#25 The Friday Wrap-up, 3rd Dec

In the Friday wrap-up we cover hot topics, useful information, teachable moments and article that will help you on your health and fitness journey. 

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I feel like it's just come up a whole lot more over the last two weeks is sweating alcohol out.

I don't know because I think you brought it up or somebody brought it up. And then, since then, I feel like I've just heard every person say it, or I'm just going to sweat it out tomorrow. Maybe because more people are drinking at the minute and exercising still feel like we touched on the effects of alcohol last week. So if you want to dive into that a little bit more, go back and listen to that one, but. There is no tangible way where your body sweats something out. Easy no, it does sweat as toxins as such out, but it's like the last place like so it's like the last place the toxins are at. To be swept out you'll liver is what does all of the hard work first, and I did a post in our group Facebook group yesterday about it because I feel like it is common for people to exercise and then to drink and then want to exercise. But yeah, essentially, your liver does all of the work fast, so you're better off not sweating it out and doing something very low-intensity zone. Two cardio or something like that just gives your kidneys or liver liver liver opportunity just flushed—alcohol ads through the proper means of. You are going to the toilet. Yeah exactly. You should just literally rest. Try to destress, I guess, so your body can do essentially so your body can get rid of the poison because that's what it is to your body. That's what alcohol is to your body. Yes, if you want a little bit more of a rundown on the process of alcohol leaving your body, make sure that you sign up for Friday's email because I talk about it at the very top of the email. That's this week's Word Vomit section, so make sure you're on the mailing list. To get that, yeah, cool, what do you got open over there? Oh yes, so I'm studying the summer unit. Yes, I'm a subject to get ahead a little bit, and we are finally looking at motivation and specifically appetite this week.

It's super interesting. The part of my textbook that I'm up to is mostly about obesity, but I just wanted to bring light to some things that I guess we don't realize in the current day and age. So from 1977 to 1996, sizes of food served in restaurants increased by 25%, just like so you wouldn't even really notice that 25%. 25% isn't a lot, but overall. Eating out quite often, it is a lot more food. Yeah, and I feel like when you go to a restaurant. You are more inclined to finish the plate because you're paying for it. Yeah, someone else has cooked it. And then they do mention how like soft drink and take away has increased, like tenfold so originally when Mac is opened, your soft drink was like the size of a medium coffee, maybe even a small coffee. And now it's like a bottle. Yeah, pretty much like you can get a bottle of soft drink in a takeaway cup. Easy. Rich is just like insane, and there's a whole like plus size meals, whereas back in the day and average. The adult sized meal was like a happy meal. Yeah, so you get like a burger and small fries.

Safer takeaway whereas now like you would never dare to think of getting that. You know, like as an adult who eats takeaway? Uhm, another thing was in an experiment. They served adults M&M's, and they ate them with a spoon, which I think does anyone eat M&M's with a spoon? Maybe it's like a thing you do in America. I don't know, but anyway, that was a study, and it's just like they talk about it like it's a normal thing, so the adults who were served M&M's with a large spoon ate almost three times as much as compared to the people that were served M&M's in a bowl with a small spoon. Start again so. You're a test subject. I'm giving you a bowl of M&M's and a big spoon.

Yep, I'm a test subject. I get a bowl of M&M's and a small spoon because you have the big spoon. You automatically eat three times more than I would worth of M&M's. Yeah, just because your spoons are big, so you might have six spoonfuls of M&M's and be like, yeah, whatever, it's only six spoonfuls, whereas their big spoonfuls. So you are just unconsciously eating three times as much as I'm eating, yeah. And I feel like I didn't know that to some degree because I always purposely eat things that require a spoon with a small spoon. And I always give Jack a small spoon, and at the start, he was like, what the heck is this? But now he accepts it, and he throws the small spoon. So like, I guess little things like that like using a smaller plate, smaller bowl, a smaller spoon will help you eat less without making you feel like you're missing out on anything, I guess, yeah, I feel like that's a good kicker. What you can say I was going to say that's a good trick for, you know, Christmas events overeating all that sort of stuff. Yeah, it seems to be the thing to do now, and that could be a good option. He had a smaller plate and a smaller set of cutlery, and it's going to look like your plate so full because it's smaller, and you're like, oh man, this is a lot of food, but then you're just probably eating a standard size. Yeah, the other experiment that they did was. With. A bowl of soup, so one test group had a bowl of soup with a tube underneath it, so the soup was filled as they were eating.

And then, another group had just a bowl of soup and the group whose bowl gradually kept filling more soup than the other group. Wow, that's nearly double. Yeah, there are nuts. 73% soup. Just because it was all because it was there, and imagine how many people would like to do that daily. Just go back for seconds or thirds because no one's controlling it. No one saying you have one bowl of soup. See, I thought that was crazy, and the last thing that I wanted to talk about was. That people studies show people eat less of something like chocolate was the example that they used. Suppose it's in small pieces. So if you eat individual Eminem's like with your fingers, you're going to eat less. And if you were to eat them with a spoon or if you eat individual squares rather than just taking a bite out of the block of chocolate, you're going to eat less chocolate. It's pretty good right there. There are so many good hacks, and it's like they're not even meant to be hacks, but I just thought that that's valuable for everybody listening, especially considering it's almost Christmas.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, nice. Well, I guess because it is Christmas and it is the start of the month as long term leases listeners would know, or some of our all of our clients would know we make habits at the beginning of every month with all our clients two to three patterns just that we try and tick off each day to improve a little bit. And obviously, it's tough to keep up those habits over Christmas and summer. But if you want to sweet as a habit tracker, head over to our website, where you can download one for free. And you can keep track of your habits and if you do take a screenshot, just let us know what you do for your habits over Christmas. I figured we'd talk about ours—our three habits each and why we chose them. You rest. So my first one was water, so I drink 3 litres of water every day. So I feel like when I get busy, water is something that I don't focus on much because I drink enough water in general, but when I get busy, I don't. Yeah, and then so almost end of day and I'm like oh ****, I haven't drunk much.

So what is just a straightforward thing you can drink every day to continue being healthy helps your brain. Function as well. You need to have a juicy brain to function well and just carry all the nutrients throughout your body, everything staying hydrated. All that sort of stuff. It is just good for you and super easy to do. So that's one of my things. I feel like I'll say for reference, your biggest downfall, not drinking enough water, is having a water bottle that's too small. Just for anyone else who wants to have that habit, get a big water bottle because you don't have to get up and fill it up as much. Suppose anybody wants to buy me a Christmas present. What was my second one?

Journaling, Oh yeah, so I find that when I do journal, sister starred at the end of the day like it's not, it's probably 5 minutes in total, not even, and it just gets my head in the suitable space. At this time of the year, I feel like she gets crazy, and I get, you know, Monkey Brain and go here there everywhere. I've got to get this done. All that sort of stuff, and I feel like journaling helps me stay focused on a task and getting stuff done. So I want to do that and: structured workouts or structured movements or practices or anything. I feel like we've spoken on about this. A couple of times over the last sort of week or so with our clients about just thinking ahead and moving every single day like it doesn't have to be a high-intensity interval training, it doesn't have to be going to the gym, but just focusing on movement once a day is really good and beneficial for your health. It could just be a walk. Yeah, like, I know we've got a couple of travel days coming up, so I feel like. Those days where we're going to be sitting in the car, gotta think ahead and make sure we get some exercise in or movement in or do something to move for that day. So I want to make sure I'm kicking that off every single day.

Yeah, cool, what do you get? I OK, I've got journaling as well mine I feel like we. Some people might be like journaling; others think of it as a dear diary kind of thing. Still, I'll explain Jack and I do journal very differently like obviously, journaling is highly individual, so it can be anything you want to be. So Jack journals in how he thinks about what he needs to achieve for the day, right? And what else? Just set in your mind what I need to succeed, like a list of things and then review how it went at the end of the day. Yep, whereas I. Write out the highlight of my day. So just like a tiny event in the afternoon and the morning, usually I journal more like. How would you even describe it? More like what's on my mind? I guess what I'm worried about or like.

I reassure myself if I'm having self-doubt or anything like that, so it's just more like whatever is in my brain. I write it down. OK, my following habits just were on there for our clients. We have a journal prompt PDF with a few journal prompts that you can choose and use the ones you like and discard the ones you don't like. If you're not one of our clients and you want that, it is about four or five pages long of just journal prompt certain things how to do it, all that sort of stuff. If you want that, hit me up, and I'll send it out to you. Yeah, cool. I feel like journaling ultra site is good around the holiday time because you can get super busy and forget about yourself and forget about slowing down. And like there's a lot more stressors and stuff, so it's beneficial for you just to take a moment and write out what you're worried about or what you need to get done. And it just helps you feel a little bit more at ease and prepared. I guess for what's to come. My second habit was to practice yoga every day, so I did do this pretty solidly over lockdown, and then we started going back to the gym, and I sort of fell off the bandwagon a little bit. And then I did it a week or so ago for the first time.

And Oh my God, my like because we sit down for so long. My hips were so tight, and it felt so good afterwards, and I just forgot how good. I feel after doing it, so I'm going to try and do that every day this month. And because we're travelling super good thing to do while travelling again because we're staying with family. It's an easy way to move my body without having to have the equipment or taking an hour-long to do it in my last one. Oh was to read for 40 to 60 minutes. I feel like it seems like a lot, but I've been getting up an hour earlier and reading for like an hour every day this week and then it's done mostly because I have a lot of papers and textbook content to read. So yeah. Who helped me not fall behind while we were away on holidays? Awesome again. You guys are listening. Make sure you download the habit tracker. Choose two or three simple ones that you know you can do. Check off and keep you on track with your health and fitness goals over the summer and let us know what you do. Yeah, and he felt excellent journal prompts, reach outs.


#26. How To Stay Fit & Healthy Over Christmas


#24. How to live a long, happy and healthy life, with Chantal Pierce