Quit Afternoon Snacking.

“The afternoon in my weak spot”

I’ve seen it all before. You skipped breakfast, had four coffees and ate a “healthy” lunch (probably salad) then 4 pm rolls around and all hell breaks loose in the snack department. 

Sound familiar? Let me help!

Firstly, don’t overlook breakfast.
“It’s the most important meal of the day” is a bit dramatic, but yes it is important. Having a well-balanced breakfast will keep you feeling fuller for longer, help your big brain function more efficiently and stop you from feeling like you need that second or third coffee. 

I have a post in my guide section (on Instagram) under the ‘Recipes’ guide with ‘My top 3 go-to Breakfast Ideas. Also, be sure to check out the ‘Food Food Food’ guide for my ‘Never Skip Breakfast’ post. 

Secondly, your lunch probably sucks.
It’s either too small, has crazy out of balance portions, or both. Lunch should fill you up. You need a good balance of protein (lean meat, fish, lentils, beans, eggs), carbohydrates (wholegrain wrap, lentil pasta, rice, potato), fat (avocado, nuts, yoghurt) and vegetables. Don’t be afraid to mix up how you have your veggies- raw, roast, sauteed, stir-fried, just get them in! Don’t skimp on lunch. And don’t forget to eat it MINDFULLY and SLOWLY.

Lastly, you’re trying to survive off a salad for 6-7 hours. 
For most of us, the gap between lunch and dinner is far too big to not include an afternoon snack. That doesn’t mean you have to overdo it! If you have a protein and fibre based afternoon snack PLANNED you won’t end up with a cheeseburger and frappe on your way home. 

Stop avoiding your hunger and embrace it. There is NOTHING wrong with afternoon tea. It’s actually the bomb digity when done right.

Don’t let that 4 pm snack monster get the best of you!

If you want to stop binging, you have to stop restricting. 

First off, we should all stop referring to overeating as “binging” it is entirely normal to overeat a meal that you find utterly delicious. 

Secondly, have you considered that your restriction (or perfectionism, refer to my previous post) is what is causing you to binge?

You cut out all of your most loved and enjoyed foods, then when you decide to have just a little taste, that one TimTam turns into six TimTams, a bag of salt and vinegar chips, garlic bread, a meat lovers pizza and half a tub of ice cream. 

You are left feeling bloated, guilty and in need of some serious restriction come Monday. 

What if I told you that less diet restriction would lead to less overeating. 

I’m not saying the foods I listed above should be your daily menu or even eaten consecutively. However, if you allow yourself to eat the foods on your “bad” list when you feel like them, you will take away a lot of the anticipation and excitement toward those foods. 

Ultimately, giving you all of the control!

*Be sure to check out my “Hot cross bun post” on food shaming on Instagram.

My tips for being a better eater:

  • ACTUALLY, look at the food on your plate, and register what you are about to put in your mouth. 

  • Think about what is currently in your mouth while chewing, rather than thinking about your next bite.

  • Put down your knife and fork while chewing.

  • Take water breaks. You aren’t in a race.

  • Avoid eating while being preoccupied. Turn off the TV, put down your phone.


Exercising While Sick or Hungover