and. But he gave it a thumbs up and a share that would be very helpful for us. And if you want to know anything more, head over to our socials Jack at Insitu Body and Mac Dot Insitu Health and we can start a conversation there. Follow along, we release a lot of good info on those pages for you too.




#4. How To Love Yourself, with Alex Bennett


#2. 5 Tips for healthy fat-loss