Creatine 101

Creatine is one of the most popular and best-researched sports supplements on the market. But as there are common misconceptions surrounding this supplement, let’s take a look.

What is Creatine?

Creatine is a naturally occurring compound made of the amino acids glycine, arginine, and methionine. Roughly 1g of creatine per day is produced by the body and creatine can be obtained from dietary sources or supplements. 

Roughly 95% of the creatine in our body is found in skeletal muscle, with smaller amounts being present in the brain, and for men, in the testes (1).

What Does Creatine Do?

There are three main energy systems in the body: the aerobic system, the anaerobic system and the ATP-phosphagen system. All of these systems use a molecule called ATP (adenosine triphosphate) to carry and release energy.  

During intense bursts of activity that last only a few seconds, such as sprinting, a jump or maximal lifts, the ATP-phosphagen system is used. Our body generates energy (in the form of ATP) from a molecule called phosphocreatine (PCr). ATP is broken down to ADP and energy is released. PCr is capable of reforming ATP very quickly, but only a very small amount is stored in the muscles and so the energy supply is limited. This is replenished through rest periods and also through external sources such as food and creatine supplementation. Hence, creatine helps with high-intensity performance and recovery.

The Benefits of Creatine

Creatine monohydrate (CM) is the most researched form of creatine. The International Society of Sports Nutrition states that “creatine monohydrate is the most effective ergogenic (performance improving) nutritional supplement currently available to athletes with the intent of increasing high-intensity exercise capacity and lean body mass during training” (1).

  • Increases exercise performance
    CM supplementation has been found to boost performance by roughly 10-20% in a variety of age groups, particularly for short-burst high-intensity (anaerobic) exercise like sprinting and weight lifting (1).

  • Increases muscle mass and strength 
    Creatine also promotes muscle gain by drawing water into the muscle, increasing levels of the hormone IGF-1 and improving performance ability and recovery.

  • Other benefits of using creatine supplements for sports include:

    • Reduced injuries

    • Improved recovery

    • Enhanced glycogen synthesis

    • Improved heat tolerance

    • Protection of the brain and spinal cord during contact sports

  • Mood and cognitive benefits 
    Creatine also supplies energy to the brain and has been found to improve cognitive function and memory and reduce mental fatigue. 

Are There Any Side Effects of Taking Creatine?

This is considered to be a safe and generally well-tolerated supplement. No harmful effects have been seen from taking up to 30g per day for 5 years (1). 

There have been some reports of digestive issues, muscle cramping, dehydration, or injuries linked with creatine supplements, but these are not backed by the current evidence base (1). 

For those who do experience side effects like bloating, it may help to take this after a meal rather than on an empty stomach and in smaller doses throughout the day. 

Weight gain is a common side effect, but this is due to increased muscle and water retention rather than an increase in fat.

One of the most common myths about creatine is that it is damaging to the kidneys. This is because creatine is filtered through the kidneys and increases levels of creatinine in the body, which is a marker of poor kidney function. However,  although creatinine levels may rise, kidney damage has not been found as a result of creatine supplementation in either healthy adults and those with kidney disease.  

How to Take Creatine?

It is naturally present in red meat and seafood, and those who eat animal-based products consume roughly 1g of creatine per day. For example, 450g of raw salmon or beef provides roughly 1–2 g of creatine, so a typical portion of fish or red meat would provide around 0.25 – 0.5g of creatine. 

A higher dose of creatine can be taken as a supplement in powder, capsule or tablet form, or within other supplements. The most common form is creatine monohydrate powder that can be dissolved in water. 

Taking smaller creatine doses along with carbohydrate, or carbohydrate and protein, after exercise has been seen to increase creatine absorption and storage.  

For promoting general health, particularly as we age, it may be beneficial to consume 3g of creatine per day.  

Take-Home Message

Creatine is a naturally-occurring substance in our body that can also be consumed in our diet or taken as a supplement. This plays an important role in energy regulation and studies have found that taking creatine supplements can help with increasing muscle mass and supporting sports performance, cognition and healthy ageing. 

For the creatine supplement we use click here.


Kreider et al. (2017) “International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: safety and efficacy of creatine supplementation in exercise, sport, and medicine”. J Int Soc Sports Nutr; 14: 18. [accessed September 2021 via:]


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