#26. How To Stay Fit & Healthy Over Christmas

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Merry Christmas, everybody. We're getting close. So we want to do this episode because many of us start to get busy, and generally when Christmas time comes around, our health and fitness are put on the back burner when they should be the main focus. Your health and fitness shouldn't take a break. It should be your primary focus because we want you to be fit healthy for as long as possible. We have long, healthy lives, yet we find Christmas is just one of those times when people sort of start to ease off and forget about things. So we're not saying that you can't do fun things and eat the fun food and join the party, but we are just going to give you some tips to do those things reasonably. I guess you'd still feel good. Yeah, yeah. And if you haven't got time to listen to this, because we know you're all busy. Make sure you head over to our website in situcollective.com free and download this PDF for this show. So all these tips are wrapped up in a free PDF for you guys to download and have them print out. Put them up on your wall, so you do in someone's Advent calendar. Yeah, a great president and put him in their stocking, you know, get a box. Put this in there, wrap the package up, and it's the best gift you can give the best health and fitness.

Alright, let's get into it—tip number one, calm. So I'm just going to start with snacking because I feel like snacking creeps in pretty quick. The first tip that I've got is to eat a light snack before you go to your lunch events or dinners. Whatever going to a meal. Hungry is the worst thing you can do because if you're helping prepare, you're eating stuff mindlessly. They'll be chocolates out somewhere. I'm sure, and you'll eat chocolates because you're starving and can't wait until dinner. Whereas if you've had a snack that's in your control at home before you go out, then you'll have a lot more power when you're at the event. I guess. Simple, I do this year-round. Do you? Have you always have your always hungry? I know when we go out for dinner, and it's just like Andre Andre main dessert. Another main couple of drinks, and it's just like if I have a.

Send me to mail a small meal before I do that. I don't go out, and I'm just happy to. I'm responsible. Yeah, he is responsible. Number two is to have a platter strategy, so I don't know about anywhere else, but I know Christmas is in summer in Australia, so it's like a platter city. Well, it was when I grew up quite as everywhere. There's always a platter like the middle of the day before the meal. All the time, there's a platter, so I guess having a strategy might sound silly, but even if I tell anyone about it.


My suggestion is to go like the healthiest stuff first, so applied is like something you come back to frequently. So maybe the first time you get like a carrot stick in hummus and then the second time you get some fruit and a piece of chocolate and then the third time you get a cracker and cheese and then repeat that so it goes vegetable fruit cracker and cheese vegetable fruit crack from trees rather than going crackers, cheese, crackers, crackers, cheese. And because it's like half of that. That's like a meal right there. Yeah, yeah. So make a small plan in your head and. Then you don't. You don't miss out necessarily, but yeah, he's just space out. The cracker and cheese, I guess. Yeah. ACU, the next one I've got is alert, not armed, so I feel like if you're armed, you're very defensive, and I guess I can't have anything. Do you know what I mean? That's what I'm trying to get at, whereas if you alert. And you're aware of your options, I guess, and what you've had to eat. Then you can make better decisions. So I was hoping you wouldn't go in there being like I'm healthy. I can't need anything. Don't give me any chocolate, just OK. I'm going to have a piece of chocolate, and I'm aware I'm going to have a piece of chocolate, and that's fine, and although it sort of like yeah, no one likes that person. He just walks in and says I can't eat this. Don't put this out and all that sort of stuff, yeah, but if you keep that inside and all that stuff that you can't eat is out and you. Avoid eating it. It's just adding to your willpower and mental strength, so it is good to test that.

Sometimes you give in, which is completely fine, but it's also good to test it and build that willpower. Yeah, it's a good thing to have excellent the 4th tip that we have is portion control, so maybe you count your calories. I don't know. Usually, no one wants to count their calories over Christmas, I guess, or even just in regards to Christmas Day. So one easy thing that you can do is use your hands, so your hands are always with you to use your hands as portion control guides. So if you download the PDF for these 12 tips, I'll put the portion control guide in there, but essentially you want to have a palm of protein, one to two pounds of protein per meal, one to two cupped handfuls of carbohydrates. So that's like your veggies and stuff.

A thumb of one to two. Tons of fat and. Festive vegetables wait, so the cupped hand is. Cobbs, yeah God, I can't remember now. Yeah, I'm sure it's so like pasta, rice, potatoes yeah yeah yeah makes sense? Download the PDF. Just download the damn PDF cool. The fifth tip we've got is to start filling your plate with lean protein, like the roast meats and stuff, and then go like the vegetables and salads and then. The yummy stuff. So like the carbs and fats, I guess so like potato bake. Pasta bake cheese. I don't know, like the stuff you know you shouldn't be eating a lot of. Put that on your plate. Last, there will be less room for it, so Christmas time is the best time to go carnivore diet God. It's so hard, though. But if you have a big plate of meat protein, you're going to fill up on that and not want anything else. Yeah, that's true, and there's always it's like there is always so much meat to choose from Christmas. So go for me first. I still got a lot of nutrients and good stuff in it and then. Add some veggies. And by then, you won't want three serves of dessert.

#6 avoids the sausage, so in Australia. So I feel like sausages are a staple for every meal over summer. Pretty much, UM, but they're super high in calories, super high in saturated fats, super high in preservatives. Just if you're going to have sausages, because I know that they're delicious, get, go to the butcher or get a load quality. Yeah, get a good quality one. So yeah, you want to aim for lean meat, so like your roasts and—Skewers homemade skewers and preferably, yeah, things like that, seconds is plenty. How many other days of the year do you think you would normally have?

But yeah, like the food isn't going to run out. It's like having a second server if you want it, ask yourself if you're hungry, but you can always. There's always leftovers. I don't know how every Christmas we usually have lunch for dinner again or dinner for lunch the next day. I am a big fan of seconds, but if you're trying to stop it, my best tip and what I do is take a second, have a chat, have a drink and then see if you want seconds after that. Yeah, generally, it'll probably nearly be time for dessert if you wait a little bit. Cool, OK, now we are on to the topic of dessert so.

Eat treats wisely. It was the first dessert tip I had. What does that mean? I guess I consider how you would eat dessert if it were just a regular Monday night? You know, would you have six different types of cake? No, you know. Or yeah, that's what I'm trying to get. I guess it's just smart about it, I suppose. Don't go over the top just because it's there. Get a little bit of everything rather than a giant piece of chocolate cake. And then being like, oh, but I didn't get to try and end path. Now I've got to get a huge piece of PAP. Yeah, get a little bit of everything, then you don't feel like you're missing—anything, and it is OK to have dessert. Yep, you know, it's Christmas. Yeah. OK, the next step I had was to be the one that brings a healthy art dessert option. So I feel like that's us, but when I used to bake, that was us. Maybe if there's a healthy dessert option there that you made, and you know what's in it, then put that on your plate first and get all of the other delicious grandma baked goods. I guess around that.

OK, we are up to drinking now, which I feel is probably the majority of people's crux over the holidays. It's like I'm on holiday so I can drink every day. Yep, how much I want. Uhm, I'm not. I'm not anti-drinking, to clarify, but it is. It does have calories in it. Just because it's liquid doesn't mean it adds to your daily calorie intake. And if it is the holidays, you probably aren't exercising or moving as much. So be mindful. I guess that each beer or wine is like having a snack. I suppose it's not just like drinking water or something like that. So. My tip would be my first drinking tip would be to avoid beer. Yeah, probably like if you want to have a beer habit as your first drink because I feel like the first drink you have is the most enjoyed one and then swapped to like a challenging spirit. I guess you can mix something with soda water or have it on the rocks. Hard spirits still have calories in them, so be mindful of that. But there's just going to be less sugar, fewer carbs, fewer preservatives. So we had a client go on a boys weekend about a month or so ago, and he did a bit of research in the beers and that sort of stuff, so we didn't go over his calories, right? Yeah, and yeah. So he found out that the beer he would have if he had six of them was almost a whole day of eating. So he changed his beer choice, and he could have six of those, but it was half the amount of calories. So do your research. It's worth doing again. This is the time where people sort of overeating and overdrink and do all that sort of stuff and not move as much. So just doing a little bit of extra research on this stuff helps your health and Wellness a lot. So I guess the next point I had tile into that is planning your drinks dumb.

You can give yourself a limit. I find that I've given myself a limitation in the past, unlike. If the police don't like and drink more, that does work for some. So if they say I'm going to have six drinks tonight, and that's it, then they can. You can space your drinks out over the night. You know how many are going to have. I've had three. I've got three left. I'm going to enjoy these last three, for example.

Yeah, I guess saying it may help to be a fair member depends on your family, but I only want to have six drinks. Could you help me do that? You know, Yep, and you can keep each other accountable, I guess yeah. Cool, the last thing I had on drinking was water, so I feel like it's just common sense, but. They say to everyone drink of alcohol you have. It would help if you had a glass of water. Yeah, hard to do. Much harder said than done, I find. But if you take a water bottle, you don't have to go into someone's house and say, can I have a glass of water you know, like you've got your water bottle put in Yeskey with your drinks, put it in the fridge with your drinks every time you go to get another drink. Even have a like a gulp of water. That's probably more than you would have had in the past, so it's still an improvement. So half the hangover feeling comes from being dehydrated. So if you hydrate yourself, you're going to wake up a little bit better the next day, yeah? Cool ah, one thing I do want to mention. That I feel like we have. We've been playing with it a little bit. Do the mushrooms have adaptogens so? Adaptogens all have somewhat of a purpose in your body. And it was what Adaptedness was it that we had the other night? Quarterceps, and was it turkey tail? So they help your liver function, I guess so in your liver is what will get rid of the toxins from alcohol, so if you can support it in any way you can, why not so just having like a lot of water when you get home? Maybe AT or something like that with adaptogens will help your body process. Having them over this sort of busy season will help your immunity help your brain. Function help your body be healthier when you're not making as better choices and eating the foods you shouldn't eat as often. Yeah, just having things that support that. So if you hit one of the links below, you can go over to life cycle and get $10 off your purchase if you want it. I suggest ordering it now because things are put on your Christmas list. Crazy for accurate postage and all that sort of stuff. But yeah, cool, cool. So there's some wrapping up things to consider.

I guess I know your weakness. So if you feel like you've got good self-control with the food and you struggle with alcohol, then that's the place to focus. You have to focus on all of these things. For some people, stopping after some might be more complicated than resisting altogether. So stopping after a little bit of cake might be more challenging for you than having no cake at all. So I guess, know yourself, I feel know what's the best option for you. Come, don't stop exercising. Yeah, just because you're on holiday, get your exercise done early in the AM. So then you don't have to think about when you're going to fit in the rest of the day. Yeah, it's already done and go on. Family walked. You know, like what? Where is the time of the year? Do you have all this spare time sitting around in the lounge room together? Like? Why not go and walk?

And most importantly, relax, yeah. Cool, that's all I've got. I will say on the exercise thing. If you are travelling, you haven't got access to your standard gym stuff, or you only got a bodyweight hangover-free page where you'll get a few different training samples of programs. You can do those while travelling or at family places where you haven't got all the equipment you usually have. Any movement is better than no movement.


#28 The Friday Wrap-up, 10th Dec


#25 The Friday Wrap-up, 3rd Dec