The difference between fat loss and weight loss.

Fat loss and weight loss. A lot of people tend to get these mixed up and sort of start chasing the wrong goal and end up very disheartened because they're not getting the results they want. So we want to go over explain each one, explain what you do and how it affects, weight loss or fat loss so you can be more informed to make the bet better choice in goals. Yep, your actions may be. Yeah yeah, cool. Cool as always. If you get something out of this, or you think somebody else might get something out of this, please give it a share. Thumbs up, subscribe. Hit the follow button somewhere. Share it on your socials. Help us reach a few more people. We've been getting a lot of people watching and listening and reaching out and talking about the episodes, which is awesome. Yeah, so cool. Good to see you all listening and taking notes and interacting with it. If you enjoy this, we've got the second show now on Fridays, so make sure you hit. Follow on Spotify so you don't miss those episodes. The fraud I wrap up where we just sort of talk about things that interest us and it's not so formal. Yeah, it's fun. It is cool, and if you want to know more, as always, head over to our website where you can find out more. Yeah cool alright cool fat loss and weight loss. Let's get into it. I think that you should go first because I feel like exercise movement plays the biggest part in distinguishing the two. Yeah, cool. First off, I sort of wanted to talk a bit more about what is fake weight loss and what is fat loss. So weight loss is weight, so a metric of the numbers on the scales I guess yeah, and fat loss is your body holding fat and losing fat is. More measurement wise. So we store fat on our body and as our body gets rid of it and doesn't need it anymore, it shrinks so that is size loss rather than weight loss. Yeah, I think just a lot of people mix those up and sometimes you can do both, but it's better to focus on one or the other. Or font as a coach. A lot of people want to lose weight or come in to lose weight. But yeah, generally they just want to lose size, so again you can do different things, but I feel like the fitness industry or health and fitness industry have sort of combined the two to sell you more things and people are a bit more confused on what each one does or how you get each one. So we just want to sort of use this episode to clear it up to give you a better chance of getting better results. Yeah, cool, so exercise. I'm not going to bang on too much about this. 'cause I feel like I talk about this a lot, but basically. Weight loss will come from your higher intensity short interval training. OK, it uses a different energy system to wait, so you got your carbs and your fats. Your body is going to use those for different.

Exercises, workout durations or that sort of stuff so you were short, fast, hard workouts. Yeah, as I said, hit interval training is a good example. Is going to lose weight because it uses carbohydrates a little bit more where your longer durations may be going for a longer walk power walk. That sort of stuff longer wait for sessions even can use fat rather than carbohydrates, and it's very hard because it is very. Individualized, and that's why we say you've got to work at what works for you, but they're the basic parameters of fat loss, so you can see a lot of people get that mixed up. Yeah, go do the hard-hit sessions thinking they're going to lose size when they're just losing weight. So what that means is you're losing muscle size. You know a certain point your organs are going to get smaller. You're not holding as much water fluid retention's lower so. You're losing a lot of the things you need to function properly, but you're losing weight. Rather than losing sauce, yeah, and I feel like you can well, most people want to lose weight. Right, like I feel like everyone puts so much pressure on the scales and they think that. Losing weight is then losing fat I guess, but then they look in the mirror and they're like, well, I look the same. Yep, you know. And one thing I will put in there played a longer game. If you've been following for a while, or you know what I've been doing, especially if not, I'll go back a few years. I've never really done a 12 week or a six-week fitness challenge because they are unsustainable. Yes, you can lose weight in those weeks, but there's a whole lot of research to show.

As soon as you're done, you put that weight back on. Yeah, so play the long game. Do resistance training first, then add in other things. Just helps your body sort of getting ready to burn fat. I guess you could say. Rather than going straight for weight loss, so burn a bit of fat. Then you can you know, and then you lose weight and fat at the same time. Yeah, played along with the game. Also, I feel like you talk a lot about resistance training and how it is beneficial for weight loss. Yes, do you want to touch on how muscle? Because muscle weighs more than fat obviously, so I feel like sometimes when people are resistance training they put muscle on and they panic because they've put weight on. Yes, yeah, good point. Good point, and that's why I say get rid of the scales and use a tape measure. Yeah, it's better. You'll see better what is going on so. As you do resistance training here, lifting weights, all that sort of stuff, your muscles get denser, so your muscle fibres increase in the muscle, not necessarily get bigger, but they get denser, which means they are way more basically. So although your muscle isn't bigger, it's denser and it's stronger, so it weighs more than your muscle did before, so your scales are going to go up, but your body is using fat too. Grow those muscles essentially, so you're going to look smaller, but you're going to weigh more. Yeah, so yeah, it's crazy, yeah.

Anything else will sort of be raised over there. I think that's good. It pretty much covers the basics. Yeah, but again it just comes down to understanding your own body. This is very different for everybody. Yeah yeah, probably spend a whole hour explaining different body types and that sort of stuff, but. As I said, if you play the long game, it's more beneficial and you'll keep the weight off for the rest of your life rather than sort of adding oil and taking it off. Adding it on taking it off. Which can get become very disheartening I guess. Yeah, and 1% of people just stop doing it. After all, they don't get the results they want because they're not educated on it. Where if you take the time to learn about all this stuff and your body and how it affects your body, you can have better results for longer. Enough talking about exercise. Let's go into nutrition. Yeah, cool, so I guess. Basically. To lose weight, fat, anything. You have to eat less than yours. Is that right? Yeah, why are my words wrong? We have to eat less. Then what am I trying to say? Your calorie yeah, but there's like a saying you have to expend more than you consume. Yeah, yeah yeah, that's right OK, so yeah, essentially you have to eat less, and probably expendable calories, which doesn't have to be heat workouts. As you said, it can be something like a walk because. Also, like long-duration walks. Equally, as beneficial as a hit session. So essentially for Weight loss, if you over-consume food then your body is going to.

You're going to have more food in your stomach, one which adds weight. So if you're weighing yourself and you've just eaten like a meal, obviously if the meal weighs 500 grams. You can add 500 grams to your body weight, whereas I don't know if you're measuring your limbs and stuff like that. It's not going to. Eating a big meal isn't going to instantly increase the size of your limbs, so that's another thing. Why size good point measuring is better? So pretty much need to be in a calorie deficit. But to do that, you have to know what foods have like what caloric value. The best way to do that is to count your calories. Unfortunately, a lot of people hate it. I've had quite a few clients that have started. Resenting it immediately, they're like Nope, I've tried it in the past. I'm not going to do it. But once they start, it's they find they enjoy it because you learn stuff. You have a lot more control and it's sort of like hard and fast learning. So the more you learn with that, then eventually you don't have to count your calories and you can maintain your weight or even still lose size. I shouldn't say weight size or gain muscle as well as counting calories can help you do the opposite. But yeah, you just learn stuff about food like I feel like I did it for probably a solid year and now I don't. I do now count my calories. Occasionally, 'cause we're in lockdown. But yeah, yeah, it's just I don't know it. Just educate you. It's education. I think that's the most underrated thing that anybody can do for their long term health. Because once you learn all the food and how many calories are taken in through that food. Uhm, you don't have to count anymore, and that's sort of how you know. Healthy people stay healthy for the rest of their life because they just know what food is made of because they're putting in that time to learn. It's skin, it's different for different people. It might take one person, one month.

It might take another person one year to learn it doesn't matter, but you know one year out of your whole life is worth learning and going through that pain. Yeah, so you can be healthier and look better and feel better for the rest of your life, yeah? I guess for those that don't get the concept of calories, you can eat like. Say you're eating, you feel like you're not eating much, but you're not losing size or weight. Food that you are eating the little amount of food you are eating could be very calorie-dense, so you could be eating what's a calorie-dense breakfast? I know bacon and eggs. And so you have like. One egg and two bits of bacon and you're like, yeah, I don't eat much and a piece of bread that's quite a high-calorie meal, whereas you could be having oats and like we struggle to eat enough votes to make my calorie intake for one meal. So just learning allows you to make super easy swaps that make a heap of difference in trying to. We're not trying to achieve your goals. Yes. I see this very commonly with keto people trying to do the keto diet soda. A Keto diet is high in fat like you eat higher fat foods but. Just eating the foot high-fat foods isn't enough. You still gotta track calories, so if it takes me 3000 calories to operate during the day, but I'm eating so many fatty foods that go, I'm eating calories a day on 1000 calories over. So I'm going to be putting on more weight and it's 'cause it's fat. Your body is going to store it and go sweet, yeah? So no matter what diet or fad or whatever you're on, you've still got a sort of having an understanding of how many calories are going in because that's fuel for your body. There's just no way of getting around calories there literally. Yeah, that you just have. It's not a matter of what diet, it's a matter of how many calories are going in and how many calories are going out. Yeah? Yeah, 100% good point. Cool, the next thing we want to talk about was sleep. Love, sleep yeah and a lot of we talk about this almost every episode, but it's so important to sleep is the governing thing for all this.

That said, I think did I say it on podcasts or another group called the other night and I get two very mixed up. Yeah, so in our group call, I think our client group calls. I said like there was a study done on sleep deprivation. Yeah yeah. And after 14 days one of the groups only had so nothing changed other than their sleep. So they still had the same diet. The same exercise routine, they just cut them down to five or six hours. I cannot remember now. And after 14 days all of them were pre-diabetic. Yeah, that's right. So it's just crazy to see how much sleep like if you don't get enough sleep your body is just not going to do what it needs to to get rid of fat or even lose weight. Yeah, so not having enough sleep can stop you from getting your goals, yeah? Uhm? Yeah, for sure, I guess from a nutrition perspective. Also when you aren't sleeping enough your. Like more irritable, lethargic and you tend to just want to eat more food, I don't know. There is like some sort of biological reason to why you just want to eat more food, so obviously, if you're sleep deprived then you're going to be snacking more and then your calories are going to go up more. So then you got less mental control over the Fuji choosing. Yeah, exactly like you just like whatever, it doesn't matter. I'm just going to eat this cookie 'cause I want this cookie and I deserve this cookie. Do you know what I mean? And I don't care who you are. You've probably had those nights. You haven't slept properly. You woke up the next day and just ate like ****. Yeah, and just 'cause you haven't got the brainpower to say no to those foods and go, I'll just cook something healthy, yeah?

You have like being very stressed. Also like affects your sleep a lot. And obviously, if you can't. If you stress then you don't sleep as well. And then when you're stressed your body isn't using the fuel you've given. It's like it's going. It's getting you ready to run from a tiger essentially, I guess, so you're not resting and digesting as much and then you're not sleeping as well, which then leads to weight gain. Uhm, and we're not saying sleep either. Effects fat loss or weight loss. It affects, but yeah, it is a governing factor for both of those goals. So if you're trying to achieve either one, and either one is fine, but sleep is just going to be the governing factor. Whether you were achieving those goals or not, basically you have to help your body do the things you want to do. You can't just be like I want to lose weight, make me lose weight. You have to implement all the things so that they can help you get to that goal. Cool. Cool, the last point that you wanted to talk about was the environment. Uhm, so again, the same thing. This isn't going to affect either fat loss or weight loss. It's going to affect both. It's another governing factor on whether you're going to achieve your goal or not. Yeah, and your environment plays a big part in this. So packet a team tends in the house no matter what you try and do fat or weight loss, it's going to affect both. So if you've got packets, packets of Tim Tams or. Anything like that in the House and your environment is full of that at home. Then you're more likely to eat that, which is going to affect your goals, in the end, yeah, so you've got to change the environment that you have control over. There are a few environments where you don't like work. Sometimes you don't have much control over it, but at home, you have a lot of control over it. Yeah, I feel like it's easy to say. Just don't have snacks in the house, but just don't like if you only have apples or whatever. Sometimes even often in Jekyll, acne if I want Apple and I'm like I don't, you know because it's like whereas a Tim Tam everyone always wants a Tim Tam. So you're going to eat it whether you're hungry or not, whereas you don't want an apple unless you're hungry. Yeah, you know what I mean. And also, we're not saying don't eat Tim Tams, but it's just like if you have them there. They're super indulgent, so you're just more likely to eat when you don't necessarily need food. Yep, and no one ever stops at How can you solve it one? And by the time you sort of stop whole packets going? And then next time you go to the shops, which is two days later you get another packet 'cause that packet is gone and the process just continues. So just learn the habits of like that and swap them out for something healthier and then keep swapping it until you haven't got anything or it's fruit or vegetables. Yeah yeah, and setting time aside to work on your goals, as in setting time aside to exercise meal plan and work on your sleep. Uhm, you can do all that from home so you can work out home. You know you can make your meal plans or prep food, or think about what you can eat a little bit more deeply at home and sleep. You should be doing it at home anyway, so. Your home is an environment where you can change a lot. Way if you. At work and you only got set times where you can eat or you know that sort of stuff and you haven't got access. Like when I look tradies have set times where you have to eat. At this time you haven't got access to a kitchen or anything like that, so in those environments, you just gotta do the best you can. Work on that takes a lot longer to get better in those environments, but it's worth working on, not pre-making food and lots of stuff. So if you're a trader you don't go to the. Take away every single day, get a pie every day, yeah, and that sort of stuff. That is what I'm talking about. Environment, yeah? Cool and probably just surrender people with.

Surround yourself with people. They're also trying to achieve the same goal. It helps because y'all were all trying to do the same thing, so you're all learning together. You'll be trying different things. That's sort of why we have our group. Facebook Group Facebook Group Go on so everybody can sort of communicating and this works for them but somebody else try it and doesn't work so it's just everybody sort of learning together and it brings you up at the same time and helps you achieve your goals quicker. Yeah? Kill. Hopefully, that helped. I feel like there's a lot of good info in there, so if you need to go back and listen to it again if you got any questions on any of the topics, please reach out. We will talk about it with you individually. You can just hit us up on social media.




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