Episode 94. How to speed up your metabolism, lose body fat by drinking water, why we weight train & more.

Episode 94. How to speed up your metabolism, lose body fat by drinking water, why we weight train & more.

This week we expose metabolism "boosting" programs and supplements. How they fool you and why you should never fall for their sales pitch no matter how good the before and after photos look.

We explain how increasing your water intake can help you lose body fat but not body weight.

One three into the 75 Hard Challenge, and Mack has quit!

Listener question #1: Do you train together?

Listener question #2: Other than to look good, why do you weight train?

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What is up everybody? Welcome back to the number one health, fitness and entertainment podcast, the in Situ Collective. My name is Jack Graham and I'm Mack Rakers. On today's show, we talk about our current events, everything that's happening in our lives. Then we go into metabolism. What exercises or what workouts actually speed up your metabolism? We talk about water and losing body fat, but also at the same time putting on body weight. What the Hell's going on there? We recap the 75 hard. What's happening with that? Are we still going? Are we winning? No, and then we answer your questions at the end.


If you follow Maccini on socials, you'll see or you may have seen that we have actually moved. We're in a new location coming to you. For the very first time out of our new home.


I thought you were going for a new location, like we've moved recording studios, but we just recorded from home, so yeah, we've moved both. We're currently sitting in our lounge room. We have got plans of setting up a recording studio, so it might sound a little bit echoey, but we'll get there eventually. Make it all pretty so we can video again as well, yeah. So that's pretty much what's been happening in our lives. That's why I'm sick. I'm pretty sure Mac is sick. Which is being good fun and not as bad as you when you're sick, you just make it out to feel like I'm the worst. Yeah, you are the worst. At least I can do human functions. Jack just lays on the couch like a potato. The man flu is temple whatever flu any women anywhere can catch. OK, so I've been seeing a lot and a few of our clients have been marketing towards. I don't know if there's just a new. And they just smash in advertising and. You know, all that sort of stuff. But.


Pills or supplements that can metabolize fat increase your metabolism speed. Speed is the word. These speed up your metabolism and I've seen this before and exercises and workouts and that sort of stuff that apparently speed up your metabolism. So I've got a question for you Mac and the listeners. You guys following along, you can answer this in your head while you're listening. If I was to eat a meal, I had a complete clone of me, so me times 2. How good would that be? So the exact same person? We both had the exact same meal. Well, I went and did. did. minutes later I went and did a hit training. Workout or then or the other Jack went and did a workout with resistance, like your typical bodybuilding workout. What is going to speed up my metabolism faster? I would say the resistance training, well, I'd say none because your body can't metabolize anything when you're training. My point was gonna be that your metabolism is gonna have a better chance. It's still metabolizing while you resistance train over here. So. Soon as you start doing exercise or something strenuous, your body prioritizes your muscles over everything else. So it's gonna stop metabolizing whatever is in your belly and start working your muscles to get through whatever you're trying to do. So it doesn't matter if you're doing hit training. Weight training.


As you can hear, we've got hard floors with the dogs. Or, you know, CrossFit, any type of training, your body is going to stop digesting. So it's not going to speed up your metabolism. It's not going to slow down, it's going to stop. So yeah, weight training or your typical bodybuilding thing might be a little bit better because you're not straining as hard, so your body still might metabolize a little bit. So it's not necessarily the exercises. So if somebody selling you some sort of workout program saying this is going to speed up your metabolism, it is a load of **** and that's backed up by tons of tons of research. Um, the only way exercise can speed up your metabolism is what comes afterwards. After the exercise, yeah, yeah. So if you're working out to build muscle, muscle takes more energy to grow to, you know, use throughout your body. So it's gonna need more fuel, which is going to metabolize. Speed up your metabolism so it can get more fuel for those muscles, yes. But I also think it's not necessarily speeding up your metabolism specifically, it's just that your body's energy demand is now higher. So you know what I mean? That's that's like the catch is everyone's like speed up your metabolism with these things, but it's not something you can choose the speed of, you know what I mean? Like it's all the external factors that increase the demand of calories that your body needs. Exactly. Yeah. So next time somebody sells you some sort of marketing thing, that's saying that it's going to speed up your metabolism. But yes, auction how and watch them squirm. Yeah. And I also think it's so frustrates me how people sell things like speeding up your metabolism as like this one thing is going to fix all of your problems. No one, even resistance training alone, is not going to fix all of your problems. You know what I mean? Like, if someone is telling you this singular thing is going to change your life, that's already the biggest red


flag there possibly is speeding up your metabolism. Isn't going to help you lose weight. It's not going to help you lean out. It's not going to do anything, really. It helps in a way, but it's just one, it's just one small factor. That's why we focus on so much more than just exercise or just nutrition because at the start we did just exercise and just nutrition and we realized that it doesn't work like that obviously very quickly. It's all of the things like sleep, environment, lifestyle, the type of exercise, the type of food. So yeah, all ties in the one. You can't just change one little thing and speed up inflatables. Oh God. And. Expect results.


What if I told you if you increased your water intake, you're going to lose body fat but put on body weight? Me, I'd be fine with that.


It's a weird concept to hear that you're going to get heavier but look better. Yeah, and increasing your water intake can do that. It can help you look better, help you feel better. But the weight on the scales, the measurement on the scales is going to go up. That is just because you're increasing your fluids or the weight of food going into your body. I'll say this in a couple of reasons. First, increasing your water. So if you're drinking 2 liters of water that's you know, that's pretty good. But if you increase it to three, that's quite a lot of more water you're taking into your body. So two things are going to happen. First is you need to get to increase your non exercise. Activity thermogenesis. That's the one. The fluffy stuff, all the stuff outside of workouts, and that is the main stuff that helps with body fat. Disappearing off your body. So you're going to go to the toilet a whole lot more when you're drinking an extra litre per day. Eventually your body will adapt to it and just making sure that you have enough salt and all that sort of stuff in your diet as well, it's going to help you absorb that water and maintain it and also I guess hold on to it. Hence the extra body weight. So you think about it, if you were drinking 3 liters go, those are listening. Go and grab some sort of three litre jug. Fill it with. And it's going to be quite heavy, yeah. So that is essentially going into your body. So it's going to increase your body weight. But over time. Because of all this extra movement you're doing, you're going to be increasing your daily calorie. Burn, I guess you could say. So. Over time you're going to start losing a bit more body fat, yeah, because you're just moving more generally without even thinking about it. Yeah. Second is, I reckon you're gonna be eating a whole lot less and drinking a whole lot less calories. Generally, people will mistake hunger pains as just being thirsty and needing water. So by increasing that water you're probably not going to be as hungry or you're not going to get as many cravings. During the day for those.


You know. Little things that keep adding up. Yeah. Little calories, you mean. Yeah, like Muesli bar or a chocolate bar or coffee, hot chocolate, all that sort of stuff. Yeah. Yeah. And the second is, well, the third, I guess, but. Yeah, within the 2nd point 8 is that you're going to be drinking a whole lot less calories. People do not realize how many calories they are actually drinking. So if you replace a bottle of coke with a bottle of water, you've just decreased, decreased your calorie intake by about what, 500 calories depending on the size of the bottle or what flavour drink you're drinking? Yeah, but also you can get so many 0 calorie coke. So I feel like Coke isn't a Cokes. Soft drink isn't really a good example, but just because it's 0 calorie doesn't mean it's good for you. Like water, you know what I mean? It's a very different type of liquid to water, so you shouldn't. Just be swapping. Yeah, coke for zero, coke and thinking it's just as good as water cause it's got no calories. Good point. I think a good example is. Jack's been wanting to get elementary for ages, which is you want to explain it. It's just a hot, like a hydration type powder that you put in your water. So it's got sodium, potassium, potassium and magnesium. It's just a whole lot higher concentrate than most others out there, and their quantities of each one are perfect. So your body absorbs it a lot better. Yeah. So when we first got it. I think Jack started taking 2A because he'd been sick, just to see what happened. And I started. I was taking one or two a day and I was going to the toilet literally half the amount because I do drink a lot of water. I don't know why, I just do. It's like it's just there, so I drink it. I'm thirsty or I'm hungry, you know, probably I'm hungry, so I just drink water. So I go to the toilet, like a lot.


And then we have these and I was like, wow, I haven't been like, the bathroom is a very familiar place for me because I'm there all the time. And I was like, I feel like I haven't seen the bathroom for so long today just because I actually had an adequate amount of all of those electrolytes for the first time in a while, obviously. And I think because we are quite healthy and we don't eat processed food and we do have to add salts to our diet, it does make a massive difference. Definitely, yeah. But I also noticed that I held like another kilo and a half a day later because I was having so much and my body was. Holding on to a lot more water, yeah, but in the sense that the water is now in your organs and your muscles and everything like that so you don't look bloated? Yeah, no. This is my experience anyway. So since having enough sodium and magnesium, all that from the element, I've noticed I've sort of I'm looking a lot leaner, but I weigh at least a kilo heavier than what I probably 2 kilos heavier than what? I did when we first started 75, was, you know, I probably went from drinking maybe 2 litres now to 3 1/2. Yeah. And then the first couple of days of drinking that much, I look bloated. And I guess you could say chubby, I guess because I was drinking so much more water than the 11 antique. And it was like all that bloatedness is gone. But the weight still there? Yeah, because it's actually being used, not just being held around. Yeah. I also think it's interesting point about like drinking more water makes you heavier and in some cases bloated. But then you see people online that look super lean and I feel like it's never really connected that they've probably done a water cut. Or is that the right word cut? Yeah, for the photos, you know, because water is such a great way to manipulate the way your body looks and I hate


that. Like a 6 pack is still favoured as being quote UN healthy, you know what I mean? When in reality they're probably starved to some degree and also. Extremely dehydrated. Analysis Sort of off topic, but I heard this again this morning and I just love bringing this up because it just, it just goes to show that the supplement industry is just such full of **** and we just talked about you know how you get all these tablets and everything that speed up your metabolism, all that sort of stuff. The models that they actually get to do it are almost reverse. So generally you'll see scouts and that sort of stuff at bodybuilding comps and that sort of stuff like all bikini models and all that. Like the comps that they go to, you'll see scouts and these scouts will go and approach them for supplement companies say, can we take your photos now for this supplement company. And then generally after a competition for bodybuilding, they just sort of let go for a while and they are that dehydrated during the comp and you know they're probably faster as well. So it doesn't take much for them to sort of bloat back out and they've been training probably like ******** for how long would you train leading up to an event? Yeah, that ohh 12 months, yeah. But that's as an advanced trainer as well. Yeah. So they looked the best that they possibly can on that day. So after the, you know, after they walk out on the show, they come back into the room, the supplement company takes a few of their photos and then they go away for a month or two, they come back and take more photos. Ohh, my gosh. And use them the other way around. Yeah. So it's actually the. Yeah. So they say the before and after, but it's actually reversed. So they're normal. Body is the before and they're show day. Body is the after. Yeah, yes, that is insane. That that that is, that's how they actually get their photos before and after for most of these supplement companies. Like, it just blows my mind


how manipulative humans are. Like yeah, Jesus. I just love talking about that because it's just such a, you know, it just blows your mind that you wouldn't even think of that would happen. But that's how they actually do most of the advertising for their supplements. Get it in reverse well.


All right, let's jump into the 75 hard. Ohh, jeez, you go first. I'm still enjoying it. I reckon I'm enjoying it more now than the first week. Was a bit tough there for a couple of days. I found moving. So moving house and doing all that sort of stuff, trying to work and the 75 hard was very challenging. It wasn't impossible though. Like you would think if any time we were gonna fail it would be then while moving house, because we didn't. There was like probably 2 days where we couldn't really cook. Yeah like we normally would. We were obviously Jack still had clients. We still had work to do in between moving. And we have like a no take away rule, you know, so it was like one of our clients was like, ohh, so you can't even get take on your first night in your new house. Yeah, we're like, Nope. Yeah. But in hindsight, I don't think it was as bad as we thought it was gonna be. No, there was a couple of times there where I just really just didn't feel like working out. Yes, I just wanted to see on the couch and sleep. But we got through it and we did it. And honestly, I'm not even missing take away. We never have anyway, so it's not a good. Yeah. But the more I think about it, the more I'm just like, man, it's crazy how many even just other little bits and pieces. Like you go to get a coffee and it might get like a muffin, a muffin or a croissant or something like that. How many stories you tell yourself that it's OK to eat that stuff. I did a workout this morning, so I would just get a muffin with my coffee because it's fine. I'll tell myself that all the time and justify all these treats and all this sort of stuff. Where now I'm thinking I don't actually need it. Like I think


it is OK to have those things, but it's it's important to know that. You don't have to reward yourself. Exercise. Yeah, you know what I mean? Like, you can still, if you want, really want a croissant, you can have it. But also, now we know that it's not a necessity, you know what I mean? Yeah, I also think that. It's made us we shop a lot better, like grocery shop a lot better because we have to be organised because we can't just come home from the gym at 6:30 and be like, oh, we'll just have. Whatever. Like, you know that we would do that often anyway, but we're not going to get like Mexican take away or something. So yeah, I think in that sense it's made it, it's a bit more organized and that's that's pretty much what the main reason why I wanted to do the 75 hard just to organise my life a bit more and get **** in line so. I'm not wasting time. Yeah. And finally all my dreams have come true. We now read for an hour in the morning. Even every morning since we've been in this House. Yeah, but in the beginning you were like, oh, we'll still watch YouTube in the morning and I'll just read later. But I don't know. There's just something about reading in the morning. You absorb the information better. It's like a nice slow way to start the day. Yeah, I agree, but I have. I've quit. Not permanently, just because I'm sick. The first day being sick, I still went for a 45 minute walk outside and that nearly killed me. Like I had to come home and lay down immediately. Yeah. And then I did yoga as my workout, which. Probably even questionable as a workout because I was struggle city. And then the next day, the next day, I was like I was rolled. I spent the whole day on the couch, I slept and watched friends. I couldn't even. I paid the rent, and I even messed that up. Like I just couldn't. Jack. We were gonna have chicken soup for dinner. And then it was


really light and I was like, Jack doesn't have time to go to the shop. So I started making something else for dinner, and then I started crying because I just wanted chicken soup for dinner, so it was just not. That's the only thing I missed, though, was the exercise. Like, I still read. Yeah, I took a photo. So. I guess 75 days is going to start over again. When you start, yeah. Back up. I'm not gonna just for me though. I'm. I'm happy to keep doing it. Yeah. Oh, you mean as long as I do it? Yeah. Yeah, I definitely think. It'll be a forever thing. Maybe not a workout and a walk every day, but definitely one or the other. Yeah, without failure. And I'm not going to start again until I'm actually, I was nearly going to start again today. But I still, I don't wanna get super sick again, you know what I mean? Yeah, I wanna be 100% by Monday.


Alright, so we're starting 75 hard again. I'm going to continue through. I'm going to keep doing it and then you can keep the record. Yeah, I might doing start Monday will be my goal and then we'll start serving five days over again. We talked about the water. I can't believe how well, how well my recovery is at the moment. So Mac and I have been tracking everything on our woop. It's quite interesting to see how much you strain, what supplements you take and what effects they have on your body. And you can do all that with whoop. For those listening. If you haven't got a whoop and you want to track and you want to get a little dial a little bit deeper into your body metrics and what affects your body and what doesn't, hit the link below and you can try it for free for a month. And yet my recovery has been crazy good. I've been in the green almost every single day. Isn't it ironic? Because I feel like a lot of people think that it's impossible to fit in two workouts, 245 minute workouts a day because it's too much for your body. Bad for you. Yeah, but like this. Obviously this loop goes to show that it's not bad for you. You can still recover good. Yeah, and I reckon it is. The walk or the jog outside being outside for 45 minutes and being active 45 minutes outside. Or I can use playing a big role in my recovery, yeah. And also think about what you would be doing in that 45 minutes otherwise, you know what I mean? Like, yeah, we've easily made space for a second 45 minute workout, and when we work out inside, it's definitely not 45 minutes. It's usually an hour. Yeah. So yeah, because we're still following a program and we're not just going in and doing stupid ****. We're still being smart about how we work out and stuff like that, so. Yeah, generally it takes at least an hour to get through it. Yeah, at least three or four days a week anyway. Shall we do questions? Let's do it. OK, so the first question is, do you train together? You


and I. What's together mean? I guess at the same time, let's. Yeah, we train it most of the time well. I feel like I don't have a training partner. Because I I always train well, Jack is training with a client or Jack is training a client. So I just like fluff around the background. So like I'm still there, but we don't necessarily, we're not training buddies as such, we just train at this roughly the same time and if I'm not training with the client or track, usually training with. I don't know. Sometimes I just like to be in my own head while I'm working out and not say much and that's why you don't talk to me anymore when we go to the gym. Ohh. It's just a good time to think and you know, blood's pumping through your body. But we do. I think on the weekends we train together, we usually listen to a podcast and we both do similar or the same thing. Yeah, so. Yes, slash, sometimes. OK. The second question is other than to look good, why do you guys wait train? I mean, I don't weight train. Like, my main goal isn't to wait. Trying to look good is that you're moving. That's crazy. Is your mate. What's your main goal to weight weight. Trailer? Why? What's your? Biggest motivation, I guess to live as long as possible, as healthy as possible. How you gonna say that? I I think I've said it several times and I. Want to live as long as possible and be functioning, healthy, active as long as possible? As pointless living a long life if the last 20 years you're stuck in a bed, yes. Isn't there a thing that I said? Are you? Ah God. I don't know what it is, but yeah, mine would be the same to some degree, like I want to live. As long as possible


and be able to do things while I'm old. I was on the phone to my nan the other day and she goes, ohh my friend, no Nancy. She's the same age as me and she can do all this stuff and I can't do any of that stuff and it's just the luck of the draw. And I was like I really wanted to say it's not the luck of the draw, it's just the things that you've done have led you to where you are now. Ensure your health span matches your life span. That's what I was looking for. So you want to be. Like yeah, we want to live for a long time, but we also want to be healthy when we are living to 100 and. All the science and everything that we have now, all the studies, there is nothing that improves your health as much as resistance training that it what far outperforms any magical pill. Obviously diet and all that sort of stuff and lifestyle comes into that but. If I had to choose one thing, that's going to help. Improved my life. Resistance training does that, yeah. Because it's not just the fact that it's building muscle. It's everything that happens inside your body to keep your muscles healthy, your joints strong, all that sort of stuff. Your hormones balance, which means your brain is going to be functioning better, which means your whole body functions better. Yeah. So I also think from a female perspective, it's. I I like it, or I. I guess want to continue to pursue it for the rest of my life because it feels so good to be strong, you know what I mean? Because a lot of the time women are like. Classified as the weak ones and can't look after themselves or can't do things by themselves. So. I guess being strong, like looking and feeling strong. It's just it's almost like a security blanket, you know? Like I know I can do things by myself no matter what happens. Um, I guess this


is sort of looks but not really but confidence. So I was dialing into a study I can't remember. I think it might have been just before we moved, but.


Resistance training. Far outperformed. Any. Mind changing drug for depression or anything like that, but resistance training far outperformed it than any other drug out there. Yeah, there's actually so many studies showing that now. Yeah, so to improve your health and well-being just like in your brain, your confidence like depression goes into that so much and working out. Can improve that on so many different levels, yeah. So it's a good way to combat all that sort of stuff as well, yeah. Done. Yep, awesome. Thanks again for tuning in. If you have got something out of it, make sure again that you share it on socials posted in your stories. Tag us and if you do, we'll give you special access to our health and fitness app. And that will do. Thanks again. And we'll see you in the next show. Bye.


Episode 95. Your technique is stopping you from seeing results, how protein prevents insulin spikes, never eat lunch at your desk again & more.


Episode 93. Inflation's Effect on Your Health, Exercise in a Pill, 75 Hard Updates & More