Episode 93. Inflation's Effect on Your Health, Exercise in a Pill, 75 Hard Updates & More

The In-situ|Collective Podcast - Episode 93. Inflation's Effect on Your Health, Exercise in a Pill, 75 Hard Updates & More

The benefits of exercise in a pill? Science is closer to that goal.


This week we talk inflation... But not in the way you have in mind! We discuss how inflation could impact your health, fitness and diet.

Jack shares shocking news that scientists keep getting closer to designing exercise in a pill! But will it get you the same results?

One week into the 75 Hard Challenge, we discuss our thoughts, feelings and emotions.

Listener question #1: How to make your family understand why health and fitness are so important to you.

Listener question #2: If you guys weren’t in the health and fitness industry which industry would you want to be in?

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What is up everybody? Welcome back to the number one health, fitness and entertainment podcast within a 500 meter radius of where we record the show. The in Situ Collective Podcast podcast in there. My name is Jack Graham and I'm Mac rockers. And on today's show, we discuss how inflation is going to affect your health, Wellness, and longevity. Or is it? We discuss a new scientific paper written about a pill that you can take to get all the benefits of exercising and dieting within a pill. But does it actually work? We review the first week of our 75 hard. In that review, I reveal that increasing your water intake and not having a toilet close enough ends up being very embarrassing. I think you can put that together. We discuss, listen the question, listen to questions. What would Mac and I be doing if we weren't in the health and fitness industry, as well as how to convince your family and friends that why health and fitness is so important to you. Yeah, that's a good one. Yeah, that's hard one. All right, let's get into it.


The biggest thing in the news for the past week, probably the past month, is inflation. Inflation is starting to affect everybody, I would say. Whether you are going to the shops and buying food or filling up the car or have a home loan, just living, really anything you do in life now is affected by it. And there's a lot of, there's a lot of reasons why this is happening. And we're not here to talk about that. We're talking about how that actually affects your health and Wellness because how many times have you heard this? I can't afford the gym anymore. I'll just stop for a month. Hmm. Five years later, ohh yeah, I should go back to the gym. So and we're sort of having this discussion the other day about how people have. Spend more money on their cars and stuff like that instead of their own body? Yeah, easily, I think. Because it's more people find it more justifiable because they have a physical product, you know? Whereas when you're spending money on your health, if it's a new thing, it can feel like you're wasting your money because you don't always see results immediately. You don't always feel better immediately. You're just spending all this money with your fingers crossed in hope that you'll get something out of it. Yeah, you doing all this hard work, probably things you don't actually want to do. Yeah, and what do you actually see from it? So. The reason I bring this up because I know this is going to start affecting a lot of people, and I just want people to just, you know, pay a little bit more attention to their health and Wellness. Inflation is momentary. Like, we don't know how long it's gonna last or how bad it will get, but we know that it will get better. Things will eventually be more affordable, and you're going to have more money in your pocket, as we know for the last two years. We were almost in negative inflation. So there's been that much money around, but now it's going the opposite direction. What goes up must come down, right? What are you willing to sacrifice? And it's a good point to bring up that. The reason, a big reason why we started this business, the Insitu collective, is to teach people the habits and strategies they can use to be healthier, live longer and just. You know, generally be a better person but. When people put reliance on things, so as in I won't exercise unless I go to the gym. If you lose that gym, are you gonna stop exercising?


Yeah, so, and that's why I hate people that were a lot like, I don't hate it. It's just a thing that you've got to sort of. Put the rat literally. Put the reps in. Learn how to do things so you're not so reliant on one thing, so when you lose that, you can still continue doing the things you need to, to be healthy and fit and live a good life. It's almost like in saying that or I only exercise at the gym. It's like if things get tough and you can't afford to pay to the gym or you don't have the time anymore to get to the gym, you've already given yourself an excuse or an alibi to just. Stop exercising. So just like without even consciously knowing that you're doing it, you have given yourself an excuse to quit in the future, essentially when things get a little tough. When in reality, like it should just be a part of your everyday life, it should. You shouldn't have to need a gym. Like gyms haven't been around for that long. Actually, they have been around for a while, but for the general public, I feel like they haven't been. It hasn't been always common for everybody to have a gym membership or everybody to go to the gym. So yeah, it's just it is extremely beneficial to learn how to exercise and build a strong habit around movement outside of the gym. But you can still do that while you have a gym membership and while you go to the gym. You just have to. I don't know. Make it a deeper part of your life. The gym should just be a tool in your tool belt. Yeah, and sometimes you can't use that tool. So it doesn't mean you actually stop building the house. Yeah, you just find other ways to do it. And how many people at the moment have home gyms that they bought over COVID or set up over COVID that aren't being used? Yeah, peeps, probably. And you know, it's also finally, like, imagine if times got tough. You would never cancel your Internet or cancel. Go


Netflix or. Not go out for Bergenite every week, you know? Like for a lot of people, quitting the gym is probably the 1st place they would cut back because they don't see it. To be that valuable yet? Maybe, yeah, and you don't need a lot to be doing. A workout like you can do minimal workout like exercises that give you a lot of benefit. But yeah, it's just again learning what they they are and how to implement them properly. So if someone's listening to this and they have recently cancelled their gym membership, but now they feel bad because we're ragging on them, what would be your advice? Like what should they be doing now? What do you think is the least, the most cost effective way for them to keep exercising and staying healthy and fit? Yeah, definitely. And there's some people out there where that is isn't an option to keep the gym membership and that's. Asking you. That's fine for a solution. So honestly, just move more. Get a Fitbit or a step ometer or something like that and do steps a day. Like whether it's a bunch of five minute walks or one big walk each day, make sure you're getting steps. That's not really going to cost you much. If you want to do it on budget, I'm pretty sure you can go to the shop and get a step ometer. Yeah. And like a little clip on ones you wear on your pants when you're a kid, you follow everybody's phone. Can you stop that does, yeah. So iPhone, if you've got a phone that you can do it anyway. So make sure you hit the 10,000 steps. That is going to keep you healthy. If you have got all these great results in the gym, those 10,000 are still going to mitigate all the great results that you've got. From being in the gym, yeah. The second would just be get a couple of pieces of equipment to have at home. Like again you can get cheap dumbbells and kettle bells. How far you'd


want to take it, but a couple of dumbbells and a couple of kettle bells? Maybe 100. Two, Two, bucks, depending on how heavy you're getting. Again, you're going to have them for the rest of your life. There's no reason why they should deteriorate and. You lose parish. Yeah, I think in lockdown we pretty much had what you had a 20K dumbbell. I had a 15K dumbbell and kettlebell each. Yeah. And that's it. Yeah, for like months. And you have to be OK with not hitting results, right? You don't have exercise, shouldn't be always results driven. It should be health and Wellness. That is the main focus, yeah, so. Cutting out the Gmail, cutting out exercise, all that sort of stuff, it's probably going to cost you more money in the long run because you're going to be having more trips to the doctor, to the hospital. Medicine, years, massages. Your insurance will go up everything like that, so you're better off. Keep keeping and maintaining some sort of movement like you can jump on YouTube and find a workout. Whether it's yoga, follow along workout with the light set of dumbbells. But again, it's just. I can't stress it enough. When you're at the gym or you're being active and you're doing a workout, pay attention to what you're doing. Make sure, like, learn as you do it. Don't just passively stand there flapping dumbbells about. Yeah, and if you're if you're doing an exercise and you're not sure, ask the PT or the person that you coach, whatever it is. Even if you're just in the gym just doing your own thing. Ask somebody that looks like they know what they're doing and say why are you doing that? Generally, they're more than happy to tell you why they're doing it and what muscles it works. They'll probably honestly feel almost honored that you look at like you. Think that they know what they're doing enough to ask them. Yeah, maybe you make a new gym friend in relation to food as well. Obviously inflation is gonna affect people's decision to spend money on their fitness, but also


I think it's more directly affecting already their decisions on what foods they buy especially. I don't know. I've noticed it. You know, like we live in a country town, so I guess when anything changes slightly in a country town, everyone freaks the **** out like. Well, after COVID and you know, toilet paper starts disappearing off the shelves, everybody freaks out and starts buying more. Yeah, so. I guess and it obviously it's hard to justify like buying a lettuce for $9 whatever, but it doesn't mean you should stop buying like fruits and vegetables. Obviously it's expensive, but obviously it's also becoming more expensive for the transporters and the farmers and the shops to stay open. So you can't just quit buying lettuces and start living off 2 minute noodles because we need the supply and demand, right. But also I think a lot of people. Forget or maybe a lot of healthy people. If you already feel like you're right, generally healthy person eat a lot of vegetables, you probably neglect the fact that you can buy so many vegetables, frozen fruit and vegetables frozen so like, don't. Stop buying vegetables because they're expensive. Just find slightly cheaper alternatives. You know, like there's literally no excuse right now. Yeah, and one thing I'd say is candy calories. Like people over consume food so. Can't yield calories, and if you only need to eat 2000 calories a day, everything else is wasted money. I know this is a bit extreme, but it's actually a good way to maintain health, your body weight, all that sort of stuff. Count your calories and make sure you're just sticking within your. Maintenance or whatever your goal is because you're going to save money on all that excess food that you're eating that you don't actually need to eat and you're probably gonna lose some weight that


you don't actually want. Yeah, so, and this works both ways. We come across people that vary under consume that do need to eat more to actually be healthy and actually function properly, but it works the other way. There's a lot of people out there over consuming and not realizing, and you could save money that way. Yeah. And I think when it comes to vegetables, it's also super important to consider like how much you waste. Like obviously you're wasting food by eating it, not wasting food, but maybe wasting money, let's say by eating food that you don't need like pleasure food for example, maybe and like over consuming calories like you said. But also I think because we just take advantage of the access we have to fruits and vegetables, everyone is so wasteful. Like even we go through phases where I think, why am I like this? So much stuff I'm throwing out that comes off the vegetable, you know what I mean? And if we had a compost, a swear, we would make no rubbish at all, really milk cartons, because we don't eat really any packaged food. So like when you are preparing dinner or chopping vegetables, just take note of how much you're wasting before you go back to supermarket and whinge about how expensive cauliflower is or something. And I think, like, there's only two of us, right? But we often buy whole vegetables, like a whole cauliflower, a whole pumpkin. I don't know. It's there's just this weird mindset now that people can only like, oh, we should only buy half at a time because. We won't eat at all, just yeah. Generally it is cheaper to buy a full pole vegetable. Yeah, yeah. Awesome. What else you got about inflation? I feel like you're way up in the news compared to me. Like I just go about my life. Like, whatever. Yeah. Well, I I just wanted to bring it up just because of those reasons.


I just have a think about the bigger picture. Yeah, like it is obviously going to affect your health. Yeah. So yeah, just consider it. What trade-offs and we did this, we do this probably every six months. Just go through your budget, go through your bank account for one month, see what you're actually spending and is it necessary or not. And you'll find some things aren't, some things are you might have to make cutbacks and sacrifices in other places. Yeah, and that's fawn. But at the end of the day, we want you to live a long healthy life. So don't give up the things or change things that you need to so you can continue doing that. Yeah, 100%.


So Science Daily released this article about a month ago or so. Now the benefits of exercise in a pill. Science is getting closer to that goal. That just blows my mind, yeah. Like how can so when you say the benefits, the physical health benefits of exercise or like the muscle gain benefits the mental benefits, do you know what? What they were alluding to in this pay benefits. So I'll link that in the show notes if you wanna dive a little bit deeper into it, but and that's the hard thing like. What are the benefits from exercising? If you're again. Results driven and what are those results, if I could give you a pill now? To it's just like I'm gonna use the $1,000,000, you know, when people win the lottery, hmm. They go from being poor to millionaires, but within two years they're broke and back on the street. So it's not necessarily. And I don't know how the pill would get around people's habits and the things they do. Where does it suppress the appetite that you're having? Like it's just and? I don't think it would ever be able to simulate. Like. Adding resistance to the body. Yeah. So if it's benefiting your body. The same way as exercise. How? Like, how is it building muscle? How like it can't actually build muscle, right? It's gotta be more the health benefits,


if anything, from resistance training. But yeah, but your mind and body is so connected. When you're working out whether it's, you know, doing CrossFit yoga, just lifting weights, functional exercise, going for a walk. It's more about your mind as well connecting to your body. And there's far more benefits from that. So, you know, the hormone, hormone releases and all that sort of stuff you get from doing those things. Does it simulate those? But then if it does. How does it without your mind being? In control of that, just like an antidepressant, I guess. Like, is it going to be similar to that? Like it just gives you the same release of endorphins that exercise gives you. So you feel like, yeah, I've done something good, like I'm healthy, I've quote UN quote exercise, do you know what I mean? So you get that mental. I don't know satisfaction to some degree, but also can you live a sedentary life and just take this pill? And you'll be fine. Like you live long and everybody would. And this is a thing. Everybody jump in on it and take these pills because it's but then like 10 years down the track. Ohh, yeah. It also causes cancer in the brain. Yeah. Like we don't know and it's so risky with all these new things coming out like. At least we know creatine. Creatine has been around for. Commonly used since the 90s and is the most tested sports supplement ever. Like nothing comes close. Protein powder probably the next one maybe, or some sort of steroid or something like that. But creatine is they've done that many studies and there's been no side effects, so it's safe to say that creatine. Is safe? Yeah. There's been no. It might cause a couple of people some gut issues. Rarely. But we don't know what these pills are going to be doing and what is the overarching


goal of them. Like why are they making them? Why do we need a pill that allows you to not exercise? Are we really? Is society really that busy or hard pushed for time or what? Like what is the justification for making a pill like this? It's so stupid to me, and that's what I mean. The basic human needs is to be outside, be active, yes, and to be a healthy, functioning human. But again, all that ties just the activity itself isn't enough. Like like actually doing it and get your brain outside and being in nature. I don't think a drug will ever be able to simulate that. No. No, I don't think will ever come close. Right. It might. I'd say it'll get close to like you, there's already drugs out there. But as you know, family member has just had issues with that sort of stuff. Like you can have drugs that suppress your appetite and that sort of stuff for weight loss. Yeah, but it's not changing the habits that got you in that same position. Yeah, you need what happens. It's like you either have to take that drug for the rest of your life or once you stop. Taking that drug, you just go back to where you were before you were taking the drug, probably worse because you've had this drug that has suppressed. All this stuff. So you've been more lenient on all the foods and the less activity and all that sort of stuff because you don't need to do it because these drugs don't. For you, yeah, you're gonna create all these bad habits and go off it. You die within a couple of weeks because your body would be in such a bad state. Yeah. Along those lines of taking drugs and supplements, one of our clients this week sent me a brochure to a pyramid scheme, I suppose you could call it that. His neighbor keeps like suggesting that they try, and I had to like a good look at the brand and all of their products and stuff, and they have. Like a white loss leanness, I forget what they call it range. So there's a range of products and you start


with the weight loss one and then you take the muscle building 1 and then you take the get lean one. So it's like you go through this process, right, and they're just supplements. I said he just wanted to know my opinion on them and I said like the amount of products that this company says they have that supposedly work. Like just that is the a massive red flag to me because it takes so long to, well, one design the product, get the product tested over and over and over and just the testing process of any medication is so massive and then it has to get approved and then you have to run trials on people taking it. There's just no way on the planet that one company that I've never heard of right, that has like 25 different products actually gets any kind of results. And if they did get some kind of results, we would have heard about it because I have so many products and they do this great thing, but. Really I think like sure there is probably some weight loss drugs out there that work, but like you said, what are the repercussions and? Most of the time, like, they're just in it for the money. Is that what this pill is going to be like? They're just in it for the money? Yeah, who knows? I'll finish this off by just saying that supplements are supplements and they are there to supplement your life, not be your life. Do everything else, right. And then when you feel like you can't get enough of, like say, protein, and you add protein into your diet, do not rely on supplements or any type of pill. To get your results or be healthy or longevity or anything like that.


So let's review our first week of the 75 hard challenge. For those that don't know what the 75 hard is, basically you've got to do these next things that we're going to talk about for 75 days. If you miss one or don't complete one, you need to go back to the start and start your 75 days all over again. And I'm happy to say that we haven't had to start over just yet. It's been seven days. I guess we'll start with the most boring one. Progress pics? Yeah, whatever. I feel like that's actually my least favorite one. Yeah, I'm just doing it because it's on the list. It'll be. I guess it'll be a good thing to build and then replace with some other habit that I wanna do. If that makes sense, whether it's just like a post on social media or. But it's far quicker to take a progress pic than it is to post on social, so you've got to pick a quick habit to replace it with. Yeah, I don't even know. Yeah, I can't even think of one that quick. So reading. So you have to read 10 pages every single day. How's that going for you? Actually better than I thought. Yeah, I thought I'd struggle with this one, but. The more I read, the more I want to continue reading the book, right. I've been telling you this for like, the last three years. I needed that little push. So yeah, it's been good. The book I'm reading is essentialism by Greg McEwan. Yep. And what are you reading? I'm reading think and grow rich by. Poleon hill? Yeah. Both good books, yeah. Probably halfway through mine. Round two of mine. Yep. And I don't know what book I'm going to read next, but I guess we'll get to that when we get there.


Water. Oh my God. So yes.


What is fine for me because I was already drinking 4 litres before my whole life. Yeah, so really. What is it? it? 3 gallon, gallon, 2 gallons a gallon, which is like 3 1/2 litres. I'm pretty sure. Yeah. So yeah, I've been drinking about four, three to 3, 1/2 to 4. And yeah, yesterday or day before I.


When you increase your water so much, I don't know if you're feeling the same, but it gets to the point where you got that much fluid in you. But by the time you get that signal in your brain that, oh, I need to wee and the time that it's coming out is very minimal. I've been doing this for so long it's fine like I'm so used to it now. It. Yeah, or maybe that's just why I wee so much, because my brain's like, your blood is full, your blood is full, your bladder is full. But I'm just so used to it like it's been. I've been doing it for years, just subconsciously. But generally you can hold on to it and you're like, yeah, just finish what I'm doing. Go toilet where yesterday. Nearly weed yourself back, nearly weed himself. Nearly made myself very, very close, very scary, very scary, Tom. So I'll just drop back to making sure it's like just three and a half. And I I have ordered some electrolytes and that sort of stuff to put in my water so I absorb it a little bit better. Like it might sound dangerous to some people. We have a doctor friend who we were talking about this with and she's like what? Like why is so excessive, like such excessive amounts of water? But I guess the challenge is probably more for people a little less structured or a little unhealthier than us that drink a lot more liquid calories and a lot more drinks that aren't water. So it's more if you're drinking 3 1/2 liters of water, you don't have room for any other liquids, essentially. Yeah, it's good for like cutting out soft drinks or coffees or energy drinks and all that sort of **** which are super high calories. And yeah, like you said, you can't fit any other liquid. And out of the water, yeah. Umm. Cool. And the next one? Diet maybe? Ohh yeah that's been fine. Yeah we don't eat out much anyway. What we're doing just no processed foods, no takeouts and no preservatives. Yeah so basically


everything. We we're pretty close to that. Maybe we've had to cut out one or two things. I haven't really noticed much of a difference. I can't even think of anything off the top of my head right now, but we've had to cut out. Yeah, so and then we have two workouts a day, 245 minute workouts. One has to be outside and it has been raining like torrential rain for the last four or five days here, so. And we've been doing one thing that is basically a human staple. Like you do this as a human, you should be able to do it. But it has been kicking my ***. I have been so sore. And it's scary because I consider myself to be a healthy, fit person. But then here we are doing this activity and I have been so sore, the activity being walking, right. Everybody's thinking probably like crazy *** workout or something like that, but it was literally walking. So we've been going to the gym once and doing 45 minute wait session, just like taking it easy, but still relatively. What's the word? Strenuous. Yeah. Yeah. Still still like, you know, lifting weights and lifting weights, still functional, all that sort of stuff. Yeah. And then we've been doing 145 minute walk slash jog Slash run, which. Ends up being on the beach because Jack doesn't want to get his runners wet in the rain. So we're like we'll just go to the beach and he wears bare feet, hence why you're everything so sore. I think Wednesday was. I almost gave up on Wednesday. Because the beach is so washed out at the moment. All the sand is soft and it was raining and it was blowing straight in my face. It was just like doing a 45 minute Stairmaster session, but just in the rain and the sand. And I'm just like, what am I doing? Like it it was. I was not having fun. Every other day it's been fine. I'm like, you know what, rain and we're


walking. It's been great. But yes, I was just sore. I was tired. Not yesterday, on Wednesday. They're sore, tired. It was ******* hard. You see, that was me on the 1st day. Yeah, because I've trained pretty hard. I don't know why. I just, I was having one of those weeks and I'm like, yeah, I can do anything, you know what I mean? And I trained pretty hard, like a couple of days leading up to us starting the 75 hard challenge and then the first day that we had to walk, it literally rained. Like, it didn't stop for 5 minutes, did it for the whole day, and it was like torrential rain. So it was the first day and we had to just like rug up and go to the beach and get drenched. And I think this is a stupidest thing I've ever done. Why are we here? Yeah, but because that first day was so bad, every other day has failed a lot easier. I'm just like whatever, I'm just, I'm going for a walk. I'm going to do it no matter what and it just, it's fine. So I've been trying to jog as well on the sand, and obviously that's gonna be a little bit more harsh, but at least because it's cardio, you know, your body's gonna adapt to it super quick. Yeah. So all we need to do is push through probably another week and starts getting easier on my feet. Won't be killing me as much. Also, you know what's crazy is like you said, it's a human thing to just be able to walk and like we walk places, but obviously not much. But man, my hips, my hip flexors. I guess. And like the tops of my ankles were so sore because we just don't walk. But that's what we consider ourselves to be healthy, active, fit people, and all we're doing is adding and walking and it's rolled me kicking our **** so. Imagine like other people that aren't as active as us. Yeah, like, yeah. Crazy. Is that all of the things you have to do? Picture food, read workouts. Yeah, must be. Water. Water. Yeah, cool. All right, listen to questions are up next. What are we got? OK, so


let's do the hardest one for I don't know. They're both pretty hard, to be honest, but we'll do this one how to make your family understand why health and fitness is so important to you.


I honestly, I don't think my family still understands. They've just accepted. Yeah. Yeah, probably same. You just got to keep doing you like. At the end of the day, if their family and they do love you and they do care about you. They should be somewhat supportive. And I say somewhat because I know a lot of people just, you know, families are just like you. They don't get it. They don't get it. So they're gonna be as supportive as they understand and sometimes you've just gotta accept that. And look at other times you can. I don't know. It depends on your relationship with the said family, whether it's mum, dad, partner, kids, that sort of stuff. Obviously all those relationships are different. You can point out their floors. So look at this. I was going to get to the gym. I was gonna say the exact opposite of that. I was going to say that sometimes when you are changing your lifestyle, it can also be hard for your family members because they're going through a change in you that they didn't ask for. They didn't sign. Like you chose to start to change and they didn't sign up for that. You're just saying this is what I'm doing, take it or leave it essentially. So I think. That it's important for you to, I guess. Be subtle, be gentle, don't say Oh well, I'm trying to be better, so you should try and be better as well. You know what I mean? Just you do you, and eventually. Like it might take a while, and I hope it happens eventually, but eventually they'll. Be like ohh OK well like Jack's spending all this time and money on his body and here I am just. Doing nothing for the relationship or the family or the longevity of my


life. Maybe I should start to do something too. And then I think it's a very important when they show interest in wanting to do something, you'd be excited, but don't. Bombard them just say do this, do that, do. Yeah just be like they're like oh I think I might want to come in the gym with you today. He's like ohh that's so great. I've always wanted to work out buddy and just that's it. Like that's enough. And then just yeah little things like that. And I think as soon as they show a little bit of interest just run with the one thing they're showing interest in and ease them into it because yeah it's a lot and I'm gonna plug the stock challenge that this is our. Yeah. Flagship program and I love it so much because. It's a challenge, but you're not going to be all of a sudden just changing everything. You're not going to be doing stupid workouts, eating next to nothing. It's more about learning how much you actually need to do, how much food you actually need to change. Like, you don't need to jump in and just change everything. You just do these things slowly and as you learn, you change these things. And then. It's not so bombarding for your family around you. Yeah, it's gradual. Yeah. And I guess to, let's like take it right back to the question, how to make your family understand why it's important to you. I think you can't make them understand. Yeah, to be honest, and this, as coaches, we talk, we've talked about this on previous podcasts. We can give our clients everything to get so they can get results like the perfect program, the perfect nutrition guidance, coaching, all that sort of stuff. But unless they want to change, then we can't force them. They're not going to change. Think just also being very confident in why you're doing it. Like don't let them sway your decision to change or anything like that. And just eventually they should just be like, OK. Max,


the one that X is. That's literally all my family. That's the healthy one. Max, the one that exercises. You know, that's my label now. And you just have to be OK. Yeah. If it's somebody closer, like a partner, I'd just say explain why you're actually doing it. Yeah. If your goal is to change your body composition, lose weight, build muscle, whatever it is, just explain to your partner. Look, I want to do this because I'm feeling this way. And just dive deeper into your feelings. Yeah. Like, talk about your communication is key in every relationship. Got no friends, family, children, anything? Yeah, leave it there. Cool. OK. The next question. I love this question. It's a very hard question to answer. If you, Mac and Jack weren't in the health and fitness industry, which industry would you want to be in? You go first. So Mac asked me this question a couple days ago when it come in, just so I had some time to prepare. I honestly I read it and I was like, oh cool, I've got three days to prepare Jacks. I'm gonna ask him on the spot. But then I felt bad and I was like better give him some heads up. Um. It's hard because. I went into like construction because it was the only option I had. Being in a small town, a male, there's not any other options. Um, so, like, are all options open no matter where I was or where I come from? So, right, let's make a scenario, because it's not that that's the whole question, right? So I'm going to say the health and fitness industry is dead. It doesn't exist anymore. Yeah, the magic pill worked. Yeah, no one needs personal trainers, nutrition coaches, everyone's just. Doing their thing and it's nonexistent. What? Where do you pivot to now? What industry do you pick? You can pick any. Yeah, so. I've been like my mind went straight to physics. Oh really? And I don't know if I would be in theoretical


or applied. I like the idea of theoretical. But I think you would be better at applying, yeah, yeah. Because I do like the hands-on, hands-on and, you know, you whether you take somebody else's thought experiment and implement that into real life. But then like, yeah. So you'd want it's Leonard Hofstetter from The Big Bang. Yeah, yeah. But probably not in his field. Direct field, yeah. More maybe like. Astrophysics or something like that, yeah. Yeah. So that's your final answer. Yeah, I was going to pick psychology, but obviously. But then I feel like that's too obvious because I'm already on that path and technically it would fall under the health umbrella, right? Yeah, the magic pill worked. Everybody's healthy, fit, happy. No issues in the world. OK, so. Honestly.


No health. Like it's so hard because every interest I have like the next thing I'd be like biology maybe. But that still comes under the health umbrella, like medicine. But does that still come under the health umbrella? Yeah. You know, yeah. OK. So if I'm trying to do a full 360 way from any. Health field.


I don't know. I think it'd have to be some sort of creative like design of some sort. Or could I just be a YouTuber and teach people how to be productive, you know, because they're the things that I love. And I think I'd still have to be making something cuz you wouldn't think that we make much in our jobs, but we make so much stuff.


So I'm just going to say YouTube gonna do that, yeah. But then also I don't know because I wouldn't be learning much issue would but you think of every YouTube. You know all that, say over 1,000,000 followers, they've learned so much in their. That's true. And I could also be some sort of educational YouTuber like Hank Green. So I have to be learning stuff and knowing stuff all the time. So that you YouTube.


The real grey right now. All right, if you've got a question. As always, hit us up on social media. You'll find me on Instagram at Jack L Graham. And pretty much the same name everywhere else. LinkedIn, Facebook, all that sort of stuff. And I'm Mac_institute. You don't even go anywhere else. Instagram is the only place I go. And obviously you've enjoyed this podcast so far. If you've listened this to this whole episode, ask carrying on. So share it on your social media. We generally appreciate that and for people that do, now we've got a suite as app we can give you lock free access or something like that to one of our courses. Yeah, awesome. So make sure you share it. Tag us so we know you've done it and we'll talk to you all in the next episode. Bye


Episode 94. How to speed up your metabolism, lose body fat by drinking water, why we weight train & more.


Episode 92. The Future is Here!