#5. Five Proven Tips to Maximise Muscle Recovery

How you can recover better, get better results and faster results?

Recovery! It is something we all should be doing and working on every single day, but unfortunately, it's something that we never really do and work on. So we're going to give you 5 tips and some of these are probably things that you didn't even think come under the recovery umbrella, so make sure you stay tuned to listen or five. Try and implement as much as you can into your recovery process and you'll see a lot better results. And make sure as you're recovering you give these video podcasts. Whatever you're doing, a thumbs up. Make sure you comment and say how well you recovered and then share it with somebody else. So then they can recover and then it can just keep getting passed on and everybody gets recovered and gives it thumbs up. And help us recover people. Yes, but as well as that, make sure you head over to our website where you can get your free kick started guide and start your fitness journey off the right way. It is free, it is got a lot of content to help you on your fitness journey. Even if you have started and you're looking for something extra and you're not sure about things, I'm sure it's in the Kickstarter guide, so make sure you pick that up for free at Insitu calm collective.com.

The way that other websites take you, but go to institutecollective.com and make sure you get your free kick-starter guide there. Sick Kill Recovery number one and I think a lot of you not. Again, and know what we're going to talk about. The first number one is. Sleep it is so we talk about sleep on a bunch like especially since having the whoop bands we have seen how important sleep is to your recovery. Like even an hour makes a huge difference. So we're just going to give you a couple of tips on how to get better quality sleep and sleep for longer I guess. So our first. Sleep tip is a web blue light blocker so ideally when the sun goes down Jack does this, but I don't like to eat my dinner with them on. It stops, it's hard to see things. It's orange, so I like to see the colour of my food. So yeah, blue light blockers obviously, and within I would say 30 minutes of putting them on. You already start to feel sleepy because it is allowing your body to get ready for rest.

Just want that as well. We're trying to increase the amount of sleep, but the quality of the sleep you get, so if you're not getting much sleep, blue light blockers will help that quality of the minimal sleepy get better. So mothers who are waking up and tending to their babies every couple of hours put on your blue light blockers as soon as you wake up, but then when you go back to bed, take em off obviously. But then the sleep you fall into is going to be better, yeah? Because you're not waking up turning on lights, it absorbs the blue light that weighs your body up. And then you're trying to get back to sleep. Blue light blockers stop all that so you can sleep better in between. And it's not just good for your physical recovery, but also your brain so that mentally the next day you are more ready to go. Yeah, that makes sense. The second thing to help you sleep is a sleep mask. I love wearing this like mask Jack doesn't like. I can't sleep without it. I hate any light movement. Anything like that. Yeah, so obviously sorry we've got some dogs wrestling at our feet. If you don't like wearing masks like me, light blocking blinds, all that sort of stuff. Just make sure your room is completely dark and that's getting rid of all the electronics with the little red dots on it. Stained blood dots and that sort of stuff, making sure they're all out of the room and nothing is in the room that will wake you up and turn a light on. Yeah, the third thing too. Health in previous sleep is having a good wind-down routine. So like an hour-ish before you go to bed, start to think about turning the TV off, putting your phone down. There's plenty of things you can do.

That darn evolves electronics like you can clean up. You can prepare food for the next day. You can journal. You can read a book, maybe stretch foam, right? Like there are so many things you can do without a TV and it just allows your mind and body time to get ready for rest.

And it's a lot easier for you to fall asleep if you have done that rather than being on your phone and then rolling over and trying to go to sleep. And you've got all of these external thoughts and images and inputs still in your brain, yeah? Cool so number one against sleep. I know it's not really what people think of recovery when they think of when recovery comes up but sleep is very important to your recovery so work on that first then go to. Eating enough food and good quality food, so obviously, everything that happens in your body is. Brie made-produced fixed by what you put in your mouth, so eating enough food helps with your recovery in the gym helps. The obvious recovery of your brain function helps generate cells, produce hormones, everything you can think of is created by the food that you eat literally and within that the first macro. I suppose we should cover is protein. Yep. Yeah, protein helps with the recovery of your muscles, so when you workout you do damage to your muscles, which isn't a bad thing you'd want to do that damage and your product. The protein helps or your recovery and building those muscles back. So without protein, you can't do that so. You're not going to be recovering, and you're not going to get results yet. Protein. Uhm, paired with protein I suppose would be carbohydrates, especially if you do high-intensity exercise. Your body uses carbs first as the main energy source, so obviously, you need to replace it because that's how your body has the energy to function from carbs. Yes, and then fat. I guess in the smaller amounts compared to protein and carbs, but you do still need it because it does help your body reproduce cells and hormones which you need for hunger and sanity cues and all that kind of jazz. Yeah, so one is just as important as the other, so make sure you're getting a good quality of each.

#3 almost said four, but we're only up to number 33 is a good program. I can't stress that enough. Recovery should be in your program and you shouldn't be that sore that. Dying diet for weeks on end. You can't train properly, so your program should reflect that as well. So whatever your goals are, your program should be set to get those goals, but you should still be able to train as well. So if you're constantly going into the gym and beating yourself up. Wearing yourself down and doing it day in day out your body hasn't got time to recover, so you need that time to recover and you're like I said, your program should reflect that with high intensity, low-intensity weights, cardio, whatever. It looks like, it should reflect that as well. Cool yeah. The 4th one I guess, kind of carries on from a good program, but like managing your life stress. So obviously if you have a bad program, there's too much stress on your body like you're putting stress on your body every single day, which is not what exercise is about, so managing your stress would not does have a huge impact on your recovery, so if you're putting stress on your body, obviously you need to have times where you're not stressed. This is like physically. Mentally so. Like I think a good. The best help of this would be that we found his meditation, I guess. So having time to just turn your brain off and not think about it. The fact that you have to go to the gym steel and you still have to get X done for work and pick the kids up. At this time it just sorts of lets your body fully relax while you're conscious, which does help a lot with your physical recovery and mental recovery. Woodside learning how to manage your time also comes into this because if you are bad at time managing then you are overall stressed. Everything is stressed and that sort of comes down. We with two chats we had with Matt the physio, a lot of people he sees don't manage their life and stress and their load. So although you're working out you're busy at work, busy at life everything is going on and then you end up injured and then that's when you go see him and a lot of his clients are people. In that high-stress high volume, yeah and the injured. Because of that they don't take in like don't just take into consideration your workout. What was his cup analogy? You gotta evenly fill your cup, no? Well, you got your cap and you put your workouts and your life stress and then home stress and then money, stress and everything in there and then your cup overflows and injured and you get injured and then you can't train and that becomes a recovery thing. Not managing recovery and all that sort of stuff. So yeah, think about that when it's coming to recovery as well. Uh-huh so yeah, go on. I was gonna say that the last one is physical recovery. So physically doing something to help your body recover. Yeah, so and then when people think of recovery they go straight there and you sort of got to take in the last four examples that we gave. Before you start thinking, think of recovery. Now obviously foam rolling and all that sort of stuff can come into a little bit of meditation and calming down before you go to bed. So it's a good time to add in that. But don't just go are sweet, I'm sore so I'm just going to foam roll for five minutes and that's enough and straight back to normal life. I feel like foam rolling. Yes, immediately doesn't even have any so foam rolling has affair hype around it as if it's the best thing to recover. And I kind of feel like it's not. There's not a lot of science to show. That is actually.

Recovered, you know it might make you feel better, but it doesn't help you recover, and that's where a lot of people get that mixed up, like massage foam rolling, rolling around on a massage ball. The massage guns these days all that stuff makes you feel good, but it doesn't help you recover. OK, yeah, it's like a band-aid effect, you temporarily put it over your sore muscles, but you're not getting any better at recovering by using it. Yeah, so let's go back to the cup. So if your cup is full and you're just sort of massage ING a little bit, then just scraping a little bit off the top. So it's not overflowing having a sip have a sip out of it, but then go do a hard workout because you feel good 'cause you foam roll and all that sort of stuff, and then your cups going to overflow. Yeah, so they are good tools and they should be used and stretching and all that sort of stuff should complement your program and that you're doing, but it is not recovery in itself. It shouldn't be your priority should be. If it's like we just listed. Yeah, yeah and again lost bars and all that sort of stuff. Go into it. A good tool to have. And to implement into your program. But it is not your recovery. That doesn't help you recover. It's just one little tiny bit of it that you should be focusing on, yeah? Makes sense cool. Final thoughts on recovery.

Get more sleep. I don't know, that's just how I find I recover the best. So summary, I suppose sleep is your main priority to recover better. Eating. Enough food and good quality food and having a good program that incorporates recovery into the program. Managing your stress. Slash your life. Slash your cup and then physical recovery like foam rolling and stuff. Yeah cool, I agree. I hope that sort of changed your mind a bit on how you should view recovery again. If you disagree, agree if you have different recovery tips that we missed, please comment below. Let us know what you do that helps you recover. These are just our best five in order. So yeah, as always, give a thumbs up sheriff somebody else that will get something out of it and we will see you in the next episode.




#6. Mack_s interview with Monica Yates on the Feminine as F#ck podcast.


#4. How To Love Yourself, with Alex Bennett