Episode 141. Answering Your Questions.

Episode 141. Answering Your Questions!

This week on the podcast we answer all of your questions from eating raw eggs to life in Melbourne.

  • What are your current training goals? 

  • How to quickly reduce your resting heart rate? 

  • Is it good to chew gum when you’re hungry?

    • Study: A small but significant reduction in snack intake was observed, chewing gum reduced the weight of snacks consumed by 10% compared to no gum. Overall, chewing gum for at least 45 min significantly suppressed rated hunger, appetite and cravings for snacks and promoted fullness.

  • Is it okay to eat raw eggs?

  • Do I need a rest day? 

  • How do you explore and manage to get work done? 

  • No car? Does that mean no trips to visit the family?

  • How’s the Melbourne adjustment going? Work, study, Jack's new job. 

  • As far as options and accessibility go, has your food/diet changed? 

  • Do you ever train at the gym Jack works at for a change of scenery? 

Watch, Listen, Try

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00:00:02:01 - 00:00:04:17

Speaker 1

There is an elephant in the room in that.

00:00:05:00 - 00:00:11:00

Speaker 2

Sorry, Tim Small on the podcast. Again, like I said, everything goes up, must come down.

00:00:11:00 - 00:00:25:00

Speaker 1

My physique, I guess, came back. How to quickly reduce your resting heart rate. Is it good to chew gum when you're hungry? No Car. Does that mean no trips to visit the family?

00:00:26:18 - 00:00:38:19

Speaker 2

What is up, everybody? Welcome back to the in situ Health and Fitness podcast. On today's show, we're going to answer all your questions from should you Eat Eggs to how life is going in Melbourne.

00:00:43:07 - 00:00:49:07

Speaker 2

Welcome back, everybody. It's been two weeks. We missed our first episode in a long time last week.

00:00:49:15 - 00:01:13:03

Speaker 1

The first it was the first episode we have missed since episode 40 and technically on episode 40, we didn't actually miss the episode because we we labeled it Throwback Friday and just played an old episode because I think I don't even I can't even remember why we missed that one. But it's been, what, 101 episodes since we missed a show.

00:01:13:23 - 00:01:14:14

Speaker 1

It's pretty solid.

00:01:14:17 - 00:01:15:20

Speaker 2

I was probably sick again.

00:01:15:21 - 00:01:18:11

Speaker 1

Probably I get sick, so bad.

00:01:19:05 - 00:01:21:07

Speaker 2

And it doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's bad.

00:01:21:11 - 00:01:21:17

Speaker 1


00:01:22:20 - 00:01:38:00

Speaker 2

I was actually thinking about trying to bring back the throwback like Thursdays or something like that, just to bring our episodes back into the cycle. We've got a we've got a lot of new listeners and you guys have missed out on some epic shows in the past.

00:01:38:00 - 00:01:41:02

Speaker 1

Well, technically they're still on the Internet and they can't go back.

00:01:41:02 - 00:01:52:17

Speaker 2

And you could go back and listen to or I'm just going to shove them in your face and just slot them in there each week. Yeah. So you listen to them as well. But yeah, we're back feeling good. I'm healthy.

00:01:52:22 - 00:01:55:02

Speaker 1

I'm feeling a seven out of ten and.

00:01:55:05 - 00:01:57:00

Speaker 2


00:01:57:00 - 00:02:24:10

Speaker 1

I tried so hard to avoid catching Jack's germs and it was like two days later. My throat. No, no. Anyway, before we get into the questions, I feel like there is an elephant in the room. Maybe it's in the room. Maybe you didn't even know the elephant was there. But it's been there the whole time. And that is the massive blooper in obviously not last week's show, but the week before.

00:02:24:12 - 00:02:25:18

Speaker 2

Episode 140.

00:02:25:18 - 00:02:50:06

Speaker 1

Episode 140, there is a big, fat, juicy blooper towards the end, but I think in the last 5 minutes, I didn't know. Jack didn't know in one of our friends slash listeners, guests slash listeners, Oh yeah, Cathy messaged me and she's like, Oh my God, do you guys even listen back to the podcast? And I was like, Well, Jack, Jack and Jack.

00:02:50:06 - 00:02:58:08

Speaker 1

And it's like, What? What? Anyway, so once we finish record, actually, you know what? You have to go Listen, what should I just say?

00:02:59:06 - 00:02:59:18

Speaker 2

Just say it.

00:02:59:20 - 00:03:13:02

Speaker 1

Once we finish recording the last episode at the end I said something along the lines of how much green tea messes me up, but I didn't use the word messes. This is a much bigger than that.

00:03:13:09 - 00:03:17:04

Speaker 2

Sorry. Tim Mack Small on the podcast again.

00:03:17:04 - 00:03:39:15

Speaker 1

Because it does makes me feel very, very ill when I have it on an empty stomach and it's because of the tenants. Guys, if this happens to you with green tea or black tea, the tendons in your stomach just upregulate the production of stomach acid so it can make you feel like you want to vomit. And that is the feeling I get when I drink green tea on an empty stomach, which is what I did that episode.

00:03:39:21 - 00:03:57:23

Speaker 1

So I was hanging on to like the nauseous feeling through the podcast. And then at the end I'm just like, Damn green tea makes me feel so crap. And then Jack somehow managed to get that bit for the end of the podcast and put it in the podcast. Just it makes no sense when you listen to it at all.

00:03:58:01 - 00:04:03:11

Speaker 1

Just goes from us talking about something to me saying, Oh, and then back to the podcast.

00:04:03:14 - 00:04:24:19

Speaker 2

Yeah, I don't know what happened. There is just one of my because it wasn't on YouTube and you, I watch it through and edit it as I go the podcasts. Normally I have claps or a silence or something where I can pick the sound sound up, but I just didn't pick it up. So I apologize to all those who have sensitives.

00:04:24:19 - 00:04:27:02

Speaker 2

You had to listen. Max Where on the podcast.

00:04:27:10 - 00:04:31:19

Speaker 1

My bogan, my normal bogan accent probably came up.

00:04:32:16 - 00:04:47:18

Speaker 2

And today we are in a bit of a new studio. Let us know in the comments on YouTube if you like it or not. Che is a little weird. I don't know if I should sit back lean forwards, so it moving around a little bit, but doesn't mean we can't answer some awesome questions from you guys.

00:04:48:11 - 00:04:57:07

Speaker 1

Well, on my list of the direction of the show, I've got Jack segment O strategically placed in their request.

00:04:57:13 - 00:05:20:03

Speaker 2

So I just want to bring up how when I was sick Chandler always try and learn why I got sick and try to improve it so I'll never get sick again. Obviously it doesn't happen. You get viruses and all that sort of stuff that your body fights so you know you're going to get sick no matter what, but how to improve it and minimize the time period of being sick as well.

00:05:20:14 - 00:05:47:01

Speaker 2

And I'll just listen to another podcast and they sort of said it the best way that I could explain it. And we're always chasing ups, but whatever comes goes up must come down. So I would say I fell into this a little bit and I'll go into that in a second with caffeine. But whenever we're feeling tired or stressed or, you know, down a little bit, we'll always try and get an up.

00:05:47:01 - 00:06:09:09

Speaker 2

So whether it's a coffee or an energy drink or some sort of sweet food or, you know, something to just pick us up and then we do something else and we pick it up again and we pick it up and pick it up. And then, you know, like I said, everything that goes up must come down. So when you come down, you come down hard because you've been so high on all that sort of stuff.

00:06:09:09 - 00:06:39:04

Speaker 2

And I have been diving a little bit into the domain and world and how domains just abundant at the moment. We've found, is basically you can get a domain anytime you want and a lot of people don't realize it. And again, that is just adding to those highs. So if you're feeling down and jump on social media, you've got a few extra locks or you know, you say good post, whatever it is, you get that hit a dopamine and you go a little bit higher.

00:06:39:14 - 00:07:02:20

Speaker 2

So it all just start adding up and adding up and adding up. And uh, so when I was sick, I just did not want caffeine at all. I didn't really want to eat anything. It really and I thought it was just a good idea to go off caffeine for a bit. So I haven't gone off caffeine completely. I'm having probably one every second day and it's been good.

00:07:03:14 - 00:07:25:03

Speaker 2

I have actually noticed a difference in just cutting back. So normally it would have been two coffees a day that we have rarely it would be three. But say to the day before I got sick or the day the morning of me getting real sick, I probably had three caffeine hits. So I had two coffees, two or three coffees and a black tea.

00:07:26:03 - 00:07:50:00

Speaker 2

So that I think that was just the icing on the cake of me just crashing. And then I jumped in the sauna that day as well. So yes. So owners are good for you. They're very good for all sorts of reasons. But it can give you more dopamine or bring your energy levels up. So, you know, again, up, up, up, up all the caffeine sauna and then I crashed.

00:07:50:10 - 00:07:52:17

Speaker 1

So did you not feel yourself getting sick?

00:07:52:17 - 00:07:57:00

Speaker 2

Yeah, I did. I just thought, I'll have more caffeine, so I'll be right.

00:07:57:13 - 00:08:14:08

Speaker 1

So I really want to know why often you get sick. Then I get sick because I'm looking after you and this germs everywhere. Why do you think yours always lasts twice as long as mine and seems to be twice as intense as mine. Why do you think that is?

00:08:14:20 - 00:08:18:01

Speaker 2

Genetics. When I was younger, I used to get sick.

00:08:19:08 - 00:08:21:14

Speaker 1

So did I. But the drop of a hat and.

00:08:22:02 - 00:08:41:01

Speaker 2

I'd get sick and we'd waste. So it wasn't so much, you know, when I got the chickenpox, I didn't get itchy, I didn't get I got a few pox everywhere, but I didn't get it or anything like that. I just couldn't get out of bed. It affected me in a different way. My body's always been like, That's one doctor said.

00:08:41:01 - 00:09:02:00

Speaker 2

It was like hyper, hyper active, something or other. So my immune system gets really excited when a virus comes in and it gets really excited and goes just just goes boom, straight into the virus or whatever it is. And it just that, it's just that excited that it doesn't do anything, if that makes sense. So it sort of always, I don't know.

00:09:02:05 - 00:09:02:17

Speaker 2

I think it's.

00:09:03:00 - 00:09:04:03

Speaker 1

A cover up. Yeah.

00:09:04:11 - 00:09:25:10

Speaker 2

And it just always hits me in a different way. But yeah, I just thought it was interesting. I just want to bring up that, you know, I realize that in myself that I was having too much caffeine, too much up. And I think a lot of people do that as well. So just remember that caffeine, social media, all that sort of stuff adds to your ups and you need to take some downs as well.

00:09:25:20 - 00:09:36:02

Speaker 2

So you do need to recover. Chill out, have rest days. Um, I think a few of the questions will go into that a little bit deep with work and all that sort of stuff anyway, so.

00:09:36:18 - 00:09:38:17

Speaker 1

Yeah, ready then. Ready. Ready for the.

00:09:38:17 - 00:09:40:07

Speaker 2

Questions. Ready for your questions.

00:09:40:10 - 00:09:44:07

Speaker 1

I think the first question is what are your current training goals?

00:09:45:07 - 00:10:04:06

Speaker 2

Yeah, so this was a good question. I was actually having a chat to a friend in the gym the other day and he's trying to bulk up and I was going over ways that you can do that. The most conventional bodybuilders don't look at it that way and all that sort of stuff, and we dive right into it and he's trying to get stronger and all that sort of stuff.

00:10:04:06 - 00:10:30:10

Speaker 2

So I was just we'll just chit chat and back and forward about that. And then he's like, Oh, what are your goals? And my goals at the moment are just consistency. Um, and he's sort of so he's like, What do you mean that's lame? Yeah, that's like, But as everybody knows, a lot's changed recently. I'm working a lot more on the business and other jobs we've moved, so lost sales, changed, all that sort of stuff.

00:10:30:18 - 00:10:50:06

Speaker 2

So I know if I'm consistent with my training, everything else comes. So doesn't like if I'm consistent, I'll lose body fat and gain muscle. Obviously I want a decent program, all that sort of stuff, but consistency is my goal at the moment. Just because things as you know, all over the place with work and all that sort of stuff.

00:10:50:06 - 00:11:05:03

Speaker 2

So there's, you know, I haven't got a sick day, wake up, go to work at this time, finish it this time and that sort of stuff. So it's been all over the place. So I've just got to make sure that I'm thinking ahead so I can actually just get in the gym. Sometimes I don't get the work gets done.

00:11:05:05 - 00:11:21:03

Speaker 2

I've got planned, but it's just consistently getting into the gym. Um, and again, like I said, I know if I do that, I'm going to get stronger and better. I'm going to feel better, I'm going to have more energy and all that sort of stuff. So consistency is my gold moment. What about yours?

00:11:21:13 - 00:11:49:18

Speaker 1

Oh, I don't want to just like, piggyback on yours and blame also. But I've got nothing. I just For us, for us, it's been such a long time of not having a good place to train, not really being in a consistent spot for a while since we quit CrossFit. Really? Yeah, since we quit CrossFit, we haven't had access to, like, a proper gym, have we?

00:11:50:01 - 00:12:01:22

Speaker 1

So I yeah, I feel like mine is the same because this is the first time that I've actually been able to do everything in the workout plan properly because we have all of the tools for the first time.

00:12:01:22 - 00:12:03:02

Speaker 2

So not to modify.

00:12:03:02 - 00:12:44:23

Speaker 1

Yeah, we have something. So I'm still finding like new little areas that different exercises that are the same that I would swap out for something else. Usually. But I can use a cable machine for or something like that. I'm still finding all of that kind of stuff. Yeah. And I think in moving a lot around, obviously our consistency has been up and down and up and down, but we've still been training to some degree and I was so, so surprised that when we moved here and within the first two weeks of us being here and us getting back in the gym four or five days a week, that my physique I guess came back like,

00:12:44:23 - 00:13:04:18

Speaker 1

not that I completely lost it. I'm not saying there's anything bad about my body, but just the physique I was trying to achieve. I suppose without having a specific goal came back so quickly. And just so yeah, I'm just excited to be consistent. Yeah. Everybody for a month already. But now I've just had a week off because of sick and I don't know.

00:13:06:05 - 00:13:28:20

Speaker 2

Just to add in like not saying dumbbells and free weights are bad. This the best tools you can have, but there's certain exercises when if you're doing, say, a dumbbell level rise, it's just a completely different stimulus on your body when you use a cable, because the cable has a consistent tension. Tension where dumbbell, it's only hard at the top.

00:13:28:20 - 00:13:39:06

Speaker 2

It's not too hard at the bottom. So yeah, it's only bad, but it's just good to have that variety and consistency pays off. And next question. Okay.

00:13:40:03 - 00:13:46:22

Speaker 1

How this one came from Bryce. Thank you, Bryce. How to quickly reduce your resting heart rate.

00:13:48:06 - 00:14:16:11

Speaker 2

Yeah. When you when you told me about Bryce and his resting heart rate, it. It scared me. Actually. The heart is nothing to mess around with. If your heart stops beating, you don't slow. And I hope that does scare a lot of people because it is scary. So everything we do is almost designed for heart health. So your heart is as healthy as possible so it beats as long as bloody possible.

00:14:16:20 - 00:14:41:12

Speaker 2

So you live as long as possible. I'll get back to the question in a second, but it does give me a lot because I had issues when I was 27. You know, I was having heart issues and it's actually quite scary. So, you know, I sort of come out of that period and well, she had like, you know, I thought I was doing the right things, but obviously I wasn't.

00:14:41:21 - 00:14:57:20

Speaker 2

So that's when I really dive into health and fitness and try and improve health rather than just looking good and all that sort of stuff. So it's very important that you do all the things you need to to have a healthy heart. Because again, if it stops beating, you die.

00:14:59:05 - 00:15:10:02

Speaker 1

So what could Bryce immediately start doing Friday today to help reduce his resting heart rate? So exercise.

00:15:10:02 - 00:15:17:02

Speaker 2

Yeah, it's one of those things where there's no there's no quick fixes. It's like, you know, trying to take a pill for fat loss.

00:15:17:07 - 00:15:17:14

Speaker 1


00:15:18:05 - 00:15:39:15

Speaker 2

Yes. You can take that pill and it might work but it's, you're better off looking at it as a bigger picture. Um obviously caffeine and all stimulants you want to get rid of to bring that resting heart rate down. I wouldn't say go cold turkey if you're used to having it a lot. Maybe Just how did.

00:15:39:15 - 00:15:40:09

Speaker 1

You have it. Yeah.

00:15:40:12 - 00:15:57:15

Speaker 2

Yeah. That would be more one thing. Make sure you're hydrated. Hydration is very important. You need to be hydrated for your your heart muscle. So it needs liquids to be able to pump, um, obviously exercise.

00:15:57:20 - 00:15:59:21

Speaker 1


00:15:59:21 - 00:16:23:05

Speaker 2

And what type of exercise? It's going to be different for everybody. But obviously, like we always say, just start of resistance training, getting into the gym, lifting weights, stimulates muscles. Once you consistent at that, start adding in cardio from there because a lot of people do dive into the cardio. But we've talked about how just doing just cardio straight away raises the risk of injury.

00:16:23:05 - 00:16:36:00

Speaker 2

You get injured, you don't train it, all other issues. So I just start lifting weights, um, to try and bring it down immediately. I would say maybe just tried some breathing techniques.

00:16:36:03 - 00:16:36:09

Speaker 1


00:16:36:15 - 00:17:01:09

Speaker 2

Whether it's box breathing or Wim Hof or just any type of meditation just lying there and just, just I just been YouTube and meditations lately and you know, meditation and then I do my breathing technique. I find trying to relax before you do breathing is a lot more beneficial. Um, walking.

00:17:01:13 - 00:17:31:08

Speaker 1

I was going to say, I think this one that you missed and that would be sleep getting enough sleep because I remember when I was wearing my work, which I don't wear anymore, which I guess gives you similar statistics to an Apple Watch. Yeah, the days where I had a crap night sleep or didn't get anything upwards of 7 hours, maybe my resting heart rate would be much, much higher just for the rest of the day until I got and the next night worth of sleep.

00:17:32:03 - 00:17:38:00

Speaker 1

So I guess consistently trying to get 7 to 8 hours sleep. Yeah, it will help in the long run.

00:17:39:01 - 00:18:05:13

Speaker 2

But that's so sleep is just the biggest government government governing body of everything. Yeah. So improving sleep and everything improves. So yeah, definitely. But that's a bigger picture. So if you're trying to change your sleep habits, it might be because a lot of people, sometimes even clients, when we try and get them to do that, like, you know, go to bed at this time, wake up at this time, no screen, no screens before you go to bed, all that sort of stuff.

00:18:05:23 - 00:18:20:04

Speaker 2

Like I've been doing it for three days and nothing feels the same. Unfortunately, it takes a while for your circadian rhythms and your body clock just to get used to those new times and patterns and all that sort of stuff. So maybe.

00:18:20:04 - 00:18:23:01

Speaker 1

Next week we should decide on how to.

00:18:23:09 - 00:18:24:00

Speaker 2

Sleep properly.

00:18:24:00 - 00:18:26:14

Speaker 1

Improve your sleep? Yeah. Yeah. We haven't done that for a while.

00:18:27:01 - 00:18:40:11

Speaker 2

So yeah. Bryce, getting to the gym, start eating healthier. Um, cut out stimulants, alcohol as well. Alcohol can play havoc on your heart.

00:18:40:11 - 00:18:42:01

Speaker 1

Just sleep.

00:18:42:14 - 00:18:52:02

Speaker 2

It's like slow, slowly, slow improvement. And then when you do find your heart's getting out of control, trying some meditation and breathing.

00:18:52:17 - 00:19:03:03

Speaker 1

Cool. Okay. The next question is from LeAnn Is it good to chew gum when you're hungry? What do you think? Initial thoughts. Jack's very anti.

00:19:03:03 - 00:19:04:21

Speaker 2

Gum. I am very anti gum.

00:19:05:11 - 00:19:07:13

Speaker 1

Go on. Right.

00:19:08:14 - 00:19:16:18

Speaker 2

I just don't like it. I think I've spoken about this in previous podcasts here. I watched a documentary on how it's actually made its growth.

00:19:16:19 - 00:19:19:15

Speaker 1

Well, obviously, because you chew it and two and two, it doesn't go anywhere.

00:19:19:15 - 00:19:44:17

Speaker 2

Yeah, it's literally one compound of rubber that you would find on your car tire. They just take one thing out. I can't remember the ages ago, but I watched that and I'm like, um, I never really did it anyway. I never chewed it. Just yeah, it just never really appealed to me. My whole family does it, and I hate it when they all did it together and when we're kids and Yeah, and I'm sitting there just going.

00:19:46:03 - 00:20:14:10

Speaker 1

Okay, well, I looked into it a little filling in, I found. So let's just go back to the when you're hungry, let's let's think about it as a tool that you could use to reduce your appetite. And it does actually reduce your appetite because you're sending a signal to your brain that you're chewing something, foods coming, but also, if weight loss is your goal, then chewing gum allows you to swallow a lot more air.

00:20:14:22 - 00:20:39:12

Speaker 1

So you end up feeling really bloated but still really hungry, you know? So it's it's almost like a catch 22. It depends on what your goal is. But anyway, I did find a study feeling and the results of the study were that chewing gum for at least 45 minutes, significantly suppressed hunger, appetite and cravings for all snacks and promoted the feelings of fullness.

00:20:40:16 - 00:21:00:10

Speaker 1

That's just one study is a pretty good study, but I guess it just depends on what your goal is like. If you are trying to drastically reduce weight, then it might be a good temporary tool. If you're already in shape and LeAnn like lands the fittest woman I know. Why are you chewing gum?

00:21:01:06 - 00:21:05:13

Speaker 2

It can be. It can be like a habit thing as well.

00:21:05:14 - 00:21:06:19

Speaker 1

Yeah. Like smoking.

00:21:07:01 - 00:21:07:14

Speaker 2


00:21:07:14 - 00:21:08:05

Speaker 1

Something going on.

00:21:08:10 - 00:21:25:06

Speaker 2

And it can increase your needs for the day. Chewing gum. It's just something you do wear. Like, you know, you could just be fidgeting with your hands, but you just fidgeting with your mouth. You're just chewing. So it. Yeah. Look, I don't think it's a bad thing. Um.

00:21:26:03 - 00:21:28:10

Speaker 1

I just open with how much you hate it, and they say.

00:21:28:19 - 00:21:56:23

Speaker 2

Oh, yeah, I have seen studies where they say if you chew it too much because it does tell you tummy, that's food, food's coming, so it releases the acids too. And to break down that food and that can cause tummy ulcers, stomach ulcers. So I don't know. I don't know if that's true or not. I can't remember where I actually seen that, whether I just made it up just so I didn't have to chew gum.

00:21:57:21 - 00:21:58:13

Speaker 2

I don't know.

00:21:58:13 - 00:22:11:10

Speaker 1

Yeah. Oh, good question. Okay. Is it okay to eat raw eggs? Firstly, you secondly, I'm pretty sure there's a there's like a bacterial risk.

00:22:11:17 - 00:22:11:23

Speaker 2


00:22:12:10 - 00:22:15:05

Speaker 1

Contaminant. Salmonella risk. Right.

00:22:15:06 - 00:22:15:17

Speaker 2


00:22:16:00 - 00:22:24:18

Speaker 1

If you, if you get eggs from a poor source, there's a risk of salmonella. Um, who eats raw.

00:22:24:18 - 00:22:25:12

Speaker 2

Eggs When.

00:22:25:22 - 00:22:26:02

Speaker 1


00:22:26:05 - 00:22:50:14

Speaker 2

When humans invented fire and started cooking food, that's when the human race actually started taking off a lot more, both in evolution, development tools, all that sort of stuff. Because we could cook the food, we could get more nutrients out of it. Yeah, same eggs, mate, all that sort of stuff. So think about what cavemen had back then eggs, meats, all that sort of stuff.

00:22:51:01 - 00:23:13:00

Speaker 2

We cooked it so we didn't die from the bacteria in the food. And over thousands of years of doing that, our body is better at absorbing cooked food rather than raw food. There could be a case for berries and fruit and all that sort of stuff, obviously, because they would've just picked it off the train, ate it, veggies and all that sort of stuff.

00:23:13:00 - 00:23:14:19

Speaker 2

I still think you're better off cooking them.

00:23:15:20 - 00:23:18:08

Speaker 1

They're a lot easier to break down and digest.

00:23:18:08 - 00:23:41:18

Speaker 2

Yeah. So yeah, just it's, it's better to cook food, especially eggs. The risk, the risks, the risk to reward ratio is not worth it. So the risk is you can get sick, your body doesn't absorb the nutrients, so you don't even get the protein that you normally and the good fats and western stuff from eggs, where if you cook it, you can absorb it, you get all the nutrients.

00:23:42:00 - 00:23:45:02

Speaker 2

So it's one or the other of know what I'd choose?

00:23:46:09 - 00:23:50:05

Speaker 1

Okay, do I need a rest day?

00:23:50:18 - 00:24:05:16

Speaker 2

This is also from LeAnn. No, She has been a smart ass. He likes having rest days to listen. And I thought, I know she's just joking around when she asks this, but I thought it a good question because a lot of people will have a rest day and do nothing.

00:24:06:17 - 00:24:08:20

Speaker 1

Yeah, So I just literally just sit on the couch. Yeah.

00:24:09:08 - 00:24:32:16

Speaker 2

I haven't got to work out today, so I'm not going to do anything. So rest days, there's still every single day there should be a minimum amount of exercise you do. And for us it is walking. So we normally walk at least half an hour to an hour every single day. So that's the minimum that we do, whether it's a rest day, good day, bad day, whatever, we do that every single day.

00:24:33:01 - 00:24:53:00

Speaker 2

So then when we work, yeah, that's just on top of it. So, you know, that's just an added bonus on top. So it's not like on the rest days when we don't have a work out. And yes, you need a rest day for your body to recover and just not be under so much load and tension and all that sort of stuff like I spoke about it start sometimes workouts.

00:24:53:13 - 00:25:12:15

Speaker 2

People will do workouts to get that little bit of it up, especially high intensity interval training. You know, if you feel and a lot of people say, Oh, I felt like shit and I did that CrossFit workout, or I did the high intensity interval training workout and I feel great you just adding to that up, up, up. So you do need that downtime as well.

00:25:12:15 - 00:25:25:02

Speaker 2

But still, if you do need to go to the gym on that day just to do something, whether you can't go outside and go for a walk, just jump on a bike, jump on the treadmill, just something super easy. I low impact.

00:25:25:06 - 00:25:30:06

Speaker 1

To just go to the gym and do yoga. Yeah, mobility. So I feel like I've been to the gym.

00:25:30:16 - 00:25:32:14

Speaker 2

Yeah, exactly. Go to the gym and stretch.

00:25:32:16 - 00:25:33:00

Speaker 1


00:25:33:18 - 00:25:39:04

Speaker 2

Nothing wrong with that. So yes, you do need rest days, but rest days. I mean, do nothing.

00:25:39:23 - 00:26:03:07

Speaker 1

Yeah. The next bunch is from Penny. Penny went nuts in my question folks on Instagram and they're all very good Melvin related questions. So the first one is how do you explore and manage to get work done? Because I'm assuming on my story, all I post is us going out. Yeah, I don't post me sitting at my computer for 6 hours straight.

00:26:03:13 - 00:26:15:20

Speaker 2

I, I have wanted to do vlogs for a long time, but it would literally just be us sitting at the computer and going for a walk for a year. But everybody does it. Instagram You just say the highlights.

00:26:15:20 - 00:26:16:04

Speaker 1


00:26:16:11 - 00:26:17:09

Speaker 2

Like so.

00:26:17:22 - 00:26:20:20

Speaker 1

Well, I feel like Penny will love this. Let's just walk Penny through our day.

00:26:21:12 - 00:26:44:21

Speaker 2

Oh, just one one thing before we dive into that. When you work for yourself, it's not based on how many hours you do to how much you get paid. No, it's the quality of the work you do to how much you get paid. So if you're doing the best quality work, you're going to you could make $1,000 an hour where if you're just grinding out, just doing work, you could make $8 an hour.

00:26:45:00 - 00:27:07:08

Speaker 2

But it just depends on the effort you put in. So we do find will, I find, trying to do a good amount of effort in a two or three hour block. I'll put as much effort, as much concentration as I can into that block. And then I need to stop because work after that is just me sitting there and I'm not getting anything done.

00:27:07:19 - 00:27:26:08

Speaker 2

If I'm trying to write a program. Sometimes I'll sit there trying to write a program, and I can't even think of an exercise for legs. I'm like, What is a leg exercise? And I know at that point I just need to stop because what's the point of continuing the clients going to get a program and nothing's happening, so that's when I'll have a break.

00:27:26:21 - 00:27:35:11

Speaker 2

So yeah, we might have more downtime than others, but when we do work, we'll try to make it as product.

00:27:36:03 - 00:27:36:15

Speaker 1


00:27:36:15 - 00:27:38:22

Speaker 2

Productive and impactful as possible.

00:27:39:00 - 00:27:46:16

Speaker 1

And I know that we have more downtime than others because we probably start work earlier. We probably finish work later, and we always work weekends. Yeah, sure.

00:27:46:20 - 00:27:55:21

Speaker 2

So yeah, but that's, that's what I mean. It evens out like it might look, we might have a bit more time like, Yeah. So we went to the markets at what, 12:00.

00:27:55:22 - 00:27:56:05

Speaker 1


00:27:56:15 - 00:28:07:00

Speaker 2

And it took us an hour to go shopping, walk around and be it and all that sort of stuff. But that was our break for the day and we hadn't really had a break, you know, the day before we worked on that.

00:28:07:06 - 00:28:07:13

Speaker 1


00:28:07:13 - 00:28:08:06

Speaker 2

So. Yeah.

00:28:09:01 - 00:28:20:07

Speaker 1

Okay. No car. Does that mean no trips to visit the family? So for those people that don't know, my family lives in Victoria, like, what, 3 hours from Melbourne, maybe.

00:28:20:10 - 00:28:21:18

Speaker 2

East, if you just head east.

00:28:22:07 - 00:28:49:04

Speaker 1

Okay. East people ask me where and I'm like, Oh, okay. So yeah, we're trying to sell. We call my mom's trying to sell it for us because we don't need it, don't want it, but yes, we'll still go visit my family because the train, the Bay Line train goes from Melbourne to Bairnsdale. Bairnsdale is the last stop and we can take the dogs on the train if they're in a bag or a pram.

00:28:49:15 - 00:28:50:17

Speaker 1

Yeah, that's fine.

00:28:51:05 - 00:28:53:08

Speaker 2

Honestly, somebody asked me the other day.

00:28:53:09 - 00:28:54:07

Speaker 1

Well, we might hire a car.

00:28:54:15 - 00:29:09:01

Speaker 2

And I didn't even think about the car until they ask me like being here, not having a car. And then somebody sort of mentioned, how do you get around or something. I was like, Where's your car or something like that? And I was just like, Oh yeah, I haven't even thought about the car.

00:29:09:09 - 00:29:09:21

Speaker 1

It's so.

00:29:09:22 - 00:29:32:22

Speaker 2

Good. You don't, you don't need it. And the place we live in has a hire car. It's a Tesla, it's a brand new Tesla. So we can hire that. So let's say it costs four grand a year to have the car. Insurances, radio, toys, petrol, all that sort of stuff. You know, it's if it's 100 bucks to hire the car each day, then you know, we've got a lot of days there.

00:29:32:22 - 00:29:33:04

Speaker 2

We have.

00:29:33:14 - 00:29:34:05

Speaker 1

So many days.

00:29:34:05 - 00:29:35:02

Speaker 2

So it wouldn't.

00:29:35:02 - 00:29:36:05

Speaker 1

Be there for that many days.

00:29:36:05 - 00:29:48:01

Speaker 2

Yeah, we just got to plan ahead a little bit so we can make sure we can actually get the car and then we've got a car. So it's not. Yeah. If we need it, we have one. Yeah. But haven't needed.

00:29:48:01 - 00:29:54:14

Speaker 1

It. And also we're not driving to see Jack's family again. Sorry Graham. So we will fly.

00:29:54:18 - 00:29:56:03

Speaker 2

Yeah, we'll fly. We want to drive.

00:29:56:16 - 00:30:05:00

Speaker 1

And that's just too far. Okay. What are we up to? How's the Melbourne Adjustment going? Work. Study. Jack's new job.

00:30:06:06 - 00:30:27:03

Speaker 2

Has the Melbourne Adjustment gone better than I thought it would? Um, I did one thing I've noticed. Melbourne is a lot more chilled, and I thought it would be. There's a lot more community here. Um, it's easy to make friends. Everybody's friendly. Um, so the adjustment went a lot easier and smoother than I thought it would.

00:30:28:04 - 00:30:32:03

Speaker 1

Is your new job has what's it like working with people in person again?

00:30:32:04 - 00:30:54:14

Speaker 2

Yeah, it's good. Obviously, if you listen to the podcast, I've had a lot more stories to tell, a lot more client experiences. It's like, you know, I did that so I could, I've got a job jobs so I could, you know, work. If I were trying to see how they work, see how they communicate to their clients ways of training.

00:30:54:14 - 00:31:18:21

Speaker 2

You know, we all get set in our ways of training. So it's been good to see the way others do it and the exercises they do. It's not like I didn't know about exercise. It's like, Oh yeah, that exercise does that. And so it's just good in that sense. I've got two completely different jobs. So one is in a council run gym, it's more of a just a stand around gym floor stuff.

00:31:18:21 - 00:31:43:14

Speaker 2

You still can communicate with clients, do body scans, all that sort of stuff. And the other is in a community excuse me, community based gym. It's very similar to the OG problem days and really has those good feels of everybody just there working out. Everybody chats. I was in for a session last night. I just joined in the class one at last night and one of the clients is like, Why are you here?

00:31:43:15 - 00:32:03:00

Speaker 2

You don't even need to be in the work out. So what do you think? It's better like a love. That environment's a good environment to train and he's like, Oh wow, cool. So it's just like, you know, I have I get that connection with the clients because I can jump in and do classes like that. They actually do good work outs, good programing, all that sort of stuff.

00:32:03:00 - 00:32:04:01

Speaker 2

So yeah.

00:32:04:07 - 00:32:05:10

Speaker 1

Good, good adjustment.

00:32:05:11 - 00:32:05:17

Speaker 2


00:32:06:20 - 00:32:17:06

Speaker 1

I think for work and study, for me the adjustment is a lot different because I work from home, I study from home, so it's not like everything's changed.

00:32:17:14 - 00:32:19:02

Speaker 2

You've just got some sweet places.

00:32:19:02 - 00:32:47:14

Speaker 1

I just got some place. Would be nice for you to study. I think I'd probably start studying earlier because I want to come upstairs and watch the sunrise or whatever. Whereas when we were living in Mollymook, it was just so easy to I don't know, it was so dark in that place in the morning and we would just watch YouTube for like an hour or something and I would just fluff around, I don't know.

00:32:47:14 - 00:33:02:17

Speaker 1

I just feel the energy feels a lot more motivating or something here. Like I feel like it's okay to be disciplined, whereas, you know, it's like if you're working on the weekends or early mornings, it's like, What are you doing?

00:33:02:18 - 00:33:03:16

Speaker 2

Yeah, what are you doing that.

00:33:03:19 - 00:33:12:06

Speaker 1

You're on holidays here? This is a holiday destination. Why are you working so much? Whereas here it's. It's normal. Yeah. Yeah. And I like.

00:33:12:06 - 00:33:19:23

Speaker 2

It. Yeah, That's one of the reasons why we did move. So we could be in a culture where it's more acceptable to work and get shit done. Yeah.

00:33:20:23 - 00:33:43:23

Speaker 1

Okay. Do you ever train at Jack's work gym for a change of scenery? Yes, I haven't because I've been sick and busy, but I will and did start going in on Saturday mornings because they do a workout called Send it Saturday. And the first one, when I booked in, I was like to Jack, it's called Send, It's Saturday, it's going to be cardio.

00:33:45:04 - 00:34:07:06

Speaker 1

And he's like, It won't be just come. And it was and it always is. Yeah, but it's good because if I don't do cardio in a class setting like that because it's usually cardio in like teams and stuff like that to be taking interns and whatever. Like you go, I go. And if I do cardio by myself, it's honestly, yeah, it's not.

00:34:07:08 - 00:34:31:06

Speaker 1

Is it even cardio? Yeah. So it is great being like having that just availability just to go once a week even and be a part of the environment. And everyone is so friendly, so friendly. It's great. So one more question before we move on to the three somethings that we haven't thought of a title for, and that is as far as options and accessibility go.

00:34:31:06 - 00:34:37:16

Speaker 1

Has your food slash diet changed? MM No.

00:34:37:16 - 00:34:38:14

Speaker 2

I'd say it's gotten better.

00:34:38:17 - 00:35:08:19

Speaker 1

Yeah, I think we have more availability to foods than we did in our DELLA because of the South Melbourne market. So it's just like endless availability to food, fresh produce, seafood meat, cheaper, cheaper, even just herbs and spice was like the availability that we have like Turkish bread wise, rice wise granola, everything you can think of as just like ten x, more variety than what we had in a country town.

00:35:09:04 - 00:35:31:09

Speaker 2

Yeah, and I guess because there is more variety here, it is cheaper. So like, I just it still blows my mind. Like, we'll go, we've got the big shopping bag, we'll get a big shopping bag of fruit and veggies and it's half quarter the price of what it was in our dollar lot. So it was the you know, I love the farm shop and all the great people, great shop.

00:35:31:18 - 00:35:33:07

Speaker 2

But I think it was just because.

00:35:33:08 - 00:35:35:01

Speaker 1

They didn't have the availability. Yeah.

00:35:35:08 - 00:35:39:05

Speaker 2

Like literally they grew, they start grew the stuff to actually be able to sell it.

00:35:39:05 - 00:35:39:12

Speaker 1


00:35:39:19 - 00:35:59:18

Speaker 2

Where here they must it's just obviously a lot more abundance. The meat here comes from Goulburn in New South Wales. Like at the Butcher we go to the South Melbourne markets and it's cheap even I was at the butcher yesterday getting a bit of meat and there's a global army going, Oh my God, look how cheap that ramp is.

00:35:59:18 - 00:36:16:23

Speaker 2

That's so cheap and it looks so good. And I was like, Yeah, it is. So, yeah. Ah, and fish, like we've had better access to fish. Like I've said in the past, it was a fishing town, but yet we still have better access to seafood here. Yeah.

00:36:16:23 - 00:36:46:00

Speaker 1

Yeah. When we were contemplating leaving I was like, we are very fussy, especially me with food quality. And I was very worried about what we would have access to because going to Woolies, I was like, Yeah, like the produce there. I was like, And then I was like, Oh my goodness, we're only going to have access to Woolworths produce in Melbourne and it's going to suck and it's going to be bland and boring.

00:36:46:00 - 00:36:51:09

Speaker 1

But yeah, the market has just saved us a level.

00:36:53:06 - 00:36:58:01

Speaker 2

And that was honestly, I think that was just a bit of luck that we moved so close to their own. Yeah.

00:36:58:22 - 00:37:03:20

Speaker 1

Well what did we say on the podcast? We were supposed to be right next to the big market, Queen.

00:37:03:20 - 00:37:04:03

Speaker 2

Vic, the.

00:37:04:03 - 00:37:12:06

Speaker 1

Queen Victoria market. And obviously we didn't get that apartment and we ended up in Southbank. But I think that it was a blessing in disguise because.

00:37:12:09 - 00:37:12:20

Speaker 2

So much.

00:37:12:20 - 00:37:34:03

Speaker 1

Better. It's so nice over here. It's probably a little quieter than what it would have been next to the Vic market. The South Melbourne market is not as big, but probably better for us because it's not as big. Yeah, everything's in walking distance. The people here are dog people. It's so nice. Okay, let's let's wrap it up with the three things last segment.

00:37:34:03 - 00:37:43:21

Speaker 2

Still, I've got a name for it. Still waiting for suggestions of yours. So three things. One thing to watch. Listen to and consume. Try, try.

00:37:44:03 - 00:37:46:13

Speaker 1

Okay. What do you what should everyone watch.

00:37:46:13 - 00:38:00:22

Speaker 2

A little bit out there? Not nothing to do with health and fitness, but bullet train is it on Netflix? I think it might have been on Stan. We watched it. Anyone binge? Great movie. It's just.

00:38:01:02 - 00:38:09:17

Speaker 1

It didn't get rated as high by rotten tomatoes or in the day or whatever it's called as I thought No because it was we enjoyed it so much.

00:38:09:19 - 00:38:31:17

Speaker 2

And I think we should actually watch it again this weekend. You would think a heist movie on a train would be terrible because it's on a train and what can happen. But they just do such a good job. It just a couple twists and turns. It just keeps you engaged. And, you know, Brad Pitt's in it and generally Brad Pitt only plays one character.

00:38:32:12 - 00:38:39:12

Speaker 2

Um, and I feel like he's getting a little bit better at playing other characters in this. This one did. I think it was great in the movie.

00:38:39:12 - 00:38:48:18

Speaker 1

It was like the opposite to the character he normally plays. Like, Yeah, I was expecting him to be like, you know, the macho Brad Pitt. Yeah.

00:38:49:00 - 00:38:49:09

Speaker 2


00:38:50:04 - 00:38:51:02

Speaker 1

And he wasn't at all.

00:38:51:03 - 00:39:00:03

Speaker 2

No. Is Yeah go watch that you it was a great movie. Very entertaining. Um, you can do it on your day, but it's great.

00:39:01:08 - 00:39:19:00

Speaker 1

Okay. Something to listen to. I have got the this, this recommendation actually came to me from Penny weeks ago, and she kept saying, Have you listen to the podcast yet? Have you listen to the podcast yet? And I just hadn't when I was at uni because lectures go for 2 hours and I have like 3 to 4 of them.

00:39:19:00 - 00:39:35:15

Speaker 1

So that's like a lot of listening. And now that I'm on holidays, I've got in and I've listened to it and it was fantastic. And it is the lives better, feel better, live more. Hormones and menopause. Why Women need a Different Approach to Men. Podcast a link to the show.

00:39:35:22 - 00:39:37:01

Speaker 2

I link it in the show notes.

00:39:37:04 - 00:40:05:17

Speaker 1

I was going to talk about it on the podcast, but we just haven't had time for so many things to talk about. And it just it just dives into like nutrition training, fasting around the menstrual cycle and menopause and how the fasting approach and then the training approach that men take, I think I spoke about in the past, but it isn't should not and is not the same as what women should do.

00:40:05:17 - 00:40:22:22

Speaker 1

So yes, super like I think it's only an hour long maybe, but it's super clear super to the point very useful podcast. Everyone should listen to it. Man or woman. Yeah, okay. You should definitely listen to it because I think it would help with clients as well. Okay. And then something to try.

00:40:23:10 - 00:40:35:17

Speaker 2

Oh yeah, this one's simple. Easy. It's yogurt, so we brands must get so pissed off with Woolies. So everybody knows what's the.

00:40:35:19 - 00:40:36:11

Speaker 1


00:40:36:21 - 00:41:00:13

Speaker 2

Chobani now? Yo, yo, yo Pro is the protein yogurt out there. They stock it in Woolies and then I reckon after a couple of months will you guys Woolies goes oh that sell on really good. So let's make our own copy. And I did. It's cheaper so it's got 18 grams of protein per serve in this Woolies high protein yogurt which is great.

00:41:00:13 - 00:41:21:19

Speaker 2

So 18 grams of protein add a little bit of something else in it and it might bump it up to 25 grams. It's just a good way to get some protein in the morning. We've spoken about how protein in the morning is very important and you should focus on protein in the morning in your breakfast, but just super high fat meat and not everybody wants to have meat.

00:41:21:19 - 00:41:24:13

Speaker 1

And the time like meat always requires cooking or heating.

00:41:24:13 - 00:41:45:08

Speaker 2

Yeah, some sort like, you know, maybe an omelet with some leftover meat from last night or some of that is best. But again, you know, time cooking, all that sort of stuff. So I just thought this is a good deal hack to add in. You know, if you've got a healthy muesli or something like that, you can add into it even better.

00:41:46:00 - 00:41:47:01

Speaker 2

And fruits.

00:41:47:12 - 00:42:07:23

Speaker 1

Yeah. And the ingredients list on the Woolies one is just as good as any other branded one and it's literally half the price. Yeah, literally half the price. Yeah. I just, I don't know. I have a stigma. You probably do to most people. Probably do around home brands and be like Oh brand, it's going to be West's crap quality, but.

00:42:08:08 - 00:42:25:02

Speaker 2

It literally probably comes from the same place. Yeah, I heard us. Yeah I, I Woolies does the same as what Amazon does. And so if something performs good on Amazon, Amazon just does their own brand of it and just demolishes that other one. Woolies does the same.

00:42:25:05 - 00:42:25:13

Speaker 1


00:42:26:02 - 00:42:48:22

Speaker 2

It's all the same ingredients. It probably comes from the same place. It's half the price and protein is expensive. So you know, that's why there isn't higher protein cereal and all that sort of stuff. When they say high protein cereal, it's only usually about ten grams of protein. So that but the calorie count is so high, so huge amount of calories for only ten grams of protein.

00:42:49:11 - 00:43:13:20

Speaker 2

And usually high protein cereals are super expensive. Yeah, because protein is generally pretty expensive to make and get to the consumer, all that sort of stuff compared to carbohydrates like weight and grain and all that sort of stuff. So it's just good because it is cheaper. It's got eight grams of protein, you add a little bit in and you've got a high protein breakfast so easy.

00:43:13:20 - 00:43:33:12

Speaker 1

And it's not it's not like sour like Greek yogurt because it doesn't come flavored. It's just natural flavor. Yeah, because I feel like a lot of people get yo pro because there's like such a wide variety of flavors, but it just takes a plane. It doesn't have the sour, tangy taste like Greek yogurt does, which is probably not the next best protein yogurt.

00:43:33:12 - 00:43:37:18

Speaker 1

Yeah, but yeah. So you got nothing to worry about? Nothing. If they just.

00:43:38:08 - 00:43:44:16

Speaker 2

Get some protein in the morning and you'll be healthier, feel better, stay full for longer. Yeah.

00:43:45:07 - 00:43:46:02

Speaker 1

All right. Not an ad.

00:43:46:21 - 00:44:12:01

Speaker 2

As always. If you have a question or you've got a recommendation for the name of that little segment, let us know. There will be a link below in the show notes. You can answer a question. Enter it, ask ask a question, submit a question any time you want on the website. So that link will be below. Or as always, just follow us on social media and question boxes or just reach out at any point and we're happy to help.

00:44:12:06 - 00:44:13:08

Speaker 1

What's your social media?

00:44:14:02 - 00:44:16:14

Speaker 2

It is at Jack Dot Graham.

00:44:16:18 - 00:44:20:09

Speaker 1

And mine is at Mac in situ.

00:44:20:19 - 00:44:39:02

Speaker 2

So follow set and continue the conversation there. Thanks again everybody for tuning in. If you've lost this long, obviously you've enjoyed it. There's a lot of different little nuggets in this episode, so you might want to go back and listen to it again or pass it on to a friend or family member. You think we'll get something out of it as well?

00:44:39:10 - 00:44:58:17

Speaker 2

A lot of the time people will ask questions, especially if your health and fitness engaged and you're starting to do different things. You have friends and family saying why you want to do that? Why are you doing that? You can just say, Listen to this podcast. I explain why I'm doing it and they can start joining you in your journey as well.

00:44:58:17 - 00:45:40:07

Speaker 2

So pass podcasts on. It helps everybody and it helps us as well. Thank you for doing that and we'll talk to you in that next episode By.


Episode 142. The Ultimate Guide to Improving Your Sleep


Episode 140. What it Really Takes to Be Happy and Healthy.